Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Everybody here with an IQ above 0 knows you're an idiot who doesn't keep track of the news on a daily basis.
If you did follow any NYC newspaper you would know that thousands of people sold their very expensive apartments within weeks of the George Floyd experience and moved to Florida.

So, you don't have the data to back your claim?

As expect, LIAR.
So, you don't have the data to back your claim?

As expect, LIAR.
I just Googled it myself; you won't.
Of course the Lame Stream Media tried to pin it on COVID when they all moved to another center of COVID called Florida.
Those morons were too stupid for any pre-planned effort.
So you’ve just admitted that it wasn’t an “insurrection”. Which means you intentionally created two threads with titles and posts that you knew to be false.

So typical of your disgusting side of the aisle.
So you’ve just admitted that it wasn’t an “insurrection”. Which means you intentionally created two threads with titles and posts that you knew to be false.

So typical of your disgusting side of the aisle.
Actually what I said was that they wanted to keep Trump in power illegally. They just decided that day they were going to try. Their intention is really the entire point.

I’m glad I could explain this simple logic to you.
No, he didn't because there was no INTENT.
1. There is no “intent” requirement with the law, dumb-shit. If I run you over with my automobile while drunk, there was no “intent”. But I’m still going to prison.

2. How the fuck does one accidentally create their own mail server to circumvent Congressional oversight? Of course there was “intent”, you lying piece of shit.
Actually what I said was that they wanted to keep Trump in power illegally. They just decided that day they were going to try. Their intention is really the entire point.

I’m glad I could explain this simple logic to you.
Bwahahaha! You got caught lying. You created two threads specifically stating “insurrection” and filled them with posts claim “insurrection”.

You’re a lying piece of shit and you got caught!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Bwahahaha! You got caught lying. You created two threads specifically stating “insurrection” and filled them with posts claim “insurrection”.

You’re a lying piece of shit and you got caught!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Well see it was an insurrection. They just didn’t plan it before that day. Duh. God you’re stupid lol
Thread title is true because lengthy summer riots were far far far worse.

Race riots in a handful of (D) -controlled urban $hithole$ were not attempting to interfere with the peaceful transfer of Presidential power...

And that is FAR worse for the Republic at-large than a few thousand ghetto-birds burnin' down their own $hit...

Race riots in a handful of (D) -controlled urban $hithole$ were not attempting to interfere with the peaceful transfer of Presidential power...

And that is FAR worse for the Republic at-large than a few thousand ghetto-birds burnin' down their own $hit...
Did you get several hundred thousand dollars of damage to any of your property?
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Oh stop whining and begging. The summer riots were worse than Jan 6th and we won't stop the comparison so just STFU.
Oh stop whining and begging. The summer riots were worse than Jan 6th and we won't stop the comparison so just STFU.
It doesn’t matter if those riots were worse. Of course you’re talking about riots over the course of months. This riot is within one day. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers killed themselves since then. The point is, the summer riots revolves around a single issue. They sure as hell didn’t have anything to do with disrupting the peaceful transfer of power.

I can’t get over how pathetic it is when you people try so hard to minimize 1/6. If this exact thing happened in January of 2017 and a bunch of rioters were trying to stop Trump from taking power, you crybaby snowflake bitches would freak the fuck out. Because it was about Biden taking power, you try to minimize it. My god you’re all pathetic.
The comparison between the two is simply a distraction by Trumpists for their failed coup attempt. BLM and those other riots never threatened the Republic, except in the minds of the most delicate of Trumpers.

The summer riots occurred because certain people thought they were excluded from the system; the Trumpist riots occurred because they wanted to over throw the system and install an autocrat.

Be that as it may, all law breakers deserve to be in jail
And if you are at all even a little bit honest, which you are not, you would have to admit that not for a nano-second was the government ever in danger of falling into the hands of a relative handful of unarmed morons
(government provided provocateurs not included).

And go ahead and explain why the 1/6 rioters were such a "threat" to our nation that government officials.
like Nancy Pelosi specifically, turned down requests SIX times from her own police force, Capitol Police,
to bring in more officers in anticipation of trouble on Jan. sixth.

Let me repeat: the threat was SO GREAT that government officials declined to do a thing about it.
Now continue your absurd whining and ridiculous agitprop. Put this hilarious hysterical shit in a
time capsule because in the future no one will believe it.
No. But I got a country where some orange-tinted power-mad scumbag failed to execute a coup against the United States...
Answer my post, asshole.
The last thing I want is a nation ruled by Leftist, politically correct pieces of shit who allow thugs to run wild with abandon.
Maybe you have some thugs for friends; I don't
Well see it was an insurrection. They just didn’t plan it before that day. Duh. God you’re stupid lol
Hahaha! How many times are you going to change your story?

First you claimed it was an “insurrection”. When we exposed your ignorance, you changed your story and said “Trump supporters are ‘too stupid’ to plan an insurrection”. And now you’re back to “it was an insurrection”.

It’s not an “insurrection” if it’s not planned, dumb-shit :lmao:

An “insurrection” would require weapons, a plan for new leaders, a plan for continuity of government, etc.
This riot is within one day. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers killed themselves since then.
Literally millions of people around the world who weren’t there that day have killed themselves since that day, you fucking high school dropout. :eusa_doh:

A simple protest on January 6th did not “traumatize” anyone (not even you beta-male snowflakes). And IF someone had actually been “traumatized” to the point of suicide, then the world would be much better off without someone that soft and unstable anyway.
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No. But I got a country where some orange-tinted power-mad scumbag failed to execute a coup against the United States...
Bwahahaha!! He literally rejected power more than anyone who has sat in the White House since Thomas Jefferson in the start of the 1800’s. :laugh:

The “power-mad” piece of shit was the black-tinted, anti-American marxist, Barack Hussien Obama. He is the one that pissed on the US Constitution hundreds of times and laughed each time.

Meanwhile, the great President Trump kept sending power back to the states where it belonged, per the US Constitution.
Sitting here reading your post and skimming through those by Trump's knuckle head, juvenile, unintelligent base and their comments, it really is apparent, that when these nincompoops regain power, our Democratic Republic will be over. Everything this country fought and died for will be flushed down the toilet. For decades, the Republican party elites have been cultivating a large base of idiot drones within this party. And it's being done on purpose. We see the result of that cultivation on this very forum. None of these Right wing stooges on this forum have displayed any semblance or interest in real debate. It's the same old rants, hate, name calling, with zero substance that we see with all these threads. We aren't seeing anything intelligent to respond to, because they never offer up anything intelligent. These people have been raised and cultivated to exercise limited capabilities in everyday settings. And ultimately, I don't see a way forward out of it. You just can't fix stupid. The real life Idiocracy movie has arrived, courtesy of the Republican party and the Trump train.
but the libs are the ones trying to shut down schools

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