"Rights are special privileges the government gives you."

The first ten Amendments to the Constitution aka "The Bill of Rights" aren't bestowed by the government. The Bill of Rights are limitations on government power.

The Bill of Rights were put in place by the government not to grant rights but restrict the government from violating the ones people had to start with. That those who created our system of government put restrictions on what they could do in relation to those rights, being that many of them placing the restrictions served as members of government subject to the limits, says a lot about where rights come from and where they don't.
The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land. That you use that loose of an interpretation is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic Liberals are by thinking anything they want to do they should be allowed to do. If a woman has a right to an abortion, give her a coat hanger and let her go at it. She can pursue all the happiness she wants. Also, your problem is that you equate pursuit of happiness as a guarantee of happiness.

That is correct - they have been replaced by the Old and New Testaments - civil law has been replaced by ecclesiastical fucking law.


Did the founders create a government that cannot take away the right to an abortion?
The Founders did not create a right to abortion; a Supreme Court hearing a phony case based on a lie created a right to abortion.

Oh, how convenient. You want rights to be God given, but you're also claiming your right to decide what rights God gave us.

This is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic this conservative argument is.

I say the Declaration of Independence asserts that the Creator endowed women with the right to an abortion, under the general categories of Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

So does the Supreme Court ... what's your point?

The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land.

Of course not... and that is because the Declaration of Independence is a Charter of Principles... Principles upon which the US Constitution rests and, the US Constitution is the basis on which US Legal Code. So you should be able ot see that the US Charter of Principles, is the BASIS of the US Legal Code; OKA: The Law of the Land.

The law of the land is what has been passed into legislation. Saying that someone has rights based on what hasn't been passed in to law is wishful thinking.
The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land. That you use that loose of an interpretation is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic Liberals are by thinking anything they want to do they should be allowed to do. If a woman has a right to an abortion, give her a coat hanger and let her go at it. She can pursue all the happiness she wants. Also, your problem is that you equate pursuit of happiness as a guarantee of happiness.

That is correct - that they have been replaced by the Old and New Testaments - civil law has been replaced by ecclesiastical fucking law.



So... you've run out of ways to rationalize your subjective need to avoid the accountability intrinsic to God?

Huh. That didn't take long. You folks usually struggle for 10 posts or so before the house of cards comes a tumblin' down.

ALSO... you've attributed a post I did not write, to me. Please correct that.
The Founders did not create a right to abortion; a Supreme Court hearing a phony case based on a lie created a right to abortion.

Oh, how convenient. You want rights to be God given, but you're also claiming your right to decide what rights God gave us.

This is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic this conservative argument is.

I say the Declaration of Independence asserts that the Creator endowed women with the right to an abortion, under the general categories of Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

So does the Supreme Court ... what's your point?

The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land.

Of course not... and that is because the Declaration of Independence is a Charter of Principles... Principles upon which the US Constitution rests and, the US Constitution is the basis on which US Legal Code. So you should be able ot see that the US Charter of Principles, is the BASIS of the US Legal Code; OKA: The Law of the Land.

The law of the land is what has been passed into legislation. Saying that someone has rights based on what hasn't been passed in to law is wishful thinking.

No one has any rights based upon what someone else says or 'passes'... at best such would be temporal privileges, which may be pleasant at the time one gets 'em, but its not so nice when the popular whimsy changes and those privileges are taken away.

Ya see, this is what God-given rights are distinct from the privilege of popular whimsy. Usurp a privilege and "Oh well... guess I should vote harder next time". Usurp a God-given right and you forfeit your own rights, resulting in severe, usually violent penalty... meaning that you'll be destroyed.
The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land. That you use that loose of an interpretation is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic Liberals are by thinking anything they want to do they should be allowed to do. If a woman has a right to an abortion, give her a coat hanger and let her go at it. She can pursue all the happiness she wants. Also, your problem is that you equate pursuit of happiness as a guarantee of happiness.

That is correct - that they have been replaced by the Old and New Testaments - civil law has been replaced by ecclesiastical fucking law.



So... you've run out of ways to rationalize your subjective need to avoid the accountability intrinsic to God?

Huh. That didn't take long. You folks usually struggle for 10 posts or so before the house of cards comes a tumblin' down.

ALSO... you've attributed a post I did not write, to me. Please correct that.

I , yours truly, is the intrinsic god.

The accountability that I demand is that I remain healthy, well informed and armed to the teeth

The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land. That you use that loose of an interpretation is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic Liberals are by thinking anything they want to do they should be allowed to do. If a woman has a right to an abortion, give her a coat hanger and let her go at it. She can pursue all the happiness she wants. Also, your problem is that you equate pursuit of happiness as a guarantee of happiness.

That is correct - that they have been replaced by the Old and New Testaments - civil law has been replaced by ecclesiastical fucking law.



So... you've run out of ways to rationalize your subjective need to avoid the accountability intrinsic to God?

Huh. That didn't take long. You folks usually struggle for 10 posts or so before the house of cards comes a tumblin' down.

ALSO... you've attributed a post I did not write, to me. Please correct that.

I , yours truly, is the intrinsic god.

The accountability that I demand is that I remain healthy, well informed and armed to the teeth


You're accountable to God... believe it, don't believe it, embrace is, reject it. You're still accountable to God.

Being armed to the teeth is always prudent... as ya never know when some crank is going to try and tell ya what your rights are, force ya to buy insurance, or to celebrate sexual deviancy, or to support a horde of disease ridden children on the premise that if ya don't you're a scourge who's not payin' your fair share.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?
Nope. The founding Fathers said it, our rights are given by God. Whether or not libtards socialists say otherwise makes no difference.
they may have believed that (although i find it weird that God would give a right to vote) but they sure didn't codify it.

did god just forget to give rights to other peoples of the world?

"Nature's God" is not a religious term. It is a deistic concept. From their standpoint an unknown entity created the universe but it has no relevance in our behaviors.



So you're saying that Nature's God, the deistic concept... which they also understood as the Creator of the Universe, which includes the laws of nature which in every respect govern our behavior... are you saying that knowing this, the founders felt that Nature's God in no way governed our behavior?

Datdontmakenosense... .

NATURAL LAW is not dependent upon a god. Those are UNalienable Rights based on REASON and by virtue of the fact that we are Human Beings.

Nature was created by God, the only law that matters is Gods law. Live with it.
The Declaration of Independence isn't the law of the land. That you use that loose of an interpretation is proof beyond a reasonable doubt how pathetic Liberals are by thinking anything they want to do they should be allowed to do. If a woman has a right to an abortion, give her a coat hanger and let her go at it. She can pursue all the happiness she wants. Also, your problem is that you equate pursuit of happiness as a guarantee of happiness.

That is correct - they have been replaced by the Old and New Testaments - civil law has been replaced by ecclesiastical fucking law.



Stupid ratcheted up fortissimo. You have no idea what it means to be ruled by religious law until you live in a Muslim country. Like "poverty" and "starvation" and "police state" there are concepts thrown around in the political arena that are satires of the real thing in other countries and one of them is the massively stupid claim that you're being governed by the Bible. Not even close! You're like a spoiled teenager that invents his/her dramas for lack of real hardship, like the Occupy Wall Street snowflakes who grew up with air conditioning, hospitals, plenty of food, and iPads but are decrying all manner of imagined injustices.

I tell you the same thing I tell all ignorant, sheltered, spoiled Leftists. Grow the hell up!
The first ten Amendments to the Constitution aka "The Bill of Rights" aren't bestowed by the government. The Bill of Rights are limitations on government power.

The Bill of Rights were put in place by the government not to grant rights but restrict the government from violating the ones people had to start with. That those who created our system of government put restrictions on what they could do in relation to those rights, being that many of them placing the restrictions served as members of government subject to the limits, says a lot about where rights come from and where they don't.

The Bill of Rights grants rights. The Constitution grants rights.

If not, why do we so often hear conservative 'constitutionalists' denying that something is a right because it's not in the Constitution?
Nope. The founding Fathers said it, our rights are given by God. Whether or not libtards socialists say otherwise makes no difference.
they may have believed that (although i find it weird that God would give a right to vote) but they sure didn't codify it.

did god just forget to give rights to other peoples of the world?

"Nature's God" is not a religious term. It is a deistic concept. From their standpoint an unknown entity created the universe but it has no relevance in our behaviors.



So you're saying that Nature's God, the deistic concept... which they also understood as the Creator of the Universe, which includes the laws of nature which in every respect govern our behavior... are you saying that knowing this, the founders felt that Nature's God in no way governed our behavior?

Datdontmakenosense... .

NATURAL LAW is not dependent upon a god. Those are UNalienable Rights based on REASON and by virtue of the fact that we are Human Beings.


False... they are entirely dependent upon God, because in the absence OF GOD, they cannot exist.

Well, I disagree with that. Rights can exist even if God doesn't exist. Rights are simply natural laws that govern the behaviour of human beings with respect to one another. Violate these rules and society collapses. Observe them and society thrives. It's the same thing as principles that govern the production of a crop or the raising of children.
The first ten Amendments to the Constitution aka "The Bill of Rights" aren't bestowed by the government. The Bill of Rights are limitations on government power.

The Bill of Rights were put in place by the government not to grant rights but restrict the government from violating the ones people had to start with. That those who created our system of government put restrictions on what they could do in relation to those rights, being that many of them placing the restrictions served as members of government subject to the limits, says a lot about where rights come from and where they don't.

The Bill of Rights grants rights. The Constitution grants rights.

No they don't. They don't even claim to grant rights.

If not, why do we so often hear conservative 'constitutionalists' denying that something is a right because it's not in the Constitution?

They don't. They deny something is a right because it's invariably just some liberal scheme to loot the wealthy or grant special privileges to some favored minority. In other words, what liberals claim are rights are invariably not rights.
The next generation might have an entirely different idea of what rights are all about. They are being taught the liberal way, which means students are taught that everything you have, including rights, are merely gifts from government. This has nothing to do with education and everything to do with political ideology being crammed down the throats of our youth.

From the link:

"Rights are special privileges the government gives you."

"Because the government gives us rights, we have a duty to be good citizens."

"Someday, you will be given the right to vote."

All of the above are on worksheets and taught to students.

Whoever wrote this believes that our rights are not inalienable, as it states in the constitution, rather that government "gives" us rights. If government can give you something, it can take it back. It infers that we must be good citizens to keep the rights that government allows us to have.

This is crap and it gives students the impression that we only have rights and freedom because government generously allowed us to. It's backwards. We have rights that government is not allowed to infringe upon and those rights and liberties guaranteed by our constitution are supposed to keep government in check. How many students now believe that government allows those rights as long as you obey them and behave like their definition of a good citizen? Some apparently believe that rights are how government keeps the people in check.


this needs to be fact checked more. :lol:

Uh oh!!!

Suspension sought for Duval teacher who made lynching coloring assignment jacksonville.com
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The first ten Amendments to the Constitution aka "The Bill of Rights" aren't bestowed by the government. The Bill of Rights are limitations on government power.

The Bill of Rights were put in place by the government not to grant rights but restrict the government from violating the ones people had to start with. That those who created our system of government put restrictions on what they could do in relation to those rights, being that many of them placing the restrictions served as members of government subject to the limits, says a lot about where rights come from and where they don't.

The Bill of Rights grants rights. The Constitution grants rights.

If not, why do we so often hear conservative 'constitutionalists' denying that something is a right because it's not in the Constitution?

They do not GRANT rights ... they define rights. There's a world of difference.
do people in north korea have the right to vote?
Point? Oh, you have none.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?
Nope. The founding Fathers said it, our rights are given by God. Whether or not libtards socialists say otherwise makes no difference.
The Founders and Framers said lots of silly things.

And if you want to deify them...
The first ten Amendments to the Constitution aka "The Bill of Rights" aren't bestowed by the government. The Bill of Rights are limitations on government power.

The Bill of Rights were put in place by the government not to grant rights but restrict the government from violating the ones people had to start with. That those who created our system of government put restrictions on what they could do in relation to those rights, being that many of them placing the restrictions served as members of government subject to the limits, says a lot about where rights come from and where they don't.

The Bill of Rights grants rights. The Constitution grants rights.

If not, why do we so often hear conservative 'constitutionalists' denying that something is a right because it's not in the Constitution?
They recognize rights, they do not grant them.

Get some fuckin' edumbacashun.

Stupid ratcheted up fortissimo. You have no idea what it means to be ruled by religious law until you live in a Muslim country. !

Oh really?

What is the CIVIL ---CONSTITUTIONAL (1787) basis for the war on "drugs" , blue laws, anti-prostitution laws. Israel First policies, etc, laws?


No problem: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

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