Rioting in Charlotte

So now, the Governor has declared a state of emergency. What does that mean? It means the National Guard can go in and kill even more black folks in the name of trying to secure peace and safety.

No, they will all be armed with pillows. Do you have any idea how amny riots will break out all across the country if the National Guard killed more people?

No. Do you? How many will there be?
We need federally enacted Stop and Frisk laws. That and take 2nd Amendment right away from black men. Idiots pull gun on a cop and the survivors wonder why he was gunned down.
Stop & Frisk would be a good policy if it were stipulated that arrest could follow only in the discovery of guns or other lethal weapons -- nothing else. The problem with the policy in New York City was the vast majority of Stop & Frisk arrests were for drugs or paraphernalia, mostly marijuana in very small amounts, pipes, rolling papers, etc.

Had the New York City example been restricted to only weapons arrests I am sure it would have remained in effect. As it was the volume of bullshit drug arrests were a costly waste of time which served to generate a lot of anti-cop hostility and sufficient public protest to declare the practice unconstitutional -- which it actually is.
so why doesn't the white community simply murder all the non whites so they can be happy? Or maybe force them to do hard labor to make up for their years of laziness? has anyone ever thought of that?

Why don't we fly over the city and drop a rainbow of Skittles over the crowds so everyone can be happy?
I dont know? aren't white people afraid of skittles? you wouldn't want a black kid to pick one up we'd have another trayvon martin case
How is it possible that only this stinking race has trouble with pronouncing ASK, and why is it that this same race does the same fucking thing in every city around....the country? (Really the world)

The exact same thing. Looting, burning, yelling.

AKS lol.....

It is fucking ASSSSK.
I never heard Obama or Michele say "axe" instead of ask! And when I was in Britain I never heard any of the Blacks there do it. They must have learned it from a group of dumabass RW hicks who all perished in the civil war:lol:
Every fucking single day in this country the black community continually embarrasses itself.
what about the white community what are they doing?

Working and paying all the taxes
so why doesn't the white community simply murder all the non whites so they can be happy? Or maybe force them to do hard labor to make up for their years of laziness? has anyone ever thought of that?
The Russians told us about a plot to do just that back when AIDS mysteriously appeared. Don't worry, the military industrial complex is working on it feverishly. Designer pathogens tailored to specific ethnic groups are on the way!
So now, the Governor has declared a state of emergency. What does that mean? It means the National Guard can go in and kill even more black folks in the name of trying to secure peace and safety.

When you have a bunch of people running through the city smashing windows, vandalizing property, and assaulting innocent people the National Guard is quite justified
I am going to have to agree. The rioters ought to learn from the good people of Ferguson and handle this at the ballot box by voting their oppressors out and replacing them with their own.
We need federally enacted Stop and Frisk laws. That and take 2nd Amendment right away from black men. Idiots pull gun on a cop and the survivors wonder why he was gunned down.

You retarded
It is you that is retarded if you think black males are responsible gun owners. We are having these riots almost weekly now all because some moron thinks pointing a gun at cop is a good idea. The public is getting tired of this and demands law and order. Keep this shit up BLM and see where it gets you.
Hillary is giving speeches in support of BLM. North Carolina is now in Donald Trump's column by 5 points. Keep it up BLM and Trump will take Illinois EC votes.
We need federally enacted Stop and Frisk laws. That and take 2nd Amendment right away from black men. Idiots pull gun on a cop and the survivors wonder why he was gunned down.
Stop & Frisk would be a good policy if it were stipulated that arrest could follow only in the discovery of guns or other lethal weapons -- nothing else. The problem with the policy in New York City was the vast majority of Stop & Frisk arrests were for drugs or paraphernalia, mostly marijuana in very small amounts, pipes, rolling papers, etc.

Had the New York City example been restricted to only weapons arrests I am sure it would have remained in effect. As it was the volume of bullshit drug arrests were a costly waste of time which served to generate a lot of anti-cop hostility and sufficient public protest to declare the practice unconstitutional -- which it actually is.
I can agree with this... The program needs to be reinstated, but under the stipulations that you have given.
We need federally enacted Stop and Frisk laws. That and take 2nd Amendment right away from black men. Idiots pull gun on a cop and the survivors wonder why he was gunned down.
"That and take 2nd Amendment Right [sic] away from black men."

^ More proof that it is the Drumpf supporting RW that hates the Constitution and wants to destroy it.
Every fucking single day in this country the black community continually embarrasses itself.
what about the white community what are they doing?

Working and paying all the taxes
so why doesn't the white community simply murder all the non whites so they can be happy? Or maybe force them to do hard labor to make up for their years of laziness? has anyone ever thought of that?
The Russians told us about a plot to do just that back when AIDS mysteriously appeared. Don't worry, the military industrial complex is working on it feverishly. Designer pathogens tailored to specific ethnic groups are on the way!
. Good grief.... How about keeping it real please.

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