Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

What business was it of ours to be in Bosnia and Kosovo?
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

There is no difference beyond oil and a personal vendetta. We shouldn't have gotten involved in Iraq, and now it appears we will involve ourselves in Syria when we should stay the hell out.
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

What business was it of ours to be in Bosnia and Kosovo?
1. oil
2. none
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

Know what....?

For the sake of argument, let's say there's no difference in any of them. Just for shits and giggles -- No difference. There are IMMENSE differences, but just for the sake of argument.........

For the last ten years all you scumbag motherfuckers have done is criticize George W Bush for invading Iraq.

Called him names like bushitler, campaigned against him based on the Iraq war and generally criticized him at every opportunity for the War.

Now, it's you scumbags who want to criticize us for not wanting to go to war while you DO?

What's up with that?

YOU are the ones changing the rules. YOU are the ones backing your buoy's unthinking call to war. YOU are the ones making up rules as you go along. YOU are the ones criticizing us for taking a 'wait-and-see' approach.

Fuck you. Eat shit. Bitches. Nothing you say means anything. Unreliable, back-stabbing, untrustworthy, corrupt, knob-slurping, lying, childish, gullible, sucker, knee pad-wearing fuck boys. All of you.

The world is beginning to see you for what you are. I've always known you were the scum of the Earth.

Now we can only hope that the rest of the world sees you as you really are.
What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

What business was it of ours to be in Bosnia and Kosovo?
1. oil
2. none

Oil is the most important commodity in the World. Without it, our civilization collapses.

Take a look around you.... Wherever you are.... School, your mama's basement, the local Bar... Wherever.

Pick up something, look at something -- Anything, and tell me how there is no oil involved in its creation, manufacture, growing, harvesting, refining, brewing, distilling, combining, shipping, marketing, retailing, consumption, disposal, recycling......


Everything. Without it, our Country dies. YOU die. I die. Everybody dies.

I'd say that Oil is kinda important based on that, wouldn't you?

I'd say that maintaining an uninterrupted flow of Oil to the Market is a kinda importan ingredient to our National Security, no?

Seeing as how our entire Civilization collapses and dies without it, I would.

What about you?

fucking unthinking morons in this world. How do you even manage to not shit yourselves?
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

Know what....?

For the sake of argument, let's say there's no difference in any of them. Just for shits and giggles -- No difference. There are IMMENSE differences, but just for the sake of argument.........

For the last ten years all you scumbag motherfuckers have done is criticize George W Bush for invading Iraq.

Called him names like bushitler, campaigned against him based on the Iraq war and generally criticized him at every opportunity for the War.

Now, it's you scumbags who want to criticize us for not wanting to go to war while you DO?

What's up with that?

YOU are the ones changing the rules. YOU are the ones backing your buoy's unthinking call to war. YOU are the ones making up rules as you go along. YOU are the ones criticizing us for taking a 'wait-and-see' approach.

Fuck you. Eat shit. Bitches. Nothing you say means anything. Unreliable, back-stabbing, untrustworthy, corrupt, knob-slurping, lying, childish, gullible, sucker, knee pad-wearing fuck boys. All of you.

The world is beginning to see you for what you are. I've always known you were the scum of the Earth.

Now we can only hope that the rest of the world sees you as you really are.

Since I don't support military action in Syria, your meltdown is misdirected.

Let me repeat the question:

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

What business was it of ours to be in Bosnia and Kosovo?

Is that supposed to be an answer?
Another thread trashed by egos and those out to preach their Libtard principals.
What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

Know what....?

For the sake of argument, let's say there's no difference in any of them. Just for shits and giggles -- No difference. There are IMMENSE differences, but just for the sake of argument.........

For the last ten years all you scumbag motherfuckers have done is criticize George W Bush for invading Iraq.

Called him names like bushitler, campaigned against him based on the Iraq war and generally criticized him at every opportunity for the War.

Now, it's you scumbags who want to criticize us for not wanting to go to war while you DO?

What's up with that?

YOU are the ones changing the rules. YOU are the ones backing your buoy's unthinking call to war. YOU are the ones making up rules as you go along. YOU are the ones criticizing us for taking a 'wait-and-see' approach.

Fuck you. Eat shit. Bitches. Nothing you say means anything. Unreliable, back-stabbing, untrustworthy, corrupt, knob-slurping, lying, childish, gullible, sucker, knee pad-wearing fuck boys. All of you.

The world is beginning to see you for what you are. I've always known you were the scum of the Earth.

Now we can only hope that the rest of the world sees you as you really are.

Since I don't support military action in Syria...

If you don't support military action in Syria, why are you criticize Republicans who agree with you?
Know what....?

For the sake of argument, let's say there's no difference in any of them. Just for shits and giggles -- No difference. There are IMMENSE differences, but just for the sake of argument.........

For the last ten years all you scumbag motherfuckers have done is criticize George W Bush for invading Iraq.

Called him names like bushitler, campaigned against him based on the Iraq war and generally criticized him at every opportunity for the War.

Now, it's you scumbags who want to criticize us for not wanting to go to war while you DO?

What's up with that?

YOU are the ones changing the rules. YOU are the ones backing your buoy's unthinking call to war. YOU are the ones making up rules as you go along. YOU are the ones criticizing us for taking a 'wait-and-see' approach.

Fuck you. Eat shit. Bitches. Nothing you say means anything. Unreliable, back-stabbing, untrustworthy, corrupt, knob-slurping, lying, childish, gullible, sucker, knee pad-wearing fuck boys. All of you.

The world is beginning to see you for what you are. I've always known you were the scum of the Earth.

Now we can only hope that the rest of the world sees you as you really are.

Since I don't support military action in Syria...

If you don't support military action in Syria, why are you criticize Republicans who agree with you?

I've been attacked every day by rightwing 'nuts who agree with my view on Syria ever since this affair became a big board topic.

How many of them have you asked that question to?
Since I don't support military action in Syria...

If you don't support military action in Syria, why are you criticize Republicans who agree with you?

I've been attacked every day by rightwing 'nuts who agree with my view on Syria ever since this affair became a big board topic.

How many of them have you asked that question to?

None. My interest in this issue isn't to expose hypocrisy (though that is a worthy goal), but rather to stop another fucking war. I don't really care whether the people who share that goal agree with me on other topics or not.

Progressives and peace-loving Democrats need to encourage any and all opposition to the warfare machine. You can call out the hypocrites afterwards.
What business was it of ours to be in Bosnia and Kosovo?
1. oil
2. none

Oil is the most important commodity in the World. Without it, our civilization collapses.

Take a look around you.... Wherever you are.... School, your mama's basement, the local Bar... Wherever.

Pick up something, look at something -- Anything, and tell me how there is no oil involved in its creation, manufacture, growing, harvesting, refining, brewing, distilling, combining, shipping, marketing, retailing, consumption, disposal, recycling......


Everything. Without it, our Country dies. YOU die. I die. Everybody dies.

I'd say that Oil is kinda important based on that, wouldn't you?

I'd say that maintaining an uninterrupted flow of Oil to the Market is a kinda importan ingredient to our National Security, no?

Seeing as how our entire Civilization collapses and dies without it, I would.

What about you?

fucking unthinking morons in this world. How do you even manage to not shit yourselves?

Oh, I agree entirely. It was in our interests to intervene when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Oil is the sole reason we did involve ourselves there. Anyone saying we were there to liberate the poor defenseless Kuwaitis is delusional.

On the other hand, there was no real reason to involve ourselves in the former Yugoslavia's civil war / breakup.

Only ginned up reasons to attack Iraq the second time around and almost everyone sees it for the monumental fuckup it was.

No reason whatsoever to get involved with Syria. They can sort it out themselves.
A person's agreement with the use of military force in Iraq (different in kind and purpose and underlying facts than what's going on in Syria) is not "hypocritical" on the alleged "ground" that the same person perhaps opposes the use of military force in Syria which lacks the same purpose and comes with different underlying facts than was the case for Iraq.

For all the claims that the two are essentially "equivalent," the folks contending that there is some equivalent are unable to make that case out. It remains a false equivalence. It's a fallacious claim.

But even if they were somehow equivalent, it is also ok to learn from past mistakes.

The simple fact of the matter is this:

we cannot go back and undo history. What happened in Iraq is beyond our ability to address.

But what is happening and/or ABOUT to happen in Syria is not beyond our ability to address.

The President seeks to let loose some weapons of war at Syria. He wants us to commit ACTS of war against the present Syrian regime.

The President is thus damn well obligated to make the case for it.

He has not done so.
We shouldn't be going in...no need, no how. There is no "win" for the US over there.
[Oh, I agree entirely. It was in our interests to intervene when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Oil is the sole reason we did involve ourselves there.

Is Kuwait US soil?

So what "interests " are you referring to?



Oil is the life blood of our civilization. Without it, we die. Without it, you die.

Oil is the most precious commodity on Earth. More important that money, more important than land, more important than food, more important than water, more important than anything else on this Earth.

I'd say that's an "interest" wouldn't you? Or are you too stupid to think that far ahead?

Name me something in your life that doesn't depend on oil.

Go for it. Tell me how we survive without oil. Tell me what becomes of us without oil.

How do we survive without oil?

We don't
How about the lack of any clear American interest? Or about the fact that Syria is in a civil war and Iraq was not? Or the fact that Al Qaeda benefits if we topple Assad? (Which supposedly isnt even our purpose for going there). Or how about evidence? Or how about some clear goals and objectives? Maybe some evidence that things are going to improve by us going in there?

Or how about the fact that Russia and China are building up a military presence to respond to any attack we might make?

I could go on. But I think I've made my point. Quite frankly anyone who thinks Syria and Iraq are completely identical are completely ignoring every rational thought and fact on the situations. It's difficult to argue that they are even superficially the same.
What made the Iraq war necessary was that Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait. He had a no fly zone imposed and consistently violated that. Saddam Hussein refused to allow in weapons inspectors to make sure that his WMDs did not exist.

Assad invaded no one. This is a purely internal civil war. Assad posed no threat to anyone and violated nothing. UN inspectors have not only been allowed it, but received any assistance they needed.

This is an entirely self contained civil war.

What business of ours was a war between Iraq and Kuwait?

We were asked to help the UN coalition.......

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