Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?


Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.
No, it was about ridding that country of a murderous dictator who violated the UN sanctions on him over 17 times. The Iraqi's are now liberated and have free elections now. We did the right thing. So far, there is no proof that Assad has gassed his own people.

And you think Assad is not a murderous dictator???? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

The difference is simple. We will fire less missiles at Syria than we fired in the first 60 seconds of the eight year long, $3 trillion Iraq war. We will not invade Syria with hundreds of thousands of US troops like we did Iraq.

Now was that so hard?

To what purpose?

To destroy chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, to destroy chemical weapons delivery systems and their manufacturing sites, and to deal a blow to Syria's military command and control structure.

And to send an unmistakable signal to anyone else who ever considers using chemical weapons.

I find this willful obtuseness on the part of the goldfish over this matter to be the epitome of hypocrisy at the peak of a mountain of daily hypocrisies coming from the faux Right since Obama assumed office.
The difference is simple. We will fire less missiles at Syria than we fired in the first 60 seconds of the eight year long, $3 trillion Iraq war. We will not invade Syria with hundreds of thousands of US troops like we did Iraq.

Now was that so hard?

To what purpose?

To destroy chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, to destroy chemical weapons delivery systems and their manufacturing sites, and to deal a blow to Syria's military command and control structure.

And to send an unmistakable signal to anyone else who ever considers using chemical weapons.

I find this willful obtuseness on the part of the goldfish over this matter to be the epitome of hypocrisy at the peak of a mountain of daily hypocrisies coming from the faux Right since Obama assumed office.

And the fact that any hurt we put on Assad is a plus for AQ doesn't bother you at all?
To what purpose?

To destroy chemical weapons manufacturing facilities, to destroy chemical weapons delivery systems and their manufacturing sites, and to deal a blow to Syria's military command and control structure.

And to send an unmistakable signal to anyone else who ever considers using chemical weapons.

I find this willful obtuseness on the part of the goldfish over this matter to be the epitome of hypocrisy at the peak of a mountain of daily hypocrisies coming from the faux Right since Obama assumed office.

And the fact that any hurt we put on Assad is a plus for AQ doesn't bother you at all?
It didn't bother Bush, and he helped AQ much, much, much, much, much more by invading Iraq.

You fools have no sense of proportion at all. You are Russia's new useful idiots.
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Got it, another one with their head up obamas ass....

Did you know that a senior White house Aide has admitted that they do not have the proof that Assad even used the gas? But we are suppose to act on Common sense....

And now we will not only arm our enemies but fight on their side... And as long as it's Obama there is nothing wrong with that....

You need to come up for air........
The rhetoric coming from the bogus Right these days is astonishingly identical to the cowardly whining that used to come from the Left.

Afraid, wanting to appease or avoid conflict with the bad guys. Useful idiots for Russia.

The rhetoric coming from the bogus Right these days is astonishingly identical to the cowardly whining that used to come from the Left.

Afraid, wanting to appease or avoid conflict with the bad guys. Useful idiots for Russia.


Indeed. Likewise, the rhetoric coming from the bogus Left these days is astonishingly identical to the neo-con rubbish that used to come from the Right.
Again, your point?

My point is that none of the pro-Iraq war people around here concede that Iraq war was unnecessary,

but those same people are at the forefront now insisting that an attack on Syria is unnecessary.

What made one necessary, and the other not?

This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

False. Everyone did not know, and the majority of Democrats in the House voted against it.

And if "Everyone knew" then everyone was wrong.

Saddam made Bush look like a fool.
Got it, another one with their head up obamas ass....

Did you know that a senior White house Aide has admitted that they do not have the proof that Assad even used the gas? But we are suppose to act on Common sense....

And now we will not only arm our enemies but fight on their side... And as long as it's Obama there is nothing wrong with that....

You need to come up for air........

Does that mean you had your head up Bush's ass?

What's the difference?
Again, your point?

My point is that none of the pro-Iraq war people around here concede that Iraq war was unnecessary,

but those same people are at the forefront now insisting that an attack on Syria is unnecessary.

What made one necessary, and the other not?

This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

How did any of that make war necessary? There were no WMD's, even GW Bush admitted that.
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My point is that none of the pro-Iraq war people around here concede that Iraq war was unnecessary,

but those same people are at the forefront now insisting that an attack on Syria is unnecessary.

What made one necessary, and the other not?

This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

False. Everyone did not know, and the majority of Democrats in the House voted against it.

And if "Everyone knew" then everyone was wrong.

Saddam made Bush look like a fool.

Never read the Duelfer report did you?
Got it, another one with their head up obamas ass....

Did you know that a senior White house Aide has admitted that they do not have the proof that Assad even used the gas? But we are suppose to act on Common sense....

And now we will not only arm our enemies but fight on their side... And as long as it's Obama there is nothing wrong with that....

You need to come up for air........

Does that mean you had your head up Bush's ass?

What's the difference?

If you want to go back and learn the truth, We had cause to go after Saddam, I was all for taking him out while we were there in 91, I was only a few hundred miles from Baghdad myself... But when Bush allowed Rumsfeld to screw it up and turn it into an occupation, I was totally against it...

The difference? Once again, any damage we do to Assad only helps AQ...
This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

False. Everyone did not know, and the majority of Democrats in the House voted against it.

And if "Everyone knew" then everyone was wrong.

Saddam made Bush look like a fool.

Never read the Duelfer report did you?

Here's his chance:

My point is that none of the pro-Iraq war people around here concede that Iraq war was unnecessary,

but those same people are at the forefront now insisting that an attack on Syria is unnecessary.

What made one necessary, and the other not?

This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

How did any of that make war necessary? There were no WMD's, even GW Bush admitted that.

Read the Duelfer report.
Got it, another one with their head up obamas ass....

Did you know that a senior White house Aide has admitted that they do not have the proof that Assad even used the gas? But we are suppose to act on Common sense....

And now we will not only arm our enemies but fight on their side... And as long as it's Obama there is nothing wrong with that....

You need to come up for air........

Does that mean you had your head up Bush's ass?

What's the difference?

If you want to go back and learn the truth, We had cause to go after Saddam, I was all for taking him out while we were there in 91, I was only a few hundred miles from Baghdad myself... But when Bush allowed Rumsfeld to screw it up and turn it into an occupation, I was totally against it...

The difference? Once again, any damage we do to Assad only helps AQ...

President of The United States of America, George Herbert Walker Bush, promised his Arab Allies that we wouldn't take Saddam down.

He made them that promise.

And he kept his word. Something that dimocraps never, ever, under any circumstances ever even consider.

It wasn't Rummy's fault.

Had Saddam acted right, had he controlled his idiot sons, Uday and Qusay, had he not acted like the murdering psychopath he is, had he not pretended to have Nukes he didn't have....

He'd probably still be alive and running Iraq.

But he didn't. He violated the terms of the Cease Fire on hundreds of occasions, he fired on US Aircraft, he murdered his own people by the bushel, he rewarded Suicide Bombers' families, he helped fund al Qaeda and generally thumbed his nose at the United States.

It's like when you're in a fight and winning and you let the guy go with the promise of ''It's over, no more" because you don't really want to hurt him that bad and he says as soon as he gets up that he's gonna get you, then I say, "not until you get out of the hospital motherfucker" and proceed to put him there.

I got side tracked :)

But it was fun. Hating libturds really should be a National Pastime.

Can't wait 'til we put a bounty on them. Wonder what the bag limit will be? :lmao:
This is so simple I really gave you more credit...... Everyone knew that Saddam had WMD
Everyone Knew that Saddam was playing games with the UN directed inspectors.
Everyone knew that Saddam had his Anti aircraft guns locking on our planes.
If you read the Duelfer report you will find that Saddam was playing a game and that all his new factories were built so they could be shifted to WMD production with minimal time and effort.

On the other hand Who do we support in Syria?

Simple question....

How did any of that make war necessary? There were no WMD's, even GW Bush admitted that.

Read the Duelfer report.

There was a two hour special on TV with FBI Agent Piro debriefing Saddam Hussein after his capture.

There's a synopsis here:

Saddam admitted he miscalculated, FBI agent says | Reuters

Jan 24 (Reuters) - Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein kept up the illusion that he had weapons of mass destruction before 2003 because he did not think the United States would invade, an FBI agent who questioned him said.

In an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" to be broadcast on Sunday, FBI agent George Piro describes conversations with Saddam in the months after his capture in December 2003.

Piro said Saddam, who was hanged from crimes against humanity in December 2006, wanted to maintain the image of a strong Iraq to deter Iran, its historic enemy, from hostile action.


I'll look for the youtube vid of it.

Here's a small bit:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDKTqD9_jhM&feature=player_detailpage]Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions: No WMDS! - YouTube[/ame]

It's interesting for those of you with an IQ (which excludes libturds completely)
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

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