Riots break out in Oakland

How is Oakland, Ca. connected to the Obama administration? It's the home base of Van Jones who heads up the OWS rabble. Jones once led an arson and looting riot after the Police Officers were found not guilty in the ludicrous charge of attempted murder of Rodney King. A couple of decades later Jones was appointed to a position in the Obama administration.
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Protesters in Oakland burn flag, smash windows over Zimmerman verdict - Spokane Conservative | someone explain this to me...they were waving signs that said fuck the police etc...what exactly do the pigs in Oakland have to do with the trial in Florida? :confused:

Do you have a credible link?
It is a credible link.

There were no riots. But don't let that stop you from whining about it.
Well sure glad we got you and konrad here to let us folks know that the riot experts claim its no riot!
Protesters in Oakland burn flag, smash windows over Zimmerman verdict - Spokane Conservative | someone explain this to me...they were waving signs that said fuck the police etc...what exactly do the pigs in Oakland have to do with the trial in Florida? :confused:

It wasn't a riot, more like an incident(s). A few broken windows and a small street fire is hardly a riot.
Well sure glad we got you and konrad here to let us folks know that the riot experts claim its no riot!

It wasn't a riot, more like an incident(s). A few broken windows and a small street fire is hardly a riot.

Check out the history of riots and see what they're really like. It's obvious to me that I have a better handle on it and you're just trying to fan the flames. Ironic, IMO, since that's what Obama and Co. are constantly being accused of doing.
Protesters in Oakland burn flag, smash windows over Zimmerman verdict - Spokane Conservative | someone explain this to me...they were waving signs that said fuck the police etc...what exactly do the pigs in Oakland have to do with the trial in Florida? :confused:

there are too many beggars and far less the goodies in Cali, especially in Oakland. broke state, you know.

they have nothing to loose but their chains to cite one old bearded guy. Or in a more popular way - the benefits in California suck :D

Florida is a fat cat in comparison.
You should see what they did to the police cars.

So, a few things happened in Oakland. Are we going to just get that repeated over and over again? Anti-climactic compared to the predictions, IMO. It's a big country and Oakland's just a small part. What's happening in Florida? Why aren't we being treated to stories of big riots there?

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