Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

No. But I got a country where some orange-tinted power-mad scumbag failed to execute a coup against the United States...
On a side note, everyone notice how the left is never able to get past skin color? It is truly the focal point of all they do. Well, that and sick sexual deviance.

The most racist fuck’n people for over 300 years now. The world would be SO much better off without these sick fuck’n racists.
If white racism wasn't a thing, we wouldn't have 400 voter suppression bills on the books.
all the democrats have is screaming racism and jan 6 they are sad and miserable people who think failed communism is our only hope
Hahaha! How many times are you going to change your story?

First you claimed it was an “insurrection”. When we exposed your ignorance, you changed your story and said “Trump supporters are ‘too stupid’ to plan an insurrection”. And now you’re back to “it was an insurrection”.

It’s not an “insurrection” if it’s not planned, dumb-shit :lmao:

An “insurrection” would require weapons, a plan for new leaders, a plan for continuity of government, etc.
I don’t understand how you’re this fucking stupid. An insurrection does not have to have planning. The idea that they would need to be thinking of new leadership or continuity of government is literally something you are making up on the spot right now. You aren’t fooling anyone.
Sitting here reading your post and skimming through those by Trump's knuckle head, juvenile, unintelligent base and their comments, it really is apparent, that when these nincompoops regain power, our Democratic Republic will be over. Everything this country fought and died for will be flushed down the toilet. For decades, the Republican party elites have been cultivating a large base of idiot drones within this party. And it's being done on purpose. We see the result of that cultivation on this very forum. None of these Right wing stooges on this forum have displayed any semblance or interest in real debate. It's the same old rants, hate, name calling, with zero substance that we see with all these threads. We aren't seeing anything intelligent to respond to, because they never offer up anything intelligent. These people have been raised and cultivated to exercise limited capabilities in everyday settings. And ultimately, I don't see a way forward out of it. You just can't fix stupid. The real life Idiocracy movie has arrived, courtesy of the Republican party and the Trump train.
all u have to offer is communism
Race riots in a handful of (D) -controlled urban $hithole$ were not attempting to interfere with the peaceful transfer of Presidential power...
That’s exactly what they were doing, lying asshat. You soft and fragile leftists queers were so pissed off you lost an election which you thought you were entitled to, that you immediately took to rioting.

Notice how all race issues “magically” disappeared the moment Creepy Uncle Joe was sworn in? Yeah, that’s because it was never about “race”. It was always about Trump humiliating Hitlery.
I don’t understand how you’re this fucking stupid. An insurrection does not have to have planning. The idea that they would need to be thinking of new leadership or continuity of government is literally something you are making up on the spot right now. You aren’t fooling anyone.
only the cops had to shoot anyone
How the fuck is anyone going to overthrow the most powerful government in the history of mankind without weapons, snowflake?!? :lmao:
They did have weapons you dumb fuck. You can pretend like a little bitch that they didn’t but it’s fucking clear they did. And just because they were retarded enough to believe they could be successful does not somehow mean they didn’t try to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power with their own agenda. The agenda to keep Trump in power illegally.

Can you imagine how you would react if rioters in January of 2017 did exactly what these rioters did? Trying to keep Trump from being certified as president? You pathetic snowflakes would lose your goddamn minds. Because the shoe was on the other foot, you minimize it like fucking children.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

1. STFU with the 'Insurrection' bullshit. 1/6/21 was NOT an 'insurrection', as already proven by the Judge presiding over the cases involving everyone arrested who participated in the violent riot. None - ZERO - of the charges rise to the level of 'Insurrection', an attempt to overthrow the government.

THAT means every single one of you douche bags claiming constantly that 1/6/21 is an INTENTIONAL LIAR repeating debunked Democrat talkiing points and lies.

Every time you say, "1/6/21 was an insurrection" what you are really saying is, "Look at me - I am a lying bag of shit with zero credibility spreading debunked lies and pushing Democrat talking points".

Even funnier is how you are supporting Nance Pelosi's latest failed Impeachment / coup / witch hunts, which she will go down in history for.

Even funnier is how she brought cast members from the play 'Hamilton' to sing on the House floor as part of the 1/6 Committee farce & you still deny Pelosi' latest clusterfuck is nothing but 'Political THEATER'.

As far as the Marxist/Socialist supported / funded domestic terrorist violence last summer / fall, it was partially funded by George Soros and by Democrats whose goal it was / is to destabilize the United States, destroying the country that it is (was) from within...and you are too stupid to see it.

Defending/ getting rid of the police, that you idiots rallied behind - what does it result in? Terrorists seizing entire city blocks and local Socialist Dems supporting the terrorists instead if citizens being victimized.

Crime rates, murder rates, setting new records....it creates Chaos and lawlessness.

Hey dumbass, the same Socialist enemy POS who was funding the 'grass roots insurrection' is the same POS who has funded and affected putting insane Socialist Democrat District Attorneys that allow criminals to steal up to $900 and not even get so much as a Warning / Ticket in California.

These 'enemy of the people' DAs are refuusing to file charges against thieves, drug dealers, shop-lifters, sex criminals, etc... They are only inviting more / escalating crime, creating chaos, and bringing about lawlessness...destroying the country from within....

...but you are too stupid to see all of this as a form of 'insurrection' meant to destroy this country.
Can you imagine how you would react if rioters in January of 2017 did exactly what these rioters did?
Who is going to tell uninformed Billy here that the left DID do exactly that in January 2017?!?

Can you imagine how you would react if rioters in January of 2017 did exactly what these rioters did?
Who is going to tell this fucking high school dropout Billy here that the left DID do exactly that in January 2017?!? :laugh:
Can you imagine how you would react if rioters in January of 2017 did exactly what these rioters did?
Who is going to tell this fucking high school dropout Billy here that the left DID do exactly that in January 2017?!? :laugh:

Can you imagine how you would react if rioters in January of 2017 did exactly what these rioters did?
Seriously folks, does anyone take Billy000 seriously? This fuck’n guy is like some hysterical SNL parody. It’s hard to believe a living, breathing adult can have such astoundingly stupid shit come out of their mouth!

Who is going to tell uninformed Billy here that the left DID do exactly that in January 2017?!?

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Lol god you’re so fucking pitiful with this shit. You already know this shit nothing like what happened on January 6th. It’s just so incredible how pathetic you are. You’ll say anything to delude yourself into thinking you won an argument. You really are 12 years old huh? I mean it seems apparent when you made up fake quotes I said, but wow. You out do yourself with being such a little girl.
Omg a car is on fire! I love how you randomly google shit and pretend you knew about it all along lol.
Yeah, because nobody “knew about” the rioting during Trump’s inauguration :laugh:

It wasn’t ALL over the media. And that limousine (not a “car” dumb shit) became the symbol of it. Without “Googling” it, as you say, I can even tell you that it was owned by a minority and that was a contentious point back then.

Unlike you, I’m informed and I remember.
Bwahahaha!! He literally rejected power more than anyone who has sat in the White House since Thomas Jefferson in the start of the 1800’s. :laugh:
The “power-mad” piece of shit was the black-tinted, anti-American marxist, Barack Hussien Obama. He is the one that pissed on the US Constitution hundreds of times and laughed each time.
Nope. The a$$hat incited Insurrection just to remain in the White House.
Meanwhile, the great President Trump kept sending power back to the states where it belonged, per the US Constitution.
Right up to the moment when he tried to overturn the election of November 3 2020 by force on January 6 2021.

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