Rioters hit with ONE MILLION DOLLAR bails

Imprisoning protestors is a long honored conservative tactic

you forgot to call them “peaceful” protesters

of course since these demented products of the marxist public schools have caused $3 billion in property damage with their “peaceful” protests that lie is wearing a little thin


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Pure fantasy. Dont lump Trump rallies in with Burn Loot Murder and your Auntqueefa punks. Nobody is buying it.

Then don't lump the peaceful protesters in with the looters, murderers and Fascist Antagonizers you clown send in to disrupt things.

Fantasy do understand everytime one of your angry pets Burn loots and murders Trump gains tens of thousands of votes? You morons cheer them on.


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

Not from what I've seen. BLM people setting fires, stealing beer, looting.

Not to mention "peaceful" but disgusting BLM practices like crapping on people's lawns and sidewalks.



It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I have never had a problem with peaceful protesters. Ever. I have always been very clear on the difference between them, and the rioters.

You, on the other hand, have not. You love to lump the rioters in with the peaceful protesters because you are a feckless liar.

Oh, really now. And just where and when did I say that all Rioters and Looters were Protesters? Or have I maintained that they are criminals and need to be arrested. Did that thought just pop into your head and you were forced to type it out? Or do you know you are lying.

How do you explain that “mostly peaceful protests” have lead to billions of dollars in damages?



It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Where did I call them protesters???
Punitive bail is totally illegal.
The only legal bail is to ensure they show up in court.
Since protesters WANT their day in court, so they can have a forum to speak, then it is illegal to deliberately set high bail.


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I have never had a problem with peaceful protesters. Ever. I have always been very clear on the difference between them, and the rioters.

You, on the other hand, have not. You love to lump the rioters in with the peaceful protesters because you are a feckless liar.

Oh, really now. And just where and when did I say that all Rioters and Looters were Protesters? Or have I maintained that they are criminals and need to be arrested. Did that thought just pop into your head and you were forced to type it out? Or do you know you are lying.

How do you explain that “mostly peaceful protests” have lead to billions of dollars in damages?

Wrong in the basic claim that these demonstrations or riots have been expensive.
They only seem expensive when you accumulatively add together all possible costs in all cities.
Locally they cost almost nothing.
And clearly when the whole political and governmental system is totally corrupt, then the expense not only is warranted, but absolutely necessary.
The police have always been corrupt since they were artificially created around 1900, and they likely should never even have existed at all, since there likely is no way to have a mercenary force that is not corrupt.


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?

What proof do you have that they aren't? You make the claim that they are mostly violent now prove it. Meanwhile, clean across the nation, there are peaceful protests going on every day of the week. Now prove me wrong, bigot.

The thousands of videos showing BLM “protesters” disrupting traffic, defacing buildings, and attacking people. You have no proof that there were far more peaceful protests.

Thousands? My, do we project a bit much there, cupcake?

Yeah, THOUSANDS. You should get out more. You are amazingly ignorant of what's going on. The Clinton News Network really i


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I have never had a problem with peaceful protesters. Ever. I have always been very clear on the difference between them, and the rioters.

You, on the other hand, have not. You love to lump the rioters in with the peaceful protesters because you are a feckless liar.

Oh, really now. And just where and when did I say that all Rioters and Looters were Protesters? Or have I maintained that they are criminals and need to be arrested. Did that thought just pop into your head and you were forced to type it out? Or do you know you are lying.

How do you explain that “mostly peaceful protests” have lead to billions of dollars in damages?

Wrong in the basic claim that these demonstrations or riots have been expensive.
They only seem expensive when you accumulatively add together all possible costs in all cities.
Locally they cost almost nothing.
And clearly when the whole political and governmental system is totally corrupt, then the expense not only is warranted, but absolutely necessary.
The police have always been corrupt since they were artificially created around 1900, and they likely should never even have existed at all, since there likely is no way to have a mercenary force that is not corrupt.

Two billion dollars in damage and you claim that's nothing.

You truly are a moron.
If any of these idiots are employed by the Department of Education they should lose their job.


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?

What proof do you have that they aren't? You make the claim that they are mostly violent now prove it. Meanwhile, clean across the nation, there are peaceful protests going on every day of the week. Now prove me wrong, bigot.

The thousands of videos showing BLM “protesters” disrupting traffic, defacing buildings, and attacking people. You have no proof that there were far more peaceful protests.

Thousands? My, do we project a bit much there, cupcake?

Yeah, THOUSANDS. You should get out more. You are amazingly ignorant of what's going on. The Clinton News Network really i


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I have never had a problem with peaceful protesters. Ever. I have always been very clear on the difference between them, and the rioters.

You, on the other hand, have not. You love to lump the rioters in with the peaceful protesters because you are a feckless liar.

Oh, really now. And just where and when did I say that all Rioters and Looters were Protesters? Or have I maintained that they are criminals and need to be arrested. Did that thought just pop into your head and you were forced to type it out? Or do you know you are lying.

How do you explain that “mostly peaceful protests” have lead to billions of dollars in damages?

Wrong in the basic claim that these demonstrations or riots have been expensive.
They only seem expensive when you accumulatively add together all possible costs in all cities.
Locally they cost almost nothing.
And clearly when the whole political and governmental system is totally corrupt, then the expense not only is warranted, but absolutely necessary.
The police have always been corrupt since they were artificially created around 1900, and they likely should never even have existed at all, since there likely is no way to have a mercenary force that is not corrupt.

Two billion dollars in damage and you claim that's nothing.

You truly are a moron.

Over the whole country, $2 billion is nothing.
Compare with the total cost of police.
There are about 1 million police, and if we average $50k a year each.
That is $50 trillion a year we waste in actually CAUSING all the harm, death, murders, and extortion the police commit continually.
For example, what possible good could ever be done by writing a parking ticket?
Who could possibly benefit from that, except the police departments, that get to pocket that extortion money?

If that $50 trillion was actually invested in something that improved society, like free tuition or health care, imagine how much better our society would be?


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Get back to me when a town is burnt to ground in city after a Trump rally.
The bail bond business must be overjoyed. Fortunately I've never had need of their services and while I have good idea of what they do, some things about their operation remain a mystery. A Yelp review of a local one:

Luke the joe man?
Willie the gentleman who went out in the field?


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?

What proof do you have that they aren't? You make the claim that they are mostly violent now prove it. Meanwhile, clean across the nation, there are peaceful protests going on every day of the week. Now prove me wrong, bigot.

The thousands of videos showing BLM “protesters” disrupting traffic, defacing buildings, and attacking people. You have no proof that there were far more peaceful protests.

Thousands? My, do we project a bit much there, cupcake?

Yeah, THOUSANDS. You should get out more. You are amazingly ignorant of what's going on. The Clinton News Network really i


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I have never had a problem with peaceful protesters. Ever. I have always been very clear on the difference between them, and the rioters.

You, on the other hand, have not. You love to lump the rioters in with the peaceful protesters because you are a feckless liar.

Oh, really now. And just where and when did I say that all Rioters and Looters were Protesters? Or have I maintained that they are criminals and need to be arrested. Did that thought just pop into your head and you were forced to type it out? Or do you know you are lying.

How do you explain that “mostly peaceful protests” have lead to billions of dollars in damages?

Wrong in the basic claim that these demonstrations or riots have been expensive.
They only seem expensive when you accumulatively add together all possible costs in all cities.
Locally they cost almost nothing.
And clearly when the whole political and governmental system is totally corrupt, then the expense not only is warranted, but absolutely necessary.
The police have always been corrupt since they were artificially created around 1900, and they likely should never even have existed at all, since there likely is no way to have a mercenary force that is not corrupt.

Two billion dollars in damage and you claim that's nothing.

You truly are a moron.

Over the whole country, $2 billion is nothing.
Compare with the total cost of police.
There are about 1 million police, and if we average $50k a year each.
That is $50 trillion a year we waste in actually CAUSING all the harm, death, murders, and extortion the police commit continually.
For example, what possible good could ever be done by writing a parking ticket?
Who could possibly benefit from that, except the police departments, that get to pocket that extortion money?

If that $50 trillion was actually invested in something that improved society, like free tuition or health care, imagine how much better our society would be?

You're an idiot. A society without law and order cannot survive. Don't want a parking ticket don't park where your not suppose to.
The hammer is when they are imprisoned as enemy combatants and summarily executed for high treason.

Especially the activist judges, professors, soros and his entire family and anyone and everyone associated with him.

Starting with the cljnton family.

That's the hammer. This is just window dressing and virtue signaling made to look like things are being done.

Nothing is being done. Imagine being diagnosed with a brain tumor. This is someone giving you a pain killer in the form of aspirin to deal with malignancy. All but useless.
Ok there Pol Pot


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

What proof do you have that “almost all” of BLM protests are peaceful?

What proof do you have that they aren't? You make the claim that they are mostly violent now prove it. Meanwhile, clean across the nation, there are peaceful protests going on every day of the week. Now prove me wrong, bigot.

The thousands of videos showing BLM “protesters” disrupting traffic, defacing buildings, and attacking people. You have no proof that there were far more peaceful protests.

Thousands? My, do we project a bit much there, cupcake?

Yeah, THOUSANDS. You should get out more. You are amazingly ignorant of what's going on. The Clinton News Network really i


It's about time the hammer fell on these leftist terrorists.

The ones arrested were NOT peaceful protesters. They were causing all types of problems. They deserved to be arrested. You can't all them "Protesters". We have Protesters here and the Mayor and the Cops are marching with them. Then again, we listened and made changes where changes needed to be made. None of us around here worry about the Cops going bad no matter what race one is. And the courts are even handed. So don't give me any crap about peaceful protesters need to be arrested. That makes a mockery of the 1st amendment.

If that is the case, then we need to start locking up the Rump Crowds as well because Rump is saying that his is not a Rally, it's a peaceful protest.

Correct. PEACEFUL. As in no rioting.


By your own definition, the Rump Rallies should be listed as Riots and they should be locked up. They are loud, scream profanity and are unruly. If that's what it takes to get a Democrat arrested, we should start locking up the party of the Rumpers right now as well. If you are going to deny one group their 1st amendment rights then you have to deny everyone elses. Or allow everyone to have their 1st amendment right to protest.

Oh, you poor widdle baby. Have you always been this stupid?. Protests are not a problem. Be as loud as you want. Just don't burn other people's things down. Aee how simple that is?

Considering almost ALL of the BLM protesters have been peaceful, okay loud, but peaceful, you ready to start condemning the small percentage that are actually doing the damage and give the rest the thumbs up? So far, you have condemned even the peaceful protesters who are exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I have never had a problem with peaceful protesters. Ever. I have always been very clear on the difference between them, and the rioters.

You, on the other hand, have not. You love to lump the rioters in with the peaceful protesters because you are a feckless liar.

Oh, really now. And just where and when did I say that all Rioters and Looters were Protesters? Or have I maintained that they are criminals and need to be arrested. Did that thought just pop into your head and you were forced to type it out? Or do you know you are lying.

How do you explain that “mostly peaceful protests” have lead to billions of dollars in damages?

Wrong in the basic claim that these demonstrations or riots have been expensive.
They only seem expensive when you accumulatively add together all possible costs in all cities.
Locally they cost almost nothing.
And clearly when the whole political and governmental system is totally corrupt, then the expense not only is warranted, but absolutely necessary.
The police have always been corrupt since they were artificially created around 1900, and they likely should never even have existed at all, since there likely is no way to have a mercenary force that is not corrupt.

Two billion dollars in damage and you claim that's nothing.

You truly are a moron.

Over the whole country, $2 billion is nothing.
Compare with the total cost of police.
There are about 1 million police, and if we average $50k a year each.
That is $50 trillion a year we waste in actually CAUSING all the harm, death, murders, and extortion the police commit continually.
For example, what possible good could ever be done by writing a parking ticket?
Who could possibly benefit from that, except the police departments, that get to pocket that extortion money?

If that $50 trillion was actually invested in something that improved society, like free tuition or health care, imagine how much better our society would be?

Wow, you have no idea how to do math. And, like the good little fascist you are, you ignore the very real people who are the sufferers of what that 2 billion dollars represents. You are a despicable piece of human excrement.
Imprisoning protestors is a long honored conservative tactic

These individuals are being imprisoned for Rioting / Looting, not for "protesting" at all.

And they are only being held until they post bail. Why aren't liberal heroes who have been pushing this rioting like Soros and Lebron posting bail for these guys.

I have been imprisoned in my tiny residence since early March------the animals are shooting out there
The hammer is when they are imprisoned as enemy combatants and summarily executed for high treason.

Especially the activist judges, professors, soros and his entire family and anyone and everyone associated with him.

Starting with the cljnton family.

That's the hammer. This is just window dressing and virtue signaling made to look like things are being done.

Nothing is being done. Imagine being diagnosed with a brain tumor. This is someone giving you a pain killer in the form of aspirin to deal with malignancy. All but useless.

Thanks for providing that you're in favour of a tyrannical dictator. What you are proposing would be an illegitimate and illegal coupe d'etat. The kind of thing that is happening today in Russia.

Only a Third World banana republic locks up and executes the opposition. In democratic countries with individual rights, such things NEVER happen.

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