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Right wingers, why did Andy Cuomo's COVID response become so popular?

This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
What does "gravitate to Cuomo" mean? I don't know how one performs the the task of "gravitating."
Well thank you for the question... The term gravitating refers to being attracted to, pay closer attention to, curry favor etc. Do you get it now?
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

Yes. Because now that the Ds are back in power Slade is pretending to be a rational poster.
Just stay on topic. Nobody cares what you think my intensions are. Try and be a grown up and have a real conversation.
How about you try to be a grown up and stop insisting everyone agree with you?
I don't engage on this message board to insist that people agree with me. I look for smart opposition to debate.
And I'm sure it's just coincidence that the "smart" opposition is that which agrees with you.
Slade never changes...makes believe he's being intellectually honest and then attempts to weave and bob his way around every fact thrown in his face.
Oh, if only we could get to discussing facts! That would be wonderful. Most my time on this board is wasted laughing at petty insults and low IQ posters dodging questions to go on partisan rants. But thats ok, I'm here for entertainment mostly and the occasional smart debate when the diamond in the rough poster comes along.
It's too late for you as you did not watch the news from day one and tons of shit that Cuomo caused never made it to the news and never will.
You think I would know about nursing home staff and MDs dying from COVID if I didn't live in my community?
Forgive me for not believing a stranger on a political message board.
I forgive you for not looking at today's stories concerning the fact that Cuomo suppressed all the data proving he's a murderer.
I'm watching it right now on the only station that actually has Democrats saying it...Fox.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

Yes. Because now that the Ds are back in power Slade is pretending to be a rational poster.
Just stay on topic. Nobody cares what you think my intensions are. Try and be a grown up and have a real conversation.
How about you try to be a grown up and stop insisting everyone agree with you?
I don't engage on this message board to insist that people agree with me. I look for smart opposition to debate.
And I'm sure it's just coincidence that the "smart" opposition is that which agrees with you.
Slade never changes...makes believe he's being intellectually honest and then attempts to weave and bob his way around every fact thrown in his face.
Oh, if only we could get to discussing facts! That would be wonderful. Most my time on this board is wasted laughing at petty insults and low IQ posters dodging questions to go on partisan rants. But thats ok, I'm here for entertainment mostly and the occasional smart debate when the diamond in the rough poster comes along.
It's too late for you as you did not watch the news from day one and tons of shit that Cuomo caused never made it to the news and never will.
You think I would know about nursing home staff and MDs dying from COVID if I didn't live in my community?
Forgive me for not believing a stranger on a political message board.
I forgive you for not looking at today's stories concerning the fact that Cuomo suppressed all the data proving he's a murderer.
I'm watching it right now on the only station that actually has Democrats saying it...Fox.
I've had Fox on all day. Just switched off cause that Duffy lady gives me a headache. What story are you referring to that shows suppression of data. Can you link it?
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
Well then you'd have to concede that Biden Communicates in a way that more people desired, 82,000,000 people... right?

I mean I wouldn't say that but it fits your logic. You still wanna run with it?
Because my question was about why he got so popular. Not what he messed up. Simple English
Amongst what group? Certainly not among small business owners or the families of the dead. Perhaps with the other tax leeches, but wasn’t he always popular with them?
I appreciate the thoughtful response but I have to disagree with a few of your points. Cuomo was actually complimentary to Trump in the early stages. Publicly complimented Trump and his admin for the support they gave. The Numbers in NY were the worst in the nation, I don't think he won people over by opposing Trump or by his numbers. The media coverage is a valid point however the majority of his coverage where is daily pressers and then new interviews. So there must have been something in what he was saying or how he was saying it that people responded to. right?

Yes, indeed Cuomo initially complimented Trump, as did many other governors. This was largely ignored by Democrats and the media going forward as you know. As a Democrat, I think Cuomo noticed that the more he slammed Trump, the more front-page, prime-time treatment he was getting. So, he stopped giving credit where it was due, and simply went on a glory and blame campaign, opening up every speech with tough talk and virtuous platitudes, and then blaming anything wrong with his state's response on Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, I might agree with your suggestion if it weren't a political issue. Normally, if something is being promoted so heavily, there's a valid reason. However, the networks that all participate in political activism don't operate under an open marketplace like that. They woke up every morning wondering how they could craft anything Trump did to be wrong and unprecedented. There's such a pompous, narcissistic nature of today's media, who think they have been annointed to speak for the people as a whole. They felt it was their virtuous duty for mankind to leave the land of unbiased journalism and ruin this guy for the greater good. And it's not as if Donald needed help in some areas. But, it's really the chicken or the egg. It's either

A. The "journalists", amidst the established leftist culture in the media, abandoned what credibility they had left for the sake of getting Trump
B. The networks made sure only those who were emotionally invested in getting Trump were allotted the greatest influence and roles in coverage.

Either way, It both caused the same thing. Pundits and "journalists", who with straight faces said they were beacons of seeking truth and unbiased resources being led by emotion, using the most extreme language possible, accepting sources that are not verified, and skewing and warping narratives wherever possible. It wasn't journalism, it was anti-journalism. All of these people committed the greatest sins of journalism constantly on a nightly basis. They didn't even try to hide it.

And now notice.. *Poof*.. it has all gone away. Despite major non-answers and lies by Biden's press secretary, despite Biden's self-described dictator behavior, despite his major power grabs and attempts to change things by pen and avoiding Congress, like his former leader (Mr. "I have a pen, and a phone").

The media have gone from snarling watchdogs to fluffy lapdogs. Overnight.
the Calculating Cuomo Cabal literally Cooked the books!

no one lies if they don't have SOMETHING TO HIDE!

WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A MAN HIDING DEATHS! DEATHS! DEATHS! he knew he was responsible, and he covered it up asunder....
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Trump is done. Democrats won. What have you got to worry about with Cuomo?
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

Yes. Because now that the Ds are back in power Slade is pretending to be a rational poster.
Just stay on topic. Nobody cares what you think my intensions are. Try and be a grown up and have a real conversation.
How about you try to be a grown up and stop insisting everyone agree with you?
I don't engage on this message board to insist that people agree with me. I look for smart opposition to debate.
And I'm sure it's just coincidence that the "smart" opposition is that which agrees with you.
Slade never changes...makes believe he's being intellectually honest and then attempts to weave and bob his way around every fact thrown in his face.
Oh, if only we could get to discussing facts! That would be wonderful. Most my time on this board is wasted laughing at petty insults and low IQ posters dodging questions to go on partisan rants. But thats ok, I'm here for entertainment mostly and the occasional smart debate when the diamond in the rough poster comes along.
It's too late for you as you did not watch the news from day one and tons of shit that Cuomo caused never made it to the news and never will.
You think I would know about nursing home staff and MDs dying from COVID if I didn't live in my community?
Forgive me for not believing a stranger on a political message board.
I forgive you for not looking at today's stories concerning the fact that Cuomo suppressed all the data proving he's a murderer.
I'm watching it right now on the only station that actually has Democrats saying it...Fox.
I've had Fox on all day. Just switched off cause that Duffy lady gives me a headache. What story are you referring to that shows suppression of data. Can you link it?
Link to something I'm watching on TV?
You really have a bad case of ignoring reality.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
Well then you'd have to concede that Biden Communicates in a way that more people desired, 82,000,000 people... right?

I mean I wouldn't say that but it fits your logic. You still wanna run with it?
I have asked Biden voters if they watched one Biden speech or interview...nope!
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
The Yellow Press told the Democrat Cult that Benito Cuomo was a wonderful leader.
The Democrat Cult believes everything that the Democrat Hate Machine tells them.
Interesting that you think the Media has that much influence. So "they" told people Cuomo was wonderful and the "people" just went with that with no thought or opinion of their own. OK, thats one theory. I think its rather silly but at least you're answering the question.
In the name of fairness, objectivity, and my surprised reaction from reading your comment “Interesting that you think the media has that much influence“ that I have to ask for confirmation. Do you really think that the main stream media has anything less than a major impact on public opinion? Surely not! Think about it. Main stream media basically decides what most people will be talking about daily; let that sink in for a while. That comment alone deserves your own disparaging label of being a low IQ type of comment Lol In fact, if we’re going to go for a prize here, you probably just won that booby prize! Whoops, this is an edit. I almost won the booby prize as my inept iPhone and its stupid microphone that was programmed in some south eastern Asian country doesn’t know the difference between the word won and one- go figure!

In order to support your OP, I will add that Cuomo knows how to work the crowd or he never would have been elected. I’m also going to say that New Yorkers typically like fellow New Yorkers, so that factors in to his constituents jumping on board with his recommendations for reacting to COVID-19. Or maybe I have it wrong, are you implying that the whole nation listen to Cuomo? Not a chance, as it turns out, most non-New Yorkers don’t really follow the advice of New Yorkers, unless of course were talking about vacation tips when visiting New York.
The MSM has control over what is discussed sure. But in this instance they were simply airing Cuomo's pressers. People who saw them could make up their own mind whether they got bored, captivated, felt informed, felt lied to, or thought him worth taking the time to listen to. The MSM also aired Trumps pressers during that time. But there was a stark difference between how the two men communicated. I would make the case that a large factor in why Trump lost the election wasn't because of what the MSM said Trump said, but actually what Trump said while "handling" the COVID crisis. Public trust in the media has always been very low, we are all very capable of hearing things and making up our minds whether we agree or disagree.
I have a hard time imagining any one of the mega-media networks (owned by 5-7 men who live in NY) airing a press conference without any follow up commentary, and yet you’ve stated this more than once. I am assuming you’re only referencing, say, ABC when they cut away from recorded programming and cut back to it following a press conference? Typically, when press conferences are held close to the time channels air the mid-day or evening news, they’ll switch to their news casts earlier.

There is a red herring in this thread. On one hand, you posted a topic that could be debated fairly, however, from reading your comments it appears there was more than one intent or purpose for this thread. Of course, you still could’ve been looking for a honest debate but I am questioning that. You told another poster that you had “laid a trap” with your OP. True or false? People can have more than one reason for starting threads, but if you want an honest conversation it requires leaving out subversive tactics.

To avoid being a hypocrite, I will add that I have more than one motive for writing this post to you. 1: I really am wondering if that was true that there was no media commentary by the MSM following any of Cuomo’s COVID-19 press conferences, 2: to mention the red Herring because it’s a valid assessment of at least more than one motive stated by you, 3: to hope you consider my “outsider looking in” assessment to take responsibility for what’s happened in your thread, and for the fact it didn’t go the way you wanted it to you have to take responsibility in that. Well, you don’t “have to” of course, it’s just a friendly suggestion. I’m a bit focused on people taking personal responsibility for their own actions, so it is a reaction to your words about other people not staying on topic while you had this hidden motive....not too hidden though lol Carry on;)
Last edited:
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
Well then you'd have to concede that Biden Communicates in a way that more people desired, 82,000,000 people... right?

I mean I wouldn't say that but it fits your logic. You still wanna run with it?
what communication ...he stayed hidden during most of his campaign after he was given the nomination.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
Well then you'd have to concede that Biden Communicates in a way that more people desired, 82,000,000 people... right?

I mean I wouldn't say that but it fits your logic. You still wanna run with it?
what communication ...he stayed hidden during most of his campaign after he was given the nomination.
We are here dealing with an ideologue.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.

Have you quit eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon?
I've never eaten mayo that way. Actually not a big fan a mayo. can you get on subject now? That post was a big waste of space.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I'd suggest you look in the mirror, but it would likely shatter.
Theres a topic being discussed here. Stick to it please. Enough with the random shit talk. I don't want to report you but I will. Stop trolling

Yes. Because now that the Ds are back in power Slade is pretending to be a rational poster.
Just stay on topic. Nobody cares what you think my intensions are. Try and be a grown up and have a real conversation.
How about you try to be a grown up and stop insisting everyone agree with you?
I don't engage on this message board to insist that people agree with me. I look for smart opposition to debate.
And I'm sure it's just coincidence that the "smart" opposition is that which agrees with you.
Slade never changes...makes believe he's being intellectually honest and then attempts to weave and bob his way around every fact thrown in his face.
Oh, if only we could get to discussing facts! That would be wonderful. Most my time on this board is wasted laughing at petty insults and low IQ posters dodging questions to go on partisan rants. But thats ok, I'm here for entertainment mostly and the occasional smart debate when the diamond in the rough poster comes along.
It's too late for you as you did not watch the news from day one and tons of shit that Cuomo caused never made it to the news and never will.
You think I would know about nursing home staff and MDs dying from COVID if I didn't live in my community?
Forgive me for not believing a stranger on a political message board.
I forgive you for not looking at today's stories concerning the fact that Cuomo suppressed all the data proving he's a murderer.
I'm watching it right now on the only station that actually has Democrats saying it...Fox.
I've had Fox on all day. Just switched off cause that Duffy lady gives me a headache. What story are you referring to that shows suppression of data. Can you link it?
Link to something I'm watching on TV?
You really have a bad case of ignoring reality.
You mentioned todays stories... is the one Fox show you're watching the only thing that has covered this story you're talking about? Come on man, stop trying so hard to diss me, you're missing basic things.
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
Well then you'd have to concede that Biden Communicates in a way that more people desired, 82,000,000 people... right?

I mean I wouldn't say that but it fits your logic. You still wanna run with it?
I have asked Biden voters if they watched one Biden speech or interview...nope!
I voted for Biden and have seen several interviews and speeches. What do you want to know?
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
His real crime isn't even the deaths as we were all sort of in the dark due to the lies by the WHO, but the cover up. Won't sit well.
I agree, if details show he was complicit with a cover up then he should be done.
That is what they show? No?

The article you posted just shows that Cuomo held off on giving state legislators data because they were working with the DOJ and wanted to resolve that situation first. A cover up like I'm talking about would involve coordinating the reporting false numbers. Wouldn't you agree?

They hid nursing home data?
I don't see where they hid data. This controversy in these articles is between Cuomo's admin and the NY state legislature as they requested data and Cuomo denied giving it to them because they were working with Trumps DOJ which they were worried was targeting them to politicize COVID deaths. They wanted to resolve the DOJ issue before sharing with the State legislature. Is that how you understand it or are you seeing something that I'm not?

These were the relevant quotes that the article was based on. Again, tell me if im missing something.

  • We explained that the Trump administration was in the midst of a politically motivated effort to blame Democratic states for COVID deaths," he said Thursday evening. "And that we were cooperating with federal document productions -- and that was the priority. And now that it is over, we can address the state Legislature. That said, we were working simultaneously to complete the audit of information they were asking for."

  • "We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"
How do you explain what his aide said? Do you believe she is lying?
No I'll take her at her word... Where do you think she said that they hid nursing home data and from who? I'm not seeing that in her quote
A top aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told leading state Democratic lawmakers that the administration had withheld data on COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes to avoid federal scrutiny, according to a bombshell new report.
Thats the interpretation of a quote. Look at the actual quote, which I posted above.
"We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,"

I don't see where that concludes that they hid data. Do you? or is there a different quote that you are referring to?
To me its pretty clear. Omission on purpose. Cut and dry.
What did they omit? I'm not seeing an admission of them omitting anything. Do you? Even after the fact I'm not seeing the DOJ accusing them of hiding or omitting anything. If I'm wrong can you point to what it is?

Her quote sounds to me like they delayed giving the intel to both the DOJ and State Legislature because they thought Trump was planning a political attack and they wanted to make sure their ducks were in order.
We must be reading different words then and all the hoopla is exaggerated...To me she is saying we didn't share all the data because we were worried about an investigation. Pretty clear to me. Even though she said it in a round about way. Hence all the outrage
This is a question for right wingers, I want to see who if any out there have an objective understanding of the "how" and "why's" of what happened. It's a very simple question. Why did the public gravitate in such a positive way to Gov Cuomo during the early stages of the pandemic?

An intelligent reply will address the question and answer it honestly. The answer is pretty simple IMO.

A low IQ reply will attack Cuomo for the nursing home situation and try to redirect the topic of the thread.

Lets see who is who.

Left wingers, please give the RWers the opportunity to answer the OP and then feel free to respond in kind.
If you know the answers you want, why bother asking?
I want to see which people out there can give an honest take on a situation and who is playing politics. So far we are 5-0
Yeah, it's easy to win when you stack the deck.

Have you stopped beating your wife? The only answers allowed are "yes" or "no".

Answer truthfully.
How did I stack the deck?
You stated in the OP which answers you'd accept. Your subsequent posts about people who gave answers you didn't like confirm it.
The answers I said I'd accept are ones that address the question. You can say whatever you want as long as it addresses the question. The diversion that doesn't answer the question was the obvious attack point so I wasn't laying it out in the OP to hopefully avoid the Low IQ replies and try and foster an on topic discussion. I know, its a lot to ask for with this bunch of Yahoos... but we got a few good ones going
You're still doing it.

This is nothing but a troll thread. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry to confuse you. Thanks for trying
You didn't. You're not capable.

Oh, and have you stopped beating your wife?
I've never beat my wife. Nor did I give a 'yes/no' ultimatum in my OP. Your comparison is a half step beyond retarded.
As I said earlier, you made quite plain what answers you would accept. And as I said earlier, you're STILL doing it, to the point of reporting people for saying things that hurt your feelings.
My feelings don't get hurt on an online forum. Haha, funny attempt at a dig though, ouch, got me there! You're dead wrong about what answers I'd accept. I'd accept anything that was on subject. I said I would call out attempts to dodge the topic. Thats what I've been calling out and thats what you've been doing. Now the question is why? Are you not smart enough to just give honest and direct answers to the topic at hand?
You've been trying to make Cuomo look like the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Science when he caused thousands of deaths.
Yet again you are way off. I think Cuomo is in a bunch of trouble right now. But my OP wasn't about the nursing home situation it was about his rise to international stardom and the factors that got him there. You know the stuff you apparently don't want to talk about...
I'm telling you now that any press time on Cuomo will either blow over within a week or two or the press will conjure up something really big and bad to distract us.
The factors that got Cuomo to Super Star status was Trump's existence.
I agree with you there too. He showed a contrast to Trump and communicated in a way that people desired. Straight talk and facts over hyperbolized spin and partisan fights. I'm not speaking to the validity of what he was saying I'm just talking about the factors that made him a star.
Trump communicated in a way that people desired; 74,000,00 of those people.
Well then you'd have to concede that Biden Communicates in a way that more people desired, 82,000,000 people... right?

I mean I wouldn't say that but it fits your logic. You still wanna run with it?
I have asked Biden voters if they watched one Biden speech or interview...nope!
I voted for Biden and have seen several interviews and speeches. What do you want to know?
You must be just about the only person besides myself that watched.
I have asked Biden voters to their faces if they watched one Biden speech or interview...nope!
the Calculating Cuomo Cabal literally Cooked the books!

no one lies if they don't have SOMETHING TO HIDE!

WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A MAN HIDING DEATHS! DEATHS! DEATHS! he knew he was responsible, and he covered it up asunder....
What deaths was he hiding? I haven't seen that report. Can you be specific?

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