RIP: Brittany Murphy (1977-2009)

I would bet good money that GTH has seen his share of drug users.

His point seems to be more out of respect for her family and just basic decency that one does not have to forfeit just because they are known by many. If she were my sister, this sort of discussion would make me sadder at a time when I was already at a low for losing a sister.

From all reports, Brittany was an only child who was unaturally attached to her mother. In fact, she lived with her mother -- even after she married the con-artist.

Brittany Murphy said:
"We're extremely close, extraordinarily close," Murphy said of her mother.....
...... "To say 'best friends' would be to diminish our relationship."

Nice try though. :lol:

Apparently so. I think the point went so far overhead that it may have been visible from the space station.

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Dipshit, fuckwad. CAN you even READ? Did you bother to READ anything I typed before you ran your fucking diarrhea face?

THIS is the "creepy" picture I posted.


CLEARLY, it was not taken the day Brittany died, as she his standing next the creep, hanging onto his arm, eyes open and FUCKING VERY MUCH ALIVE.

Stupid ****. Grow up and stop your little lesbian love fest tag-team bullshit.

I grew tired of your stalking and the bullshit flames you posted every time I posted at that other site a long time ago, but I ignored your fucking disingenous lying ass because fighting back was futile. You would have just gotten what you wanted--me banned.

Not doing it here, because I don't have to. You won't get me banned and I can freely speak my mind here.

You stupid lying clueless lesbian loving fucking ****-wad.

Go to hell. :evil:

So I guess I convinced you that the word "****" ain't that bad a word to throw around... considering you joined the gang-up on me last month over using it.

I figured if it's allowed and you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Proud of my efforts so far? :D

Yes ma'am! You dropped as many c-bombs in this one post alone as I have dropped since joining this board pre-"****!" thread.

Glad to have you as a convert! I'd offer you beer but that **** of a server blew the beer money on blow.
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And in here, some people make statements without using "I think", "I believe", or "In my opinion" and when called on it slide by saying it's just their opinion.

Such as yourself...on numerous it.

Really? I've done that? Could you point some of those numerous occasions out so I can note them and correct that failing? I try to be quite clear when stating something is only my opinion by such things as "IMO" or "IMHO".

Bumping for PatekPhillipe just in case you missed it. Would like to see a few of those "numerous occasions". TIA
I liked Brittany Murphy. She was a very good actor, singer, and person.

I am sad that she died so young.
You're a complete fuck and a total fudge packing cum-wad if you think using a dead little girl like that is appropriate.

Oh, the irony.

I am deeply sorry for your loss. I'd be drugged for life or dead if something, anything, happened to mine.

You know, the girl you started this thread about...she has people who love her too, maybe her mother is still alive. Maybe a sister or brother or dad. Could be any one or all of them would feel violated and sick to see this thread. Think about it.

One of the articles I read this morning interviewed a cardiologist. He ticked off a long list of things that could cause cardiac arrest (but like you said, cardiac arrest doesn't mean anything, really). He mentioned long Q-T syndrome, which can be asymptomatic until someone is treated with a macrolide like a z-pack.

Whatever happened must have been rather immediate. Mom says she checked on her because she'd been in the bathroom for so long; there was no report she heard her call out for help.

Ah the Q-T prolongation question. Classic "pimp" question. Kind of like "red man syndrome" with Vanc or gingival hyperplasia with phenytoin. I think people love that question because macrolides are used so often.

Hey, look what I found!

Romano-Ward syndrome

Romano-Ward syndrome is an autosomal dominant form of LQTS that is not associated with deafness. The diagnosis is clinical and is now less commonly used in centres where genetic testing is available, in favour of the LQT1 to 10 scheme given above.

It is believed that the so-called early after-depolarizations (EADs) that are seen in LQTS are due to re-opening of L-type calcium channels during the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential. Since adrenergic stimulation can increase the activity of these channels, this is an explanation for why the risk of sudden death in individuals with LQTS is increased during increased adrenergic states (ie exercise, excitement) -- especially since repolarization is impaired. Normally during adrenergic states, repolarizing currents will also be enhanced to shorten the action potential. In the absence of this shortening and the presence of increased L-type calcium current, EADs may arise.

The diagnosis of LQTS is not easy since 2.5% of the healthy population have prolonged QT interval, and 10–15% of LQTS patients have a normal QT interval.[3] A commonly used criterion to diagnose LQTS is the LQTS "diagnostic score" [4]. The score is calculated by assigning different points to various criteria (listed below). With 4 or more points the probability is high for LQTS, and with 1 point or less the probability is low. Two or 3 points indicates intermediate probability.

Physiological arrythmias!

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