Rightist Maggot Writes "Trump is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews"

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

I strongly suspect that this is a False Flag Operation performed by Lefties who want to smear Trump.
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Doozies who do not see do see Nazi.
The left strikes again.
Probably another hoax....this is what happens when you go around making shit up, people get skeptical
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course
Stacking the Deck

You're begging the question by assuming there is something irrational and immoral about racism. That's a sneaky way to gain an advantage in the debate.
are you saying that I shouldn't assume racism is irrational and/or immoral? should I ask you the same about genocide?
I strongly suspect that this is a False Flag Operation performed by Lefties who want to smear Trump.
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Godwin's Law says: You lose.

And you really are boring. One of the more boring noobs out of a huge crop of boring noobs who joined the board during this election cycle.
stupid nazi

blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzzzzz
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

I strongly suspect that this is a False Flag Operation performed by Lefties who want to smear Trump.
I strongly suspect that this was done by three feral white thugs because that is what feral white thug alt righties do.
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Godwin's Law says: You lose.

And you really are boring. One of the more boring noobs out of a huge crop of boring noobs who joined the board during this election cycle.
stupid nazi

blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzzzzz
Whats the matter? gotta get up for an early morning lynching?
The left strikes again.
Probably another hoax....this is what happens when you go around making shit up, people get skeptical
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course
Stacking the Deck

You're begging the question by assuming there is something irrational and immoral about racism. That's a sneaky way to gain an advantage in the debate.
You are stacking the deck by not making that assumption, which is a very sneaky, fascist way to argue.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

I strongly suspect that this is a False Flag Operation performed by Lefties who want to smear Trump.
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
Sounds a great deal like the liberals on this forum....

Let Me know when any of this reaches the level of violence being perpetrated by the rampaging progressives tearing down cities and getting fathers to little kids killed.
rampaging progressives tearing down cities lol
What would you call them other than spoiled brats who have never been told the meaning of life because they are used to participation trophy's.

I don't see any on the right stopping traffic on highways and causing ambulances to fail to reach medical help for a man who died. Perhaps you can explain to his little daughter how they aren't really rampaging progressives and just want what they want, and oh...so sorry about your dad. He was probably just a republican anyway.
The left strikes again.
Probably another hoax....this is what happens when you go around making shit up, people get skeptical
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course

Islam isn't a race, shit for brains.

Now go away
your still a racist
In fact only racists use that defence. We have it here in the UK.
did you know that mexican isn't a race either? I've heard that about 1000 times lol
You could call it misogyny but that would mark you out as an elitist interlec-chall in these circles and you dont want to go there.
The left strikes again.
Probably another hoax....this is what happens when you go around making shit up, people get skeptical
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course

Islam isn't a race, shit for brains.

Now go away
your still a racist

I'm only racist towards the color purple...
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?
So..that's your handwriting?
The left strikes again.
Probably another hoax....this is what happens when you go around making shit up, people get skeptical
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course
Stacking the Deck

You're begging the question by assuming there is something irrational and immoral about racism. That's a sneaky way to gain an advantage in the debate.

They always say racism is a learned behavior.
Well no shit!!! If you havent learned by now that blacks and muslims are violent after witnessing their behavior you're a complete dumbass.
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?

Finally, a moment of honesty from a deplorable Trump supporting scumbag. Thanks!

There are in fact many good people who have made the very bad decision to become or remain Moslem. ALL Moslems support terrorism because their doctrine supports terrorism. Following Islam is evil. It brings much more suffering to our world. ALL Moslems should leave Islam and choose a good religion to follow.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
Sounds a great deal like the liberals on this forum....

Let Me know when any of this reaches the level of violence being perpetrated by the rampaging progressives tearing down cities and getting fathers to little kids killed.
rampaging progressives tearing down cities lol
What would you call them other than spoiled brats who have never been told the meaning of life because they are used to participation trophy's.

I don't see any on the right stopping traffic on highways and causing ambulances to fail to reach medical help for a man who died. Perhaps you can explain to his little daughter how they aren't really rampaging progressives and just want what they want, and oh...so sorry about your dad. He was probably just a republican anyway.
who BLM or election protestors?? and why is it you never see an angry white guy parade?
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course

Islam isn't a race, shit for brains.

Now go away
your still a racist
In fact only racists use that defence. We have it here in the UK.
did you know that mexican isn't a race either? I've heard that about 1000 times lol
You could call it misogyny but that would mark you out as an elitist interlec-chall in these circles and you dont want to go there.

Is Islam a race or not Tommy Twinkles? It's a yes or no question. The rest of your gibberish is just that, gibberish
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course

Islam isn't a race, shit for brains.

Now go away
your still a racist
In fact only racists use that defence. We have it here in the UK.
did you know that mexican isn't a race either? I've heard that about 1000 times lol
You could call it misogyny but that would mark you out as an elitist interlec-chall in these circles and you dont want to go there.
Misogyny is a big word I would stick to 1 notch above monosyllabic grunts
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
Sounds a great deal like the liberals on this forum....

Let Me know when any of this reaches the level of violence being perpetrated by the rampaging progressives tearing down cities and getting fathers to little kids killed.
rampaging progressives tearing down cities lol
What would you call them other than spoiled brats who have never been told the meaning of life because they are used to participation trophy's.

I don't see any on the right stopping traffic on highways and causing ambulances to fail to reach medical help for a man who died. Perhaps you can explain to his little daughter how they aren't really rampaging progressives and just want what they want, and oh...so sorry about your dad. He was probably just a republican anyway.
who BLM or election protestors?? and why is it you never see an angry white guy parade?
Well, of course I'm talking about the George Soros sponsored renegade progressives who are looting, burning, and attacking people who disagree with them; in the hopes of getting an open and free election overturned. Haven't see this much effort since Saddam's men ensured that everyone cast the right vote.
Islam isn't a race, shit for brains.

Now go away
your still a racist

"you're" not your. You've been thrashed yet again

Give up, I'm smarter than you
I swear your 5 years old lol

Again..."you're" not your. Sweet Jebus loon learn what I am teaching you
grammar nazi
That's only one aspect...

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