RIP: Brittany Murphy (1977-2009)

TMZ has learned Brittany Murphy's autopsy is complete. There were no signs of foul play, we've learned, and there was nothing that pointed to a cause of death. The cause of death has been "deferred" pending other tests.

Sources say the L.A. County Coroner will wait for the toxicology report, as well as the histopathology (study of her organs and tissues) and neuropathology (study of her brain).

One source said the body appeared "normal." In addition, we're told she did not appear overly thin -- in contrast to some photos that surfaced several weeks ago. There was no evidence of trauma to the body.

We're told the Coroner will not determine cause of death until the other reports are submitted -- in 4 to 6 weeks.

One issue the Coroner is interested in -- what prescription drugs were in Brittany Murphy's system.

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TMZ has learned Brittany Murphy's autopsy is complete. There were no signs of foul play, we've learned, and there was nothing that pointed to a cause of death. The cause of death has been "deferred" pending other tests.

Sources say the L.A. County Coroner will wait for the toxicology report, as well as the histopathology (study of her organs and tissues) and neuropathology (study of her brain).

One source said the body appeared "normal." In addition, we're told she did not appear overly thin -- in contrast to some photos that surfaced several weeks ago. There was no evidence of trauma to the body.

We're told the Coroner will not determine cause of death until the other reports are submitted -- in 4 to 6 weeks.

One issue the Coroner is interested in -- what prescription drugs were in Brittany Murphy's system.

Read more: Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Celebrity News |

It takes ten days to fix a brain in formalin in order to do coronal sectioning for "neuropath".

So mark your calender!
Prescription drugs? Maybe some of them were diltiazam, verpamil, amiodarone, or any number of drugs that people take for physiological arrythmias.

Psychological arrythmia? Did you fucking make that up? LOL.

Having worked as a Pharm Tech, I've never heard of such. :lol:

Yeah. He totally made up the word "physiological". LOL

You dumbass.

And what was that you've been saying about others lacking the ability to comprehend?

Prescription drugs? Maybe some of them were diltiazam, verpamil, amiodarone, or any number of drugs that people take for physiological arrythmias.

Psychological arrythmia? Did you fucking make that up? LOL.

Having worked as a Pharm Tech, I've never heard of such. :lol:

Yeah. He totally made up the word "physiological". LOL

You dumbass.

And what was that you've been saying about others lacking the ability to comprehend?


Yes, no children are born with congenital heart conduction defects that they have to deal with or their whole life. If there is any sort of arrhythmia in the heart, we must automatically suspect drugs. Also, any adult on ionotrophic drugs for heart blocks or other conduction defects was also a drug user. There is simply no other explanation.

Furthermore, children are not born with other congenital heart defects. If a child comes out with tetrology of fallot or VSD or trasposition of the great vessels, it should automatically be suspected that the child was using drugs in utero.

You learn such things as a pharm tech.
Psychological arrythmia? Did you fucking make that up? LOL.

Having worked as a Pharm Tech, I've never heard of such. :lol:

Yeah. He totally made up the word "physiological". LOL

You dumbass.

And what was that you've been saying about others lacking the ability to comprehend?


Yes, no children are born with congenital heart conduction defects that they have to deal with or their whole life. If there is any sort of arrhythmia in the heart, we must automatically suspect drugs. Also, any adult on ionotrophic drugs for heart blocks or other conduction defects was also a drug user. There is simply no other explanation.

Furthermore, children are not born with other congenital heart defects. If a child comes out with tetrology of fallot or VSD or trasposition of the great vessels, it should automatically be suspected that the child was using drugs in utero.

You learn such things as a pharm tech.

One of the articles I read this morning interviewed a cardiologist. He ticked off a long list of things that could cause cardiac arrest (but like you said, cardiac arrest doesn't mean anything, really). He mentioned long Q-T syndrome, which can be asymptomatic until someone is treated with a macrolide like a z-pack.

Whatever happened must have been rather immediate. Mom says she checked on her because she'd been in the bathroom for so long; there was no report she heard her call out for help.
It's sad.

I'm behind on my celebrity following so the TMZ articles On her husband are all news to me. I'm so behind my wife had to tell me about the whole Carrie Underwood dating thing lol.

If it is due to drug use maybe this will have some publicity effects and straighten out a suburban kid or two. Then at least some good can come of it.
Absolutely! Why wait for facts when her husband 'looks creepy'? Slam dunk, dude's guilty as speculated about.
Well, I'm sure the OP has never looked anything but stunning... always. 24/7. Regardless of time of day, circumstances, whatever. We should all strive to be as perfect as she is. Lest we be accused of murder.

(that 'creepy' photo... taken on the day his wife died?)

Dipshit, fuckwad. CAN you even READ? Did you bother to READ anything I typed before you ran your fucking diarrhea face?

THIS is the "creepy" picture I posted.


CLEARLY, it was not taken the day Brittany died, as she his standing next the creep, hanging onto his arm, eyes open and FUCKING VERY MUCH ALIVE.

Stupid ****. Grow up and stop your little lesbian love fest tag-team bullshit.

I grew tired of your stalking and the bullshit flames you posted every time I posted at that other site a long time ago, but I ignored your fucking disingenous lying ass because fighting back was futile. You would have just gotten what you wanted--me banned.

Not doing it here, because I don't have to. You won't get me banned and I can freely speak my mind here.

You stupid lying clueless lesbian loving fucking ****-wad.

Go to hell. :evil:

So I guess I convinced you that the word "****" ain't that bad a word to throw around... considering you joined the gang-up on me last month over using it.
If she was on metformin, and had a flu-like illness but feeling "very ill" (my doc described it as "feeling worse than you think you should for what's wrong with you"), she could have been in lactic acidosis.

As far as I know, lactic acidosis from metformin is a theoretical risk and is exceedingly rare, if it occurs at all.

Most of the lactic acidosis fears of metformin were do to the measurable cases of lactic acidosis from phenformin.

Thanks, I didn't know about that. The nephrologist said it was rare, but because of my renal issues wanted me aware of the risk.

We do stop metformin if the kidney function is poor (Cr > 1.5), but if someone was to have some other kidney anomaly, or an absent kidney, yet normal function, we would only watch closely.
Well, I'm sure the OP has never looked anything but stunning... always. 24/7. Regardless of time of day, circumstances, whatever. We should all strive to be as perfect as she is. Lest we be accused of murder.

(that 'creepy' photo... taken on the day his wife died?)

Dipshit, fuckwad. CAN you even READ? Did you bother to READ anything I typed before you ran your fucking diarrhea face?

THIS is the "creepy" picture I posted.


CLEARLY, it was not taken the day Brittany died, as she his standing next the creep, hanging onto his arm, eyes open and FUCKING VERY MUCH ALIVE.

Stupid ****. Grow up and stop your little lesbian love fest tag-team bullshit.

I grew tired of your stalking and the bullshit flames you posted every time I posted at that other site a long time ago, but I ignored your fucking disingenous lying ass because fighting back was futile. You would have just gotten what you wanted--me banned.

Not doing it here, because I don't have to. You won't get me banned and I can freely speak my mind here.

You stupid lying clueless lesbian loving fucking ****-wad.

Go to hell. :evil:

So I guess I convinced you that the word "****" ain't that bad a word to throw around... considering you joined the gang-up on me last month over using it.

I figured if it's allowed and you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Proud of my efforts so far? :D
If Jeny is on meds, or has been, as somebody suggested, then you should all hang your heads in shame....

Blood pressure, arthritis and asthma meds. That's what I'm on.

Is this what you're talking about?

Well, if that's what you're on, and not some pills for your mental state, then I stand corrected. You're just a foul-mouthed fat pig.....

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