Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

That's not all that happened and you know it.
Literally nothing happened. Aside from a few ANTIFA assholes destroying some windows and other property, it was a peaceful protest. It freaked you guys the fuck out because you realized that We the People are taking our country back from you anti-American marxist parasites.
We clearly saw what happened and everybody sane knows what you say is not so. I've been to the capital, if you want to take a selfie you can contact your congressional rep and they'll set it up. So no, those people were not about taking selfies.
Well, they weren't going to take over the United States by stealing the Speakers podium either....And if you think that then you are absolutely crazy...
Unarmed poor ass migrants escaping harm in the places they live are not a national security risk.
There is no “harm” in Mexico. They aren’t a war-torn nation. They aren’t experiencing genocide. You can’t come up with a single legitimate reason for citizens of Mexico to seek “asylum”.
…and this was real reason to protest.
1. It was? Why? You didn’t know the man. He wasn’t a friend of yours. He wasn’t related to you.

2. George Floyd was a thug. A lifelong criminal who held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. The only “injustice” is that we couldn’t kneel on his fucking throat more than once. What does it say about you, that he is your martyr?

3. You thugs didn’t “protest”. You rioted like barnyard animals.
The F.B.I. themselves declared there was 0 evidence of an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021. Zero. None.

And yet Billy000 has created multiple threads claiming something that never happened, happened. He’s fully committed to propaganda (we all know that) but why dozens and dozens of posts in multiple threads?

Soy Boi Billy knows a midterm beatdown is coming and he’s desperate to spread propaganda in hopes of preventing that.

If Trump had invited the Russians to interfere in the election, that WOULD have been an attempt to steal the 2016 election.

But the FBI verified that did NOT happen.

What DID happen is that Trump team representatives met with Russians and gave them info showing that Trump was going to win, so that Russia would delay retaliating for the illegal economic sanctions Obama had imposed on Russia.
That is not illegal.
That is both a lie and an admission of Trump's soliciting help from the Russians.
The comparison between the two is simply a distraction by Trumpists for their failed coup attempt. BLM and those other riots never threatened the Republic, except in the minds of the most delicate of Trumpers.

The summer riots occurred because certain people thought they were excluded from the system; the Trumpist riots occurred because they wanted to over throw the system and install an autocrat.

Be that as it may, all law breakers deserve to be in jail

That's not even close to truth. BLM murdered, raped, pillaged, destroyed private property, looted, committed arson. They did more to harm this republic than any of the buffoons that protested the white house could ever dream. Not to mention, O had Ayers invited to his fundraiser but that didn't stop the left from voting for him......twice. You see, Ayers actually did bomb the white house but libs had no problem with that. That's why I just laugh at you alls hypocrisy and so does everyone else.
The F.B.I. themselves declared there was 0 evidence of an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021. Zero. None.

And yet Billy000 has created multiple threads claiming something that never happened, happened. He’s fully committed to propaganda (we all know that) but why dozens and dozens of posts in multiple threads?

Soy Boi Billy knows a midterm beatdown is coming and he’s desperate to spread propaganda in hopes of preventing that.

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Hey idiot all that report says is that there was no large enough organized effort to stop Biden’s certification. I mean no shit. Those morons were too stupid for any pre-planned effort. These are the same morons who were retarded enough to document their crimes on social media. Trump just got them riled up because they are brain dead morons who are easily manipulated by the idiot that rules them. That doesn’t mean they didn’t decide that day individually among them that they wanted to stop the certification.

I also have to tell you how pathetic you are with citing this. You gladly cite the FBI when they fit your political narrative but any time they say something that goes against your political narrative you decide they are in the democrats’ pockets. It’s so goddamn childish and stupid. There is plenty of evidence of this on this board.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Yes, the summer riots were far worse by a country mile, and supported by Democrats.
Hey idiot all that report says is that there was no large enough organized effort to stop Biden’s certification. I mean no shit. Those morons were too stupid for any pre-planned effort. These are the same morons who were retarded enough to document their crimes on social media. Trump just got them riled up because they are brain dead morons who are easily manipulated by the idiot that rules them. That doesn’t mean they didn’t decide that day individually among them that they wanted to stop the certification.

I also have to tell you how pathetic you are with citing this. You gladly cite the FBI when they fit your political narrative but any time they say something that goes against your political narrative you decide they are in the democrats’ pockets. It’s so goddamn childish and stupid. There is plenty of evidence of this on this board.
How pathetic YOU are for now denying what even LEFT WING sources are stating. NO insurrection plot found by the FBI. NO ties to Trump found by the FBI. Only brain dead partisan hacks with zero critical thinking skills (aka you and most every leftard here) are still spouting the “insurrection” bullshit. Because it’s ALL you can do. You can’t defend Xiden’s failures so keep lying. News flash. On the list of important things leading up to the midterms, this Jan 6 crap isn’t even in the top 20.
Those Russian memes were very powerful!!!

They defeated the most qualified candidate in history.
Blame your ally James comey for that.
He chose, TWICE, to violate DoJ policy to interfere in the election on Cheeto's behalf.
Trump lost the election. The vagaries of the AC had the country suffering for four years.

Show me 100 years worth of data to back your lies.
Everybody here with an IQ above 0 knows you're an idiot who doesn't keep track of the news on a daily basis.
If you did follow any NYC newspaper you would know that thousands of people sold their very expensive apartments within weeks of the George Floyd experience and moved to Florida.


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