Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

Kuwait is an ally. The war was started by April Glaspie.
[Oh, I agree entirely. It was in our interests to intervene when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Oil is the sole reason we did involve ourselves there.

Is Kuwait US soil?

So what "interests " are you referring to?



Did Iraq threaten to stop selling us oil?

Can we force someone to sell us oil?

If we need oil that bad why do we demand deep sea drilling?

Why do we let the enviro-nazis to control domestic oil production?

What business was it of ours to be in Bosnia and Kosovo?

Is that supposed to be an answer?

Yes, given that Clinton led the bombing campaigns.

What business did we have declaring War on Japan?

Afterall, the Bombing of Pearl Harbor was mostly symbolic and we lost fewer people at Pearl Harbor than we did on 9/11. True fact.

But we go and get all stupid and drop Nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and go all Medieval on Germany's ass and fire bomb their Cities.

For what? Germany never did anything to us.

And Pearl Harbor wasn't even a State at the time. New York, the location of the WTC, is.

How do libturds get so stupid? Seriously. Are they born that way? Is it the Public School System? Too much TV? Do they play with themselves too much? Something in the food? Indoctrination?

I don't get it. I really don't. I am very capable of seeing both sides of an argument. Very.

But libturds..... They're just stupid.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

There are differences, such as but not limited to, AAASSSad is an allie of Iran and Hezbollah and Sadam was an enemy. However, what a mental midget like you doesn't comprehend is that most conservatives and tea partiers view the Iraq War as a GIGANTIC blunder. They view the removal of Sadam as a negative thing.

Therefore the opposition of intervention in Syria is called learning from your mistakes! We should not intervene when the Muslims are killing each other (or Muslim jingoist are getting slaughter by a non-muslim entity)! Not in Somolia, not in the ficitious state of Kosovo, not Libya, not in Iraq and certainly not in Syria. When we intervene for one side or the other, it ALWAYS backfires. Let them kill each other and let Allah sort it out!

No more wars for Muslims PERIOD!!!
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Got it, another one with their head up obamas ass....

Did you know that a senior White house Aide has admitted that they do not have the proof that Assad even used the gas? But we are suppose to act on Common sense....

And now we will not only arm our enemies but fight on their side... And as long as it's Obama there is nothing wrong with that....

You need to come up for air........

Does that mean you had your head up Bush's ass?

What's the difference?

If you want to go back and learn the truth, We had cause to go after Saddam, I was all for taking him out while we were there in 91, I was only a few hundred miles from Baghdad myself... But when Bush allowed Rumsfeld to screw it up and turn it into an occupation, I was totally against it...

The difference? Once again, any damage we do to Assad only helps AQ...

Not in 2003, we didn't.
This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

How did any of that make war necessary? There were no WMD's, even GW Bush admitted that.

Read the Duelfer report.
Why should that be accepted as an authority?
[Oh, I agree entirely. It was in our interests to intervene when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Oil is the sole reason we did involve ourselves there.

Is Kuwait US soil?

So what "interests " are you referring to?



Oil is the life blood of our civilization. Without it, we die. Without it, you die.

Oil is the most precious commodity on Earth. More important that money, more important than land, more important than food, more important than water, more important than anything else on this Earth.

I'd say that's an "interest" wouldn't you? Or are you too stupid to think that far ahead?

Name me something in your life that doesn't depend on oil.

Go for it. Tell me how we survive without oil. Tell me what becomes of us without oil.

How do we survive without oil?

We don't
Native Americans are laughing their asses off at you right now.

So are every third world country.
If you want the truth, read the fucking report. if you wish to remain ignorant of the facts, then don't read it..

But quit showing us your stupidity......
[Oh, I agree entirely. It was in our interests to intervene when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Oil is the sole reason we did involve ourselves there.

Is Kuwait US soil?

So what "interests " are you referring to?


Oil is our economic lifeblood. The free flow of oil from the Mideast is in our national interest. If Kuwait didn't have any oil, do you think we would have gotten involved beyond a stern denunciation in the UN?
Is Kuwait US soil?

So what "interests " are you referring to?



Oil is the life blood of our civilization. Without it, we die. Without it, you die.

Oil is the most precious commodity on Earth. More important that money, more important than land, more important than food, more important than water, more important than anything else on this Earth.

I'd say that's an "interest" wouldn't you? Or are you too stupid to think that far ahead?

Name me something in your life that doesn't depend on oil.

Go for it. Tell me how we survive without oil. Tell me what becomes of us without oil.

How do we survive without oil?

We don't
Native Americans are laughing their asses off at you right now.

So are every third world country.

The US is not a third world country and we are not about to go back to living in teepees and mud huts.

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