Rightwing group pressures states to pass pro-Israel resolutions

And you will whine like a bitch when Americans start getting murdered becausec the koch brothers indulge in this nonsense.

You must be up for the 2023 Skye Award for the dumbest poster.
murder em all, they are a backwards barbaric people, wipe them out, remove them from the face of the earth

I call for murder!!!!!!
The Gazans should have been deported when Israel won that land after Egypt initiated a war against her. Problem is, no Arab country wants these backward, hateful people.

That means America will get stuck with them.
So you support America getting fucked over to benefit Israel.

I am not sure what sway North Dakota has on the world stage. But this performative action seems to be reckless in the extreme. As the "war" turns into a slaughter do the people in those states want to be seen as cheerleaders for murder ?

As usual in the US the Kochs have their shady hands at the bottom of this. How easy it is for rich extremists to affect public policy.
Weren’t you just accusing rightwingers in America of being “anti-Semitic“?

Which is it?
You're an idiot, and all you run is your mouth.
he is right, 100% right, and all I see you doing right now is running your mouth, like an idiot, offer a solution, or get out of the way and let the people who are brave, save the day

I am not sure what sway North Dakota has on the world stage. But this performative action seems to be reckless in the extreme. As the "war" turns into a slaughter do the people in those states want to be seen as cheerleaders for murder ?

As usual in the US the Kochs have their shady hands at the bottom of this. How easy it is for rich extremists to affect public policy.
Tam, you're not very clued-up about xians in America. The first move we saw of this christian mafia was more aggressive campaigning initiated during September. They're not fooling anyone. The well known "return of religion," means that very likely the xian mafia already knew that Hamas would attack long before 7 Oct.
And you will whine like a bitch when Americans start getting murdered becausec the koch brothers indulge in this nonsense.

You must be up for the 2023 Skye Award for the dumbest poster.

For your information the Koch Brothers are of German origin and more affiliated with Nazi's of the 1930's and 40's.
They like you are anti-Semites.

"Mayer uncovers new information about how Fred Koch joined forces with a genuine Nazi sympathizer from the US to build a refinery personally approved by Adolf Hitler himself, one of the three largest refineries in the Third Reich, which was used to create fuels for Hitler’s deadly attacks on peaceful nations."
"As Mayer notes, in 1938 Fred Koch said “Although nobody agrees with me, I am of the opinion that the only sound countries in the world are Germany, Italy, and Japan, simply because they are all working and working hard.”"

I am not sure what sway North Dakota has on the world stage. But this performative action seems to be reckless in the extreme. As the "war" turns into a slaughter do the people in those states want to be seen as cheerleaders for murder ?

As usual in the US the Kochs have their shady hands at the bottom of this. How easy it is for rich extremists to affect public policy.
How easy it is for rich extremists to affect public policy.
Especially given American's are called racists for merely questioning it.....
"Mayer uncovers new information about how Fred Koch joined forces with a genuine Nazi sympathizer from the US to build a refinery personally approved by Adolf Hitler himself, one of the three largest refineries in the Third Reich, which was used to create fuels for Hitler’s deadly attacks on peaceful nations."
Good one Doc
all conflict on this rock includes economic collusion
FF from Fred's fuel dealing to today's Leviathan gas contracts
And there's nothing new under the sun.....


I am not sure what sway North Dakota has on the world stage. But this performative action seems to be reckless in the extreme. As the "war" turns into a slaughter do the people in those states want to be seen as cheerleaders for murder ?

As usual in the US the Kochs have their shady hands at the bottom of this. How easy it is for rich extremists to affect public policy.
“States” meaning the United States?

As a brit thats none of your damn business
As a brit thats none of your damn business

I'd say the Britts have kept a stiff upper lip , considering the possible nuke scenario puts them closer to the ME end game


fwiw> this might be a good time to invest in potassium iodine
I'd say the Britts have kept a stiff upper lip , considering the possible nuke scenario puts them closer to the ME end game

View attachment 861693

fwiw> this might be a good time to invest in potassium iodine
The danger of nukes in the ME is higher thanks to obama pandering to Iran

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