RIP: Brittany Murphy (1977-2009)

I would bet good money that GTH has seen his share of drug users.

Yeah. The worst are the people that are addicted to prescription narcotics (IMO). The most honest drug users I've dealt with are the IV drug users.

"Are you aware that you have hepatitis C?"
"Do you know how you got it?"

His point seems to be more out of respect for her family and just basic decency that one does not have to forfeit just because they are known by many. If she were my sister, this sort of discussion would make me sadder at a time when I was already at a low for losing a sister.

Thank you. That is exactly my point.
From all reports, Brittany was an only child who was unaturally attached to her mother. In fact, she lived with her mother -- even after she married the con-artist.

Friends say Murphy found comfort in her mother, Sharon, with whom she was "intensely close," says one. "She and her mom lived together for years. Everyone thought it was a bit odd, but her mom was her soulmate, her guardian, her best friend. They loved each other so much, despite their differences sometimes. Her mom was her angel."

Brittany Murphy said:
"We're extremely close, extraordinarily close," Murphy said of her mother.....
...... "To say 'best friends' would be to diminish our relationship."

Sounds like Dr. Jeny is narrowing in on a diagnosis.

What's the differential for a girl who has a strong relationship with her mother and marries a "creepy looking" dude?
This just came across the wire, Brittany Murphy is still dead, and Jen is still in full meltdown mode. More to follow when details become available
From all reports, Brittany was an only child who was unaturally attached to her mother. In fact, she lived with her mother -- even after she married the con-artist.

Friends say Murphy found comfort in her mother, Sharon, with whom she was "intensely close," says one. "She and her mom lived together for years. Everyone thought it was a bit odd, but her mom was her soulmate, her guardian, her best friend. They loved each other so much, despite their differences sometimes. Her mom was her angel."

Brittany Murphy said:
"We're extremely close, extraordinarily close," Murphy said of her mother.....
...... "To say 'best friends' would be to diminish our relationship."

Sounds like Dr. Jeny is narrowing in on a diagnosis.

What's the differential for a girl who has a strong relationship with her mother and marries a "creepy looking" dude?
I'm curious as well as that fits me. :lol:
You're an assuming mother fucker, dude :lol:

I never said coke was an instant heart attack, in fact my contention was that she SEEMS like she's been on drugs for years.

Also, my opinion that she'd been using drugs never had a single thing to do with being a celeb. Her character when she speaks tells a lot about her. She's got a lot of tell-tale signs of drug usage my man, I'm sorry that you're not intelligent enough to have picked up on that.

My OPINION stands. And I'm done with this thread.



I am not assuming anything, I am being intentionally sensational in order to demonstrate just how silly this all is.

Pity you are done with this thread, I was really looking forward to your "tell-tale signs of drug use".

As I said, I don't believe there is anything in her past history (arrests, detox visits, etc) to indicate a history of drug use.
From all reports, Brittany was an only child who was unaturally attached to her mother. In fact, she lived with her mother -- even after she married the con-artist.

Sounds like Dr. Jeny is narrowing in on a diagnosis.

What's the differential for a girl who has a strong relationship with her mother and marries a "creepy looking" dude?
I'm curious as well as that fits me. :lol:

My wife too.
because meth doesn't fit the bill. Neither does crack. Neither are a party girl drugs which are predictably available to that echelon of celebrity.

Now, go enjoy your melt down over there in the corner until someone gets all joan of arc about using curse words.



Pauli explains it quite well.


Anyone that listens to that shitty song enough is sure to have a meltdown.

Thanks for pushing me closer to the edge.

Just......don't.......think......I can take it.......anymore.......
Yeah, she's in my sig so that she isn't forgotten.

Do you mean to say that you might forget her if her name isn't in your sig...just below the words "**** wad"?

Don't you have a dead 8 year old to go look for in your family yet?

What's the matter? You think it won't ever happen to you and yours?

Think again.

It can (and does) happen to anyone, at anytime.

When it happens to someone you love and care about, I'll make sure to make a big game out of it on the internet. I'll have a blast at their expense--and they won't be able to defend themself (again). We'll see how much fun it is for you when we exchange roles.

Yeah....sounds good, eh Doc?

Yeah, she's in my sig so that she isn't forgotten.

Do you mean to say that you might forget her if her name isn't in your sig...just below the words "**** wad"?

Don't you have a dead 8 year old to go look for in your family yet?

What's the matter? You think it won't ever happen to you and yours?

Think again.

It can (and does) happen to anyone, at anytime.

When it happens to someone you love and care about, I'll make sure to make a big game out of it on the internet. I'll have a blast at their expense--and they won't be able to defend themself (again). We'll see how much fun it is for you when we exchange roles.

Yeah....sounds good, eh Doc?


Isn't she the classiest thing?
You're an assuming mother fucker, dude :lol:

I never said coke was an instant heart attack, in fact my contention was that she SEEMS like she's been on drugs for years.

Also, my opinion that she'd been using drugs never had a single thing to do with being a celeb. Her character when she speaks tells a lot about her. She's got a lot of tell-tale signs of drug usage my man, I'm sorry that you're not intelligent enough to have picked up on that.

My OPINION stands. And I'm done with this thread.



I am not assuming anything, I am being intentionally sensational in order to demonstrate just how silly this all is.

Pity you are done with this thread, I was really looking forward to your "tell-tale signs of drug use".

As I said, I don't believe there is anything in her past history (arrests, detox visits, etc) to indicate a history of drug use.

Oh, no, nothing in her history at all.

Except on October 28th, she and her husband arrive at LAX on a plane and he's in full blown respiratory arrest---and BRITTANY doesn't want an ambulance called for him.

Hmmmm.....and then not even two months later on December 20th, she goes into full blown cardiac arrest at home in the shower....and dies. And HUSBAND DOESNT WANT AN AUTOPSY.

Oh, and COPIOUS amounts of prescription drugs were found in her home, according to the LAPD.

Curious, that, huh?
You're an assuming mother fucker, dude :lol:

I never said coke was an instant heart attack, in fact my contention was that she SEEMS like she's been on drugs for years.

Also, my opinion that she'd been using drugs never had a single thing to do with being a celeb. Her character when she speaks tells a lot about her. She's got a lot of tell-tale signs of drug usage my man, I'm sorry that you're not intelligent enough to have picked up on that.

My OPINION stands. And I'm done with this thread.



I am not assuming anything, I am being intentionally sensational in order to demonstrate just how silly this all is.

Pity you are done with this thread, I was really looking forward to your "tell-tale signs of drug use".

As I said, I don't believe there is anything in her past history (arrests, detox visits, etc) to indicate a history of drug use.


Yeah, because one needs to have an arrest record or a drug treatment record to be a user. :rolleyes:

Now I'm DEFINITELY done with this thread.
You're an assuming mother fucker, dude :lol:

I never said coke was an instant heart attack, in fact my contention was that she SEEMS like she's been on drugs for years.

Also, my opinion that she'd been using drugs never had a single thing to do with being a celeb. Her character when she speaks tells a lot about her. She's got a lot of tell-tale signs of drug usage my man, I'm sorry that you're not intelligent enough to have picked up on that.

My OPINION stands. And I'm done with this thread.



I am not assuming anything, I am being intentionally sensational in order to demonstrate just how silly this all is.

Pity you are done with this thread, I was really looking forward to your "tell-tale signs of drug use".

As I said, I don't believe there is anything in her past history (arrests, detox visits, etc) to indicate a history of drug use.


Yeah, because one needs to have an arrest record or a drug treatment record to be a user. :rolleyes:

Now I'm DEFINITELY done with this thread.

A real good, "functioning" addict has neither an arrest record or a drug treatment record.

They live in denial, using and hiding it--while others enable them to continue, by cleaning up their messes and protect them from the consequences of their behavior. I should know---I once was an enabler.

Yeah. Good point, Paulie. Good point.

My time spent in Al-Anon has not been wasted.
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You're an assuming mother fucker, dude :lol:

I never said coke was an instant heart attack, in fact my contention was that she SEEMS like she's been on drugs for years.

Also, my opinion that she'd been using drugs never had a single thing to do with being a celeb. Her character when she speaks tells a lot about her. She's got a lot of tell-tale signs of drug usage my man, I'm sorry that you're not intelligent enough to have picked up on that.

My OPINION stands. And I'm done with this thread.



I am not assuming anything, I am being intentionally sensational in order to demonstrate just how silly this all is.

Pity you are done with this thread, I was really looking forward to your "tell-tale signs of drug use".

As I said, I don't believe there is anything in her past history (arrests, detox visits, etc) to indicate a history of drug use.


Yeah, because one needs to have an arrest record or a drug treatment record to be a user. :rolleyes:

Now I'm DEFINITELY done with this thread.

I believe you were the one that stated that there was supporting evidence.

I suppose that supporting evidence basically boils down to some unflattering photos of her in the tabloids?
Except on October 28th, she and her husband arrive at LAX on a plane and he's in full blown respiratory arrest---and BRITTANY doesn't want an ambulance called for him.

"Respiratory arrest" for what?

Hmmmm.....and then not even two months later on December 20th, she goes into full blown cardiac arrest at home in the shower....and dies. And HUSBAND DOESNT WANT AN AUTOPSY.

So what? The matter is not up to her husband at any rate. As it stands, not wanting an autopsy doesn't imply criminality.

After witnessing a few autopsies, I don't think I would want anyone I loved having an autopsy done to them either.

I know this is a shocking notion, but people don't always act rational when they are grieving.

Oh, and COPIOUS amounts of prescription drugs were found in her home, according to the LAPD.

Prescription drugs? Maybe some of them were diltiazam, verpamil, amiodarone, or any number of drugs that people take for physiological arrythmias.

Do I find the fact that she had prescription drugs at her house curious? No. I suspect that you'd find the same in most any house in America.
I returned his volley. Rules of engagement and all that.

If he didn't want a response like that, he should have left Lori out of the discussion.

You could have taken the high road and maybe all of the people here would have supported you and rebuked me.

However, you decided to take the low road.

The fact that you dare to carry on about it is the reason why everyone is against you.
Except on October 28th, she and her husband arrive at LAX on a plane and he's in full blown respiratory arrest---and BRITTANY doesn't want an ambulance called for him.

"Respiratory arrest" for what?

Don't know. And I got the date wrong, it was November 28th. Right in the middle of Tiger Woods' meltdown. There was no follow up on this story that I could find because the world was too busy chasing Tiger's tail, so who the hell knows? I just think it's rather strange timing and circumstances.

BTW....October 28th, she was standing on her porch screaming her head off at 4 am about "shots" being fired. Neighbors were so disturbed by her behavior they called LAPD on her.

The police came out and discovered bad weather had triggered a generator that was making noise.

I posted links to these stories way at the beginning of this thread---that you haven't bothered to read.

So what? The matter is not up to her husband at any rate. As it stands, not wanting an autopsy doesn't imply criminality.

After witnessing a few autopsies, I don't think I would want anyone I loved having an autopsy done to them either.

I know this is a shocking notion, but people don't always act rational when they are grieving.

I understand that. Seen my share of grieving. I've also seen people do really dirty, rotten, sneaky things and try to cover up bad behavior when someone dies.

His behavior (thus far) has not been above rapproach. In my mind, he is suspicious until ruled otherwise.

Prescription drugs? Maybe some of them were diltiazam, verpamil, amiodarone, or any number of drugs that people take for physiological arrythmias.

Psychological arrythmia? Did you fucking make that up? LOL.

Having worked as a Pharm Tech, I've never heard of such. :lol:

Do I find the fact that she had prescription drugs at her house curious? No. I suspect that you'd find the same in most any house in America.

COPIOUS amounts of prescription drugs?

THAT was the word used by the LAPD. COPIOUS.

I don't think you'd find COPIOUS amounts of Rx drugs in most American homes. You certainly wouldn't in mine, and as you have alluded in this very same thread, I am being treated for more than one chronic condition. Still, no COPIOUS amounts of Rx meds here.

And when I was 32 the only Rx Meds I had in my home was prenatal vitamins and a Ventolin inhaler for my asthma.

A little strange to me that a 32 year old would need COPIOUS amounts of ANY Rx meds.

But....who knows? Maybe you think that's cool, being your a doctor in training and all and one day can write scripts for COPIOUS drugs yourself.

I returned his volley. Rules of engagement and all that.

If he didn't want a response like that, he should have left Lori out of the discussion.

You could have taken the high road and maybe all of the people here would have supported you and rebuked me.

However, you decided to take the low road.

The fact that you dare to carry on about it is the reason why everyone is against you.

Shut up, jerk.

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