Rightwing Christians Will Become Increasingly Marginalized

The Democratic party is going to have to figure out how to stay the anti-Christian party and also at the same time attract Hispanic voters who are very religious.
Tell them that the democrats only hate white Christians, and give them a bunch of free stuff like Obama phones.......
Guno, you are going to have to kill us before we will stop working for the good of our nation.
The only thing that matters is ones relationship with God. If you don't believe in God, I pity you.

Cling to your mythical godman if you are too uneducated and weak minded to think

My father was a surgeon. He practiced in a very small town and figured out a system wherein doctors in the town could treat patients who could not pay without their practice going bankrupt. He was raised by a farmer and amassed a personal net worth in the millions. He is a pretty smart guy and he is pretty educated. He believes in God.

My mother has a PhD in psychology. She endorses "morality for the sake of morality in order to establish yourself as a good person without external influences". She is universally respected in her field. She is a pretty smart woman and highly educated. She believes in God.

One of my brothers has PhDs in both aerospace and mechanical engineering. He worked on the SDI initiative under the Reagan administration. He has Top Secret clearance and currently designs propulsion systems for missiles for the US government. In other words he actually IS a rocket scientist. He and I have some very deep discussions about M-Theory, string theory, and relativity and how it relates to everyday life. He is a pretty smart guy. He is pretty educated. He believes in God.

My other brother is an expert in the stock market. When the market crashed in 2008, before the presidential elections, he actually saw it coming and adjusted for it. Neither he, nor his clients, were significantly affected. Trust me when I say he has done quite well for himself. He is a pretty smart guy too and he is quite highly educated. He believes in God.

I won't go into my accomplishments to avoid the appearance of being a braggart, but suffice it to say my accomplishments are right in line with my family's. While a sense of humility restricts me from claiming to be a genius, I am certainly no dummy. I am also highly educated and consider myself to be extremely successful in my chosen field. I believe in God.

Now what I will say is that no member of my family, myself included, believe that the Bible is the inerrant, divinely inspired, indisputable word of God. We believe in God, but we all have different ideas about God and how he interacts with the universe. The most classic example is our most recent family reunion where we went to a five-star restaurant for dinner and the topic of conversation turned to religion. The conversation got so hot that the five of us left in five different cabs to five different hotels before the main course was served because we disagreed so passionately. While that story is both shameful and humorous, I like to think that is a tribute to how well my parents raised their sons. They raised their boys to think independently even if they reached conclusions that did not match their own beliefs.

Your suggestion that only uneducated people who are weak minded believe in God is a testimony to your...sorry to say it....ignorance. Are you aware that Galileo Galilei wrote an exposition in support of the Revelation? He was a pretty smart guy. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian who applied his calculations to scripture in an effort to identify the end of times. Last I checked people still think Newton was somewhat intelligent and educated. Louis Pasteur was about as devout as a person can get. I am pretty sure he had a brain in his head. Copernicus, Descartes, Heisenberg, Planck, Kelvin.....all educated men, all men who displayed unrivaled genius in their fields of expertise, and all believers in God.

I think the question at hand is not whether a belief in God is a sign of ignorance or a lack of education. Clearly it is not. I think the question is 'what happened to you in your life that made you react with such hostility toward religion?' Most non-believers are content to simply shrug their shoulders and say "yeah whatever" whenever a religious concept is brought up. Yet you attack with abandon and a lack of restraint. My mother, the psychiatrist, would suggest that these are the actions of someone who has an aggressive reaction to fear. Why does religion frighten you? I theorize that you have experienced a trauma in your life that was related to a religious principle. Why else would you react with such vitriol unless you have been wounded by it and wish to even the score or establish your power over that which has previously hurt you? Your opposition is beyond a mere intellectual or conceptual disagreement. You make it a point to attack and go out of your way to offend and alienate. That is the sign of a wounded psyche..........................(thinking deeply on the topic)...........................of course, according to Sigmund Freud, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" so it is also possible that you are just an antagonistic asshole.

Whatever it is I hope you get over it. May the Lord bless you and may you find peace in your life.
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Religious cons decided that they had to win elections, while educated people decided to win the culture.

Today America travails the other direction further from the rightwing christian gods. The religiously unaffiliated have increased to one fifth of the electorate and one third of twenty-somethings. America grows increasingly secular and pluralistic. Rightwing christian "morality" will be more and more mocked and marginalized.
one can only hope.
Guno, you are going to have to kill us before we will stop working for the good of our nation.
The only thing that matters is ones relationship with God. If you don't believe in God, I pity you.

Cling to your mythical godman if you are too uneducated and weak minded to think

My father was a surgeon. He practiced in a very small town and figured out a system wherein doctors in the town could treat patients who could not pay without their practice going bankrupt. He was raised by a farmer and amassed a personal net worth in the millions. He is a pretty smart guy and he is pretty educated. He believes in God.

My mother has a PhD in psychology. She endorses "morality for the sake of morality in order to establish yourself as a good person without external influences". She is universally respected in her field. She is a pretty smart woman and highly educated. She believes in God.

One of my brothers has PhDs in both aerospace and mechanical engineering. He worked on the SDI initiative under the Reagan administration. He has Top Secret clearance and currently designs propulsion systems for missiles for the US government. In other words he actually IS a rocket scientist. He and I have some very deep discussions about M-Theory, string theory, and relativity and how it relates to everyday life. He is a pretty smart guy. He is pretty educated. He believes in God.

My other brother is an expert in the stock market. When the market crashed in 2008, before the presidential elections, he actually saw it coming and adjusted for it. Neither he, nor his clients, were significantly affected. Trust me when I say he has done quite well for himself. He is a pretty smart guy too and he is quite highly educated. He believes in God.

I won't go into my accomplishments to avoid the appearance of being a braggart, but suffice it to say my accomplishments are right in line with my family's. While a sense of humility restricts me from claiming to be a genius, I am certainly no dummy. I am also highly educated and consider myself to be extremely successful in my chosen field. I believe in God.

Now what I will say is that no member of my family, myself included, believe that the Bible is the inerrant, divinely inspired, indisputable word of God. We believe in God, but we all have different ideas about God and how he interacts with the universe. The most classic example is our most recent family reunion where we went to a five-star restaurant for dinner and the topic of conversation turned to religion. The conversation got so hot that the five of us left in five different cabs to five different hotels before the main course was served because we disagreed so passionately. While that story is both shameful and humorous, I like to think that is a tribute to how well my parents raised their sons. They raised their boys to think independently even if they reached conclusions that did not match their own beliefs.

Your suggestion that only uneducated people who are weak minded believe in God is a testimony to your...sorry to say it....ignorance. Are you aware that Galileo Galilei wrote an exposition in support of the Revelation? He was a pretty smart guy. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian who applied his calculations to scripture in an effort to identify the end of times. Last I checked people still think Newton was somewhat intelligent and educated. Louis Pasteur was about as devout as a person can get. I am pretty sure he had a brain in his head. Copernicus, Descartes, Heisenberg, Planck, Kelvin.....all educated men, all men who displayed unrivaled genius in their fields of expertise, and all believers in God.

I think the question at hand is not whether a belief in God is a sign of ignorance or a lack of education. Clearly it is not. I think the question is 'what happened to you in your life that made you react with such hostility toward religion?' Most non-believers are content to simply shrug their shoulders and say "yeah whatever" whenever a religious concept is brought up. Yet you attack with abandon and a lack of restraint. My mother, the psychiatrist, would suggest that these are the actions of someone who has an aggressive reaction to fear. Why does religion frighten you? I theorize that you have experienced a trauma in your life that was related to a religious principle. Why else would you react with such vitriol unless you have been wounded by it and wish to even the score or establish your power over that which has previously hurt you? Your opposition is beyond a mere intellectual or conceptual disagreement. You make it a point to attack and go out of your way to offend and alienate. That is the sign of a wounded psyche..........................(thinking deeply on the topic)...........................of course, according to Sigmund Freud, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" so it is also possible that you are just an antagonistic asshole.

Whatever it is I hope you get over it. May the Lord bless you and may you find peace in your life.
How many alter boys have been molested by Catholic Priests? How many others have been mistreated by false Christians? The Devil is surely laughing over these incidents. This is why it's so important for true Christians to live a Godly life. The best advertising is to lead by example. Unfortunately, many Christians fall short in this endeavor. Myself included.
How many alter boys have been molested by Catholic Priests? How many others have been mistreated by false Christians? The Devil is surely laughing over these incidents. This is why it's so important for true Christians to live a Godly life. The best advertising is to lead by example. Unfortunately, many Christians fall short in this endeavor. Myself included.

Well I think everyone has certain events in their life, certain things they have done, that do not accurately portray their true character. These are things we look back upon with shame and regret. If there is a person who has nothing in their life they regret, I have never met them...or they are a sociopath who lacks the ability to feel. :lol: I think Christian hypocrisy is always a problem, but hypocrisy in not exclusively a Christian phenomenon as well.

I think there are some people in the world that experience the exact opposite. In the grand view, Christians are just people trying to get through life the best they can just like everyone else. I think some militant atheist see Christians, or people of any faith, who have a sense of completion, a sense of community, a sense of purpose, etc that they themselves lack but deeply desire. I don't recall who said it, but he said 'if you really want people to hate your guts, have the audacity to truly be happy'. Sometimes we attack what we covet.

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