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Right wingers, why did Andy Cuomo's COVID response become so popular?

This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
His real crime isn't even the deaths as we were all sort of in the dark due to the lies by the WHO, but the cover up. Won't sit well.
I agree, if details show he was complicit with a cover up then he should be done.
That is what they show? No?

The article you posted just shows that Cuomo held off on giving state legislators data because they were working with the DOJ and wanted to resolve that situation first. A cover up like I'm talking about would involve coordinating the reporting false numbers. Wouldn't you agree?

They hid nursing home data?
I don't see where they hid data. This controversy in these articles is between Cuomo's admin and the NY state legislature as they requested data and Cuomo denied giving it to them because they were working with Trumps DOJ which they were worried was targeting them to politicize COVID deaths. They wanted to resolve the DOJ issue before sharing with the State legislature. Is that how you understand it or are you seeing something that I'm not?

These were the relevant quotes that the article was based on. Again, tell me if im missing something.

  • We explained that the Trump administration was in the midst of a politically motivated effort to blame Democratic states for COVID deaths," he said Thursday evening. "And that we were cooperating with federal document productions -- and that was the priority. And now that it is over, we can address the state Legislature. That said, we were working simultaneously to complete the audit of information they were asking for."

  • "We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"
How do you explain what his aide said? Do you believe she is lying?
No I'll take her at her word... Where do you think she said that they hid nursing home data and from who? I'm not seeing that in her quote
A top aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told leading state Democratic lawmakers that the administration had withheld data on COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes to avoid federal scrutiny, according to a bombshell new report.
Thats the interpretation of a quote. Look at the actual quote, which I posted above.
"We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"

I don't see where that concludes that they hid data. Do you? or is there a different quote that you are referring to?
To me its pretty clear. Omission on purpose. Cut and dry.
What did they omit? I'm not seeing an admission of them omitting anything. Do you? Even after the fact I'm not seeing the DOJ accusing them of hiding or omitting anything. If I'm wrong can you point to what it is?

Her quote sounds to me like they delayed giving the intel to both the DOJ and State Legislature because they thought Trump was planning a political attack and they wanted to make sure their ducks were in order.
We must be reading different words then and all the hoopla is exaggerated...To me she is saying we didn't share all the data because we were worried about an investigation. Pretty clear to me. Even though she said it in a round about way. Hence all the outrage
Thats a rather generous interpretation when she literally said that they weren't sure what they were going to give the DOJ. Lets take the logic train to the next station. Lets say they actually did hide data from the DOJ. Do you think she would be making that statement on an open Zoom call? If they were being questioned on why they were delaying sending the data to the DOJ would she make that statement on an open zoom call? What seems more likely.

Now to the next stop. Now that all of this is being scrutinized don't you think the actual data that they hid would be at the forefront of the conversation? What did they hide? Because that statement alone from Cuomo's aid couldn't be the only thing these accusations are based on. Right?
My guess is this was going to come out anyway in an investigation and she is trying to save her hide. As far as what she is hiding it's how many actual people died because they sent infected persons back into nursing homes. I disagree that the interpretation is generous. To me it's very black and white.
Black and white is if she said exactly what you claim she said... which she didn’t. She explained why they delayed giving intel to the DOJ. Intel that seems to be verified by the DOJ from what I’ve seen. If you’ve heard different then please let me know.

She didn’t say they hid or forged intel. That’s the generous leap you are making
To me they omitted and yes hid data that made them look bad. Now it's going to be exposed as such. If I am wrong I will apologize but my gut tells me after reading her statement that I am 100% correct. She used many words to simply say "we hid the truth because it would make us look bad".
the Calculating Cuomo Cabal literally Cooked the books!

no one lies if they don't have SOMETHING TO HIDE!

WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A MAN HIDING DEATHS! DEATHS! DEATHS! he knew he was responsible, and he covered it up asunder....
What deaths was he hiding? I haven't seen that report. Can you be specific?
Watch the news, liar!
Don't even try lying about watching Fox as Fox has been running this story all day long
I watched the morning show with Dana and Bill... The Five and Special Report... if it was on any of those shows then I saw it. So what exactly are you talking about. Don't call me a liar when you don't know what youre talking about.
It appears as though you see what you want to see.
I just did a Google on Andrew Cuomo COVID an nursing homes and you don't have the balls to see what's going on.
I'm out of this thread and your delusional world.
So you watched it on the news and then you google searched it but you can't even formulate a sentence from all that info you absorbed and make an argument for the thread. Brilliant. See ya. Thanks for the waste of time
I already did but you're doing what you always do.
You are a well trained bullshit artist.
If you already did then I’ll sincerely apologize for missing it. Can you restate the point your trying to make so I can address it?
Andrew Cuomo is a Liberal media invention, pure and simple.
Andrew is not at all popular among Republicans or Conservative Democrats.
Cuomo is a fellow communist. They had to support him. His brother is a host on CNN. CNN had Cuomo praises day and night. Democrat communists hid the truth and turned into a massive planned assault on the truth by machinating an EMMY for truly Killer Cuomo.

The real question is, how much did CNN help cover up the truth?

You're right about that. CNN is liable for those nursing home deaths. At least 15,000 people needlessly died because Andrew Cuomo is incompetent, and his shitstain brother covered it up. They're a crime family.
You all truly don't disappoint. I knew most of you wouldn't be able to resist going for the nursing home attacks. So we have 4 Low IQ responses and 0 intelligent on topic ones. Lets keep this thing rolling!
Isn't it obvious? Cuomo was pumped up by his pals in the liberal media! They gave that lying sack of shit an EMMY when his policies were responsible for all of those deaths! He wrote a book and sold the rights for big money and it was all BULLSHIT! Andrew Cuomo should be the most vilified man in America right now but you assholes on the left are talking about him as a candidate for President!
Haha. Please show a quote from anywhere that I’ve promoted Andy for Prez. It doesn’t exist
Cuomo is being accused of not counting the deaths of covid seniors that occurred in hospitals as deaths occurring in Nursing homes.

Technically that's accurate.

Yes. In the early weeks , NY as well as many other states that were getting whacked by covid sent seniors back to nursing homes...

Those nursing homes were supposed to isolate those patients. That turned out to be nearly impossible and he state should have realized that.

Here's the but. If a report is going to be done it needs to examine the number of covid infections and deaths that occurred at the nursing homes that covid patients were sent back to and compare them with nursing homes that did NOT have patients sent to them. And that would and should include deaths that later occurred in hospitals.

Anything other than that is a political hit job.
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This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
His real crime isn't even the deaths as we were all sort of in the dark due to the lies by the WHO, but the cover up. Won't sit well.
I agree, if details show he was complicit with a cover up then he should be done.
That is what they show? No?

The article you posted just shows that Cuomo held off on giving state legislators data because they were working with the DOJ and wanted to resolve that situation first. A cover up like I'm talking about would involve coordinating the reporting false numbers. Wouldn't you agree?

They hid nursing home data?
I don't see where they hid data. This controversy in these articles is between Cuomo's admin and the NY state legislature as they requested data and Cuomo denied giving it to them because they were working with Trumps DOJ which they were worried was targeting them to politicize COVID deaths. They wanted to resolve the DOJ issue before sharing with the State legislature. Is that how you understand it or are you seeing something that I'm not?

These were the relevant quotes that the article was based on. Again, tell me if im missing something.

  • We explained that the Trump administration was in the midst of a politically motivated effort to blame Democratic states for COVID deaths," he said Thursday evening. "And that we were cooperating with federal document productions -- and that was the priority. And now that it is over, we can address the state Legislature. That said, we were working simultaneously to complete the audit of information they were asking for."

  • "We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"
How do you explain what his aide said? Do you believe she is lying?
No I'll take her at her word... Where do you think she said that they hid nursing home data and from who? I'm not seeing that in her quote
A top aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told leading state Democratic lawmakers that the administration had withheld data on COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes to avoid federal scrutiny, according to a bombshell new report.
Thats the interpretation of a quote. Look at the actual quote, which I posted above.
"We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"

I don't see where that concludes that they hid data. Do you? or is there a different quote that you are referring to?
To me its pretty clear. Omission on purpose. Cut and dry.
What did they omit? I'm not seeing an admission of them omitting anything. Do you? Even after the fact I'm not seeing the DOJ accusing them of hiding or omitting anything. If I'm wrong can you point to what it is?

Her quote sounds to me like they delayed giving the intel to both the DOJ and State Legislature because they thought Trump was planning a political attack and they wanted to make sure their ducks were in order.
We must be reading different words then and all the hoopla is exaggerated...To me she is saying we didn't share all the data because we were worried about an investigation. Pretty clear to me. Even though she said it in a round about way. Hence all the outrage
Thats a rather generous interpretation when she literally said that they weren't sure what they were going to give the DOJ. Lets take the logic train to the next station. Lets say they actually did hide data from the DOJ. Do you think she would be making that statement on an open Zoom call? If they were being questioned on why they were delaying sending the data to the DOJ would she make that statement on an open zoom call? What seems more likely.

Now to the next stop. Now that all of this is being scrutinized don't you think the actual data that they hid would be at the forefront of the conversation? What did they hide? Because that statement alone from Cuomo's aid couldn't be the only thing these accusations are based on. Right?
My guess is this was going to come out anyway in an investigation and she is trying to save her hide. As far as what she is hiding it's how many actual people died because they sent infected persons back into nursing homes. I disagree that the interpretation is generous. To me it's very black and white.
Black and white is if she said exactly what you claim she said... which she didn’t. She explained why they delayed giving intel to the DOJ. Intel that seems to be verified by the DOJ from what I’ve seen. If you’ve heard different then please let me know.

She didn’t say they hid or forged intel. That’s the generous leap you are making
To me they omitted and yes hid data that made them look bad. Now it's going to be exposed as such. If I am wrong I will apologize but my gut tells me after reading her statement that I am 100% correct. She used many words to simply say "we hid the truth because it would make us look bad".
ok, I guess we shall see then. But you would admit that it is premature to know for sure right? No real evidence has been presented yet
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
His real crime isn't even the deaths as we were all sort of in the dark due to the lies by the WHO, but the cover up. Won't sit well.
I agree, if details show he was complicit with a cover up then he should be done.
That is what they show? No?

The article you posted just shows that Cuomo held off on giving state legislators data because they were working with the DOJ and wanted to resolve that situation first. A cover up like I'm talking about would involve coordinating the reporting false numbers. Wouldn't you agree?

They hid nursing home data?
I don't see where they hid data. This controversy in these articles is between Cuomo's admin and the NY state legislature as they requested data and Cuomo denied giving it to them because they were working with Trumps DOJ which they were worried was targeting them to politicize COVID deaths. They wanted to resolve the DOJ issue before sharing with the State legislature. Is that how you understand it or are you seeing something that I'm not?

These were the relevant quotes that the article was based on. Again, tell me if im missing something.

  • We explained that the Trump administration was in the midst of a politically motivated effort to blame Democratic states for COVID deaths," he said Thursday evening. "And that we were cooperating with federal document productions -- and that was the priority. And now that it is over, we can address the state Legislature. That said, we were working simultaneously to complete the audit of information they were asking for."

  • "We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"
How do you explain what his aide said? Do you believe she is lying?
No I'll take her at her word... Where do you think she said that they hid nursing home data and from who? I'm not seeing that in her quote
A top aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told leading state Democratic lawmakers that the administration had withheld data on COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes to avoid federal scrutiny, according to a bombshell new report.
Thats the interpretation of a quote. Look at the actual quote, which I posted above.
"We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"

I don't see where that concludes that they hid data. Do you? or is there a different quote that you are referring to?
To me its pretty clear. Omission on purpose. Cut and dry.
What did they omit? I'm not seeing an admission of them omitting anything. Do you? Even after the fact I'm not seeing the DOJ accusing them of hiding or omitting anything. If I'm wrong can you point to what it is?

Her quote sounds to me like they delayed giving the intel to both the DOJ and State Legislature because they thought Trump was planning a political attack and they wanted to make sure their ducks were in order.
We must be reading different words then and all the hoopla is exaggerated...To me she is saying we didn't share all the data because we were worried about an investigation. Pretty clear to me. Even though she said it in a round about way. Hence all the outrage
Thats a rather generous interpretation when she literally said that they weren't sure what they were going to give the DOJ. Lets take the logic train to the next station. Lets say they actually did hide data from the DOJ. Do you think she would be making that statement on an open Zoom call? If they were being questioned on why they were delaying sending the data to the DOJ would she make that statement on an open zoom call? What seems more likely.

Now to the next stop. Now that all of this is being scrutinized don't you think the actual data that they hid would be at the forefront of the conversation? What did they hide? Because that statement alone from Cuomo's aid couldn't be the only thing these accusations are based on. Right?
My guess is this was going to come out anyway in an investigation and she is trying to save her hide. As far as what she is hiding it's how many actual people died because they sent infected persons back into nursing homes. I disagree that the interpretation is generous. To me it's very black and white.
Black and white is if she said exactly what you claim she said... which she didn’t. She explained why they delayed giving intel to the DOJ. Intel that seems to be verified by the DOJ from what I’ve seen. If you’ve heard different then please let me know.

She didn’t say they hid or forged intel. That’s the generous leap you are making
To me they omitted and yes hid data that made them look bad. Now it's going to be exposed as such. If I am wrong I will apologize but my gut tells me after reading her statement that I am 100% correct. She used many words to simply say "we hid the truth because it would make us look bad".
ok, I guess we shall see then. But you would admit that it is premature to know for sure right? No real evidence has been presented yet
It always looked suspect to me so this further validates my theory. Yes, he is innocent until proven guilty. 100%
To the OP, when did Cuomo murdering elderly people in nursing homes and hiding the numbers become ok, and defending tge POS become 'popular?

Even Democrats are turning on this SOB for knowingly committing 15,000 counts of Manslaughter then joking around with his assclown brother while the fake news media fanned all over him...but you snowflakes are still defending his ass....
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Cuomo is a high level Democrat who might one day run for president. The liberal news media is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party so it portrayed Cuomo in a positive light.

Cuomo had a different approach to the coronavirus than Trump and of course everything Trump did was attacked by the media and any one who opposed him was praised.

Most people have a life to live and don’t spend a lot of time paying attention to the news as it is depressing. Consequently they believe the liberal news media. Therefore in the beginning they felt Cuomo was doing a great job and of course Trump was screwing everything up.
In what ways did the MSM portray Cuomo in a positive light?

Do you watch CNN and Cuomo’s brother? That is one example.

Did Cuomo get an Emmy for his updates on the virus? How was that portrayed?

Andrew Cuomo To Receive International Emmy For 'Masterful' COVID-19 Briefings
November 21, 20209:24 AM ET

The Emmys have always had a soft spot for politicians. In the past two decades, the annual television awards have dealt out nods or outright wins for a slew of famous names: There's Selina Meyer, for one, not to mention Josiah Bartlet and Claire and Frank Underwood, among others.

The thing is, most of those politicians are, you know, fake.

The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced Friday that it is breaking with tradition and awarding its International Emmy Founders Award to a real politician who is currently in office. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being honored his daily coronavirus briefings earlier this year.

"The Governor's 111 daily briefings worked so well because he effectively created television shows, with characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure," the academy's president and CEO, Bruce Paisner, explained in a statement announcing the decision. "People around the world tuned in to find out what was going on, and New York tough became a symbol of the determination to fight back."


The governor earned plaudits for his early, aggressive approach to the coronavirus pandemic, which included a highly visible role as New York's briefer-in-chief. For several months earlier this year, Cuomo stepped in front of the news media each day with new statistics, a new PowerPoint slideshow and the same acerbic delivery. The regular briefings helped buoy his approval ratings in New York and make him perhaps the country's most recognizable Democratic leader in the struggle against COVID-19.
Yes I saw the Cuomo brother goofing off on Chris' show. So what? I don't think that was a large factor in his popularity. Hannity and Trump would pussyfoot on the reg on Fox and I don't think it mattered much in the grand scheme.

I watched Cuomo praised because he took the virus seriously while Trump was criticized because he didn’t. Trump didn’t always wear a mask and he didn’t feel we all should retreat inside our caves and totally isolate ourselves.

The media built Cuomo up as the good guy and the orange guy as bad.
Lying mass murderer Cuomo claims his aid is lying, that real death rates were 'delayed', not covered up.

'NO ONE BELIEVES YOU', declare New Yorkers...

Lock his ass up!
To the OP, when did Cuomo murdering elderly people in nursing homes and hiding the numbers become ok, and defending tge POS become 'popular?

Even Democrats are turning on this SOB for knowingly committing 15,000 counts of Manslaughter then joking around with his assclown brother while the fake news media fanned all over him...but you snowflakes are still defending his ass....
Low IQ reply #21. Nicely done!
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Cuomo is a high level Democrat who might one day run for president. The liberal news media is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party so it portrayed Cuomo in a positive light.

Cuomo had a different approach to the coronavirus than Trump and of course everything Trump did was attacked by the media and any one who opposed him was praised.

Most people have a life to live and don’t spend a lot of time paying attention to the news as it is depressing. Consequently they believe the liberal news media. Therefore in the beginning they felt Cuomo was doing a great job and of course Trump was screwing everything up.
In what ways did the MSM portray Cuomo in a positive light?

Do you watch CNN and Cuomo’s brother? That is one example.

Did Cuomo get an Emmy for his updates on the virus? How was that portrayed?

Andrew Cuomo To Receive International Emmy For 'Masterful' COVID-19 Briefings
November 21, 20209:24 AM ET

The Emmys have always had a soft spot for politicians. In the past two decades, the annual television awards have dealt out nods or outright wins for a slew of famous names: There's Selina Meyer, for one, not to mention Josiah Bartlet and Claire and Frank Underwood, among others.

The thing is, most of those politicians are, you know, fake.

The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced Friday that it is breaking with tradition and awarding its International Emmy Founders Award to a real politician who is currently in office. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being honored his daily coronavirus briefings earlier this year.

"The Governor's 111 daily briefings worked so well because he effectively created television shows, with characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure," the academy's president and CEO, Bruce Paisner, explained in a statement announcing the decision. "People around the world tuned in to find out what was going on, and New York tough became a symbol of the determination to fight back."


The governor earned plaudits for his early, aggressive approach to the coronavirus pandemic, which included a highly visible role as New York's briefer-in-chief. For several months earlier this year, Cuomo stepped in front of the news media each day with new statistics, a new PowerPoint slideshow and the same acerbic delivery. The regular briefings helped buoy his approval ratings in New York and make him perhaps the country's most recognizable Democratic leader in the struggle against COVID-19.
Yes I saw the Cuomo brother goofing off on Chris' show. So what? I don't think that was a large factor in his popularity. Hannity and Trump would pussyfoot on the reg on Fox and I don't think it mattered much in the grand scheme.

I watched Cuomo praised because he took the virus seriously while Trump was criticized because he didn’t. Trump didn’t always wear a mask and he didn’t feel we all should retreat inside our caves and totally isolate ourselves.

The media built Cuomo up as the good guy and the orange guy as bad.
Whether the media built it or not more people felt that way, hence the election results.
Cuomo called his covering up / illegally misreporting tge accurate death count a 'delayed in reporting then tried to blame nursing home workers for the results if HIS policy HE signed into action.

What a gutless, immoral, criminal POS.
Cuomo is a fellow communist. They had to support him. His brother is a host on CNN. CNN had Cuomo praises day and night. Democrat communists hid the truth and turned into a massive planned assault on the truth by machinating an EMMY for truly Killer Cuomo.

The real question is, how much did CNN help cover up the truth?

You're right about that. CNN is liable for those nursing home deaths. At least 15,000 people needlessly died because Andrew Cuomo is incompetent, and his shitstain brother covered it up. They're a crime family.
You all truly don't disappoint. I knew most of you wouldn't be able to resist going for the nursing home attacks. So we have 4 Low IQ responses and 0 intelligent on topic ones. Lets keep this thing rolling!

Why is the disastrous nursing home order Cuomo gave that killed 15,000 people not relevant to his Covid response?
Because my question was about why he got so popular. Not what he messed up. Simple English
Because he has the most people dead under his watch?
Right wingers, why did Andy Cuomo's COVID response become so popular?

How did pigs evolve to have wings?

Yes I saw the Cuomo brother goofing off on Chris' show. So what? I don't think that was a large factor in his popularity. Hannity and Trump would pussyfoot on the reg on Fox and I don't think it mattered much in the grand scheme.

You asked why Cuomo‘s COVID response was so popular in the beginning. People unfortunately believe the liberal media and all the nice things it says about Democrats because they find politics boring and rarely spend much time researching the news. Occasionally they wake up and realize the liberal media has its collective head up its ass and is painting a villain as a hero.

You would think the average person would learn to distrust the liberal media but while trust is at an all time low they don’t always question a report.

This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Because the media lied about it.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Fredo is considered virtually a "god" in New York, and his word is considered sancrosanct. Those who question him are called "haters". Magnify that with the media so solidly behind him, what would you expect?
I just did a Google on Andrew Cuomo COVID an nursing homes and you don't have the balls to see what's going on.
And apparently read this many of the results:
Have you watched Andrew Cuomo's response, Dr. Internet PhD?
Even Andrew admits something went wrong with the provided data but he's trying to blame it on Trump.
It doesn't matter as something horrible will happen in the next week or 2 to take Cuomo out of the headlines.
I did. What i have not done is fill in the blanks with things i hope are true.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

I recall early that Andy was working with Trump and stated his appreciation that the Feds were helping him.

I don't recall your unsupported claim Republicans actually supported Cumo's "COVID Response" though. It was just unusual for a fascist Democrat to back of the rhetoric.

Please show where Republicans supported Cuomo's "Covid Response." Link?

LOL, I crack myself up. You're going to back up your bull shit with a link. LOL. Sure you are
I never said Republicans supported Cuomo. Where did you get that from?

I didn't get it from anywhere, stupid fascist fuck. I asked you where you in the THREAD TITLE that Republicans supported Biden's COVID RESPONSE.

Right wingers, why did Andy Cuomo's COVID response become so popular?

I never said you said they "SUPPORTED CUOMO."

So ... again, where did you get that Republicans supported Cuomo's "COVID RESPONSE?" The question I asked you. Twice
You literally wrote "your unsupported claim Republicans actually supported Cumo's "COVID Response"

You're saying I claimed that Republicans supported Cuomo. I never made that claim. You're an idiot with reading comprehension problems. I can't help you with that. Try a tutor.

I never said you said Republicans supported "Cuomo." How stupid are you?
You said I made an unsupported claim Republicans actually supported Cumo's "COVID Response". I literally just pasted your quote. Something is wrong with you. Stop wasting my time with this BS. You're acting like a child

Ding ding ding. You literally posted my quote and got it right this time. Nice job, jackass. Now that you quoted it ... correctly ... do you notice I did NOT say your butt fart where you said I claimed Republicans supported "CUOMO." Supporting someone's policy on something is not the same as supporting the person. God you're stupid.

As for that now you want to keep bickering and claim that something being "widely supported" doesn't mean you claim that support went beyond Democrats, pass. That is just too far above your intelligence level

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