RIP: Brittany Murphy (1977-2009)


One of the articles I read this morning interviewed a cardiologist. He ticked off a long list of things that could cause cardiac arrest (but like you said, cardiac arrest doesn't mean anything, really). He mentioned long Q-T syndrome, which can be asymptomatic until someone is treated with a macrolide like a z-pack.

Whatever happened must have been rather immediate. Mom says she checked on her because she'd been in the bathroom for so long; there was no report she heard her call out for help.

Ah the Q-T prolongation question. Classic "pimp" question. Kind of like "red man syndrome" with Vanc or gingival hyperplasia with phenytoin. I think people love that question because macrolides are used so often.

Hey, look what I found!

Romano-Ward syndrome

Romano-Ward syndrome is an autosomal dominant form of LQTS that is not associated with deafness. The diagnosis is clinical and is now less commonly used in centres where genetic testing is available, in favour of the LQT1 to 10 scheme given above.

It is believed that the so-called early after-depolarizations (EADs) that are seen in LQTS are due to re-opening of L-type calcium channels during the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential. Since adrenergic stimulation can increase the activity of these channels, this is an explanation for why the risk of sudden death in individuals with LQTS is increased during increased adrenergic states (ie exercise, excitement) -- especially since repolarization is impaired. Normally during adrenergic states, repolarizing currents will also be enhanced to shorten the action potential. In the absence of this shortening and the presence of increased L-type calcium current, EADs may arise.

The diagnosis of LQTS is not easy since 2.5% of the healthy population have prolonged QT interval, and 10–15% of LQTS patients have a normal QT interval.[3] A commonly used criterion to diagnose LQTS is the LQTS "diagnostic score" [4]. The score is calculated by assigning different points to various criteria (listed below). With 4 or more points the probability is high for LQTS, and with 1 point or less the probability is low. Two or 3 points indicates intermediate probability.

Physiological arrythmias!

You just wanted to use that phrase you made up :evil:

One of the articles I read this morning interviewed a cardiologist. He ticked off a long list of things that could cause cardiac arrest (but like you said, cardiac arrest doesn't mean anything, really). He mentioned long Q-T syndrome, which can be asymptomatic until someone is treated with a macrolide like a z-pack.

Whatever happened must have been rather immediate. Mom says she checked on her because she'd been in the bathroom for so long; there was no report she heard her call out for help.

Ah the Q-T prolongation question. Classic "pimp" question. Kind of like "red man syndrome" with Vanc or gingival hyperplasia with phenytoin. I think people love that question because macrolides are used so often.

Hey, look what I found!

Romano-Ward syndrome

Romano-Ward syndrome is an autosomal dominant form of LQTS that is not associated with deafness. The diagnosis is clinical and is now less commonly used in centres where genetic testing is available, in favour of the LQT1 to 10 scheme given above.

It is believed that the so-called early after-depolarizations (EADs) that are seen in LQTS are due to re-opening of L-type calcium channels during the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential. Since adrenergic stimulation can increase the activity of these channels, this is an explanation for why the risk of sudden death in individuals with LQTS is increased during increased adrenergic states (ie exercise, excitement) -- especially since repolarization is impaired. Normally during adrenergic states, repolarizing currents will also be enhanced to shorten the action potential. In the absence of this shortening and the presence of increased L-type calcium current, EADs may arise.

The diagnosis of LQTS is not easy since 2.5% of the healthy population have prolonged QT interval, and 10–15% of LQTS patients have a normal QT interval.[3] A commonly used criterion to diagnose LQTS is the LQTS "diagnostic score" [4]. The score is calculated by assigning different points to various criteria (listed below). With 4 or more points the probability is high for LQTS, and with 1 point or less the probability is low. Two or 3 points indicates intermediate probability.

Physiological arrythmias!

You just wanted to use that phrase you made up :evil:

Ah the Q-T prolongation question. Classic "pimp" question. Kind of like "red man syndrome" with Vanc or gingival hyperplasia with phenytoin. I think people love that question because macrolides are used so often.

Hey, look what I found!

Physiological arrythmias!

You just wanted to use that phrase you made up :evil:


Geez....SPECULATING about Brittany Murphy's cause of death?

Whoa!!!! :eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

I thought you idgits had a problem with that? I thought you said it was disrespectful to her and her family.

Apparently you are fucking flaming

H Y P O C R I T E S!

Imagine that!? :eusa_doh:

But then, those of us who've known you hemmerhoids for years have always known this about you.

You're just as tacky as you've accused me of being.

Carry on and enjoy! :funnyface:
Ah the Q-T prolongation question. Classic "pimp" question. Kind of like "red man syndrome" with Vanc or gingival hyperplasia with phenytoin. I think people love that question because macrolides are used so often.

Hey, look what I found!

Physiological arrythmias!

You just wanted to use that phrase you made up :evil:

Wow! Did you realize you were speculating on Brittany's cause of death? Methinks someone should take their own advice and learn to comprehend what they read. Although I will admit it might be hard to do, seeing as how you just make up all those big words and stuff.

I should head to bed soon ... I need to call my pharm tech this morning and get her interpretation of my lab results from Monday. Hope she doesn't have to increase my metformin dosage. That would suck.
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You're a complete fuck and a total fudge packing cum-wad if you think using a dead little girl like that is appropriate.

Oh, the irony.

I am deeply sorry for your loss. I'd be drugged for life or dead if something, anything, happened to mine.

You know, the girl you started this thread about...she has people who love her too, maybe her mother is still alive. Maybe a sister or brother or dad. Could be any one or all of them would feel violated and sick to see this thread. Think about it.

Every time a young non-felon celebrity dies we always get this sap who whines about people picking on the dead. Often I suspect crocodile tears.
You're a complete fuck and a total fudge packing cum-wad if you think using a dead little girl like that is appropriate.

Oh, the irony.

I am deeply sorry for your loss. I'd be drugged for life or dead if something, anything, happened to mine.

You know, the girl you started this thread about...she has people who love her too, maybe her mother is still alive. Maybe a sister or brother or dad. Could be any one or all of them would feel violated and sick to see this thread. Think about it.

Every time a young non-felon celebrity dies we always get this sap who whines about people picking on the dead. Often I suspect crocodile tears.

Yep, as do I.

And, as we've seen.....hypocrites abound in this thread anyway. Pissing and moaning over "inappropriate" posts I've made--while making more than plenty of their own.

Whatever. *shrug* *snicker*
You're a complete fuck and a total fudge packing cum-wad if you think using a dead little girl like that is appropriate.

Oh, the irony.

I am deeply sorry for your loss. I'd be drugged for life or dead if something, anything, happened to mine.

You know, the girl you started this thread about...she has people who love her too, maybe her mother is still alive. Maybe a sister or brother or dad. Could be any one or all of them would feel violated and sick to see this thread. Think about it.

Every time a young non-felon celebrity dies we always get this sap who whines about people picking on the dead. Often I suspect crocodile tears.

Yep, as do I.

And, as we've seen.....hypocrites abound in this thread anyway. Pissing and moaning over "inappropriate" posts I've made--while making more than plenty of their own.

Whatever. *shrug* *snicker*

Haven't your meds kicked in yet?

Better go back to your pharm tech and get them adjusted.
You just wanted to use that phrase you made up :evil:


Geez....SPECULATING about Brittany Murphy's cause of death?

Whoa!!!! :eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

I thought you idgits had a problem with that? I thought you said it was disrespectful to her and her family.

Apparently you are fucking flaming

H Y P O C R I T E S!

Imagine that!? :eusa_doh:

But then, those of us who've known you hemmerhoids for years have always known this about you.

You're just as tacky as you've accused me of being.

Carry on and enjoy! :funnyface:

We were talking about QT prolongation, and also making fun of the fact that you think that being a pharm tech means you are some sort of expert in cardiology.

Run along now, big adults are talking.
We were talking about QT prolongation, and also making fun of the fact that you think that being a pharm tech means you are some sort of expert in cardiology.

Run along now, big adults are talking.

Next Christmas we really should place the little table farther away... little pitchers, ya know!


From 1:35am to 9:56am, there were no posts in this thread.

I am highly disappointed with this blatant show of disrepect towards Brittany Murphy!

From 1:35am to 9:56am, there were no posts in this thread.

I am highly disappointed with this blatant show of disrepect towards Brittany Murphy!


Oh for Crips sake! I was sleeping! Geeeesh!

That's a lazy liberaloid reponse.

C'mon now...get it right doppleganger of's liberrhiod and Obamarrhoid...and the disgusting fat pig!!!! :rofl:
From 1:35am to 9:56am, there were no posts in this thread.

I am highly disappointed with this blatant show of disrepect towards Brittany Murphy!


Is Brittany still dead and is her husband still creepy?

The results of the autopsy showed that she was not dead at the time of the autopsy.

She is dead now.

If she wasn't dead at the time of the autopsy, then yeppers, an autopsy would kill you. Considering they remove your vital organs to study, including your heart and brain.

Yep. She's dead now.

Wonder if the death certificate will say autopsy? I mean, doing an autopsy on a live patient couldn't actually be called an autopsy, but what.....exploratory surgery? Murder? Doctor-assisted suicide?

Hmmmm..... :eusa_think:

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