RIP: Brittany Murphy (1977-2009)

Don't you have a dead 8 year old to go look for in your family yet?

What's the matter? You think it won't ever happen to you and yours?

Think again.

It can (and does) happen to anyone, at anytime.

When it happens to someone you love and care about, I'll make sure to make a big game out of it on the internet. I'll have a blast at their expense--and they won't be able to defend themself (again). We'll see how much fun it is for you when we exchange roles.

I'm sure you will.

And you will feel warranted in doing so.

Which negates your faux-outrage of my actions.

So, in the end, what I wrote isn't that big of a deal, is it? (...since you will do the same.)
Don't listen to them Jen, I'm still cheering for you. I want to see the full breakdown, not just this partial one
I returned his volley. Rules of engagement and all that.

If he didn't want a response like that, he should have left Lori out of the discussion.

You could have taken the high road and maybe all of the people here would have supported you and rebuked me.

However, you decided to take the low road.

The fact that you dare to carry on about it is the reason why everyone is against you.

Shut up, jerk.

Not yet...

I'm just trying to poke you enough that you bust into a multi-post tirade and call me a **** wad.

I want a good laugh.
Don't you have a dead 8 year old to go look for in your family yet?

What's the matter? You think it won't ever happen to you and yours?

Think again.

It can (and does) happen to anyone, at anytime.

When it happens to someone you love and care about, I'll make sure to make a big game out of it on the internet. I'll have a blast at their expense--and they won't be able to defend themself (again). We'll see how much fun it is for you when we exchange roles.

I'm sure you will.

And you will feel warranted in doing so.

Which negates your faux-outrage of my actions.

So, in the end, what I wrote isn't that big of a deal, is it? (...since you will do the same.)

It negates nothing.

You will find out exactly how disgusting and unpleasant it is to have a dead child you loved and cared about in life being used by a perfect stranger to make a stupid point.

It's not nice. I promise. Not by a long shot.

Not even *CLOSE* to comparable to my foul language. NOT EVEN IN THE SAME LEAGUE, NOT IN THE SAME GALAXY.

What you did was classless, tacky, disgusting, filthy and WRONG.

May you one day taste only a small bit of what you dished my way.

That was totally uncalled for.

Lori has been dead for more than 30 years. She was only 8 when she was murdered. A freaking rising 3rd grader. She wouldn't have even understood this thread or these arguements you're making--other than to understand that you're creepy and tacky.

I don't think expecting you to be an adult and let her RIP is asking too much. Is it?

Yeah. Probably so.

My cussing on an internet messageboard means you should disparage Lori and her memory.

Yeah. Nice guy, you. (blech)
Don't know. And I got the date wrong, it was November 28th. Right in the middle of Tiger Woods' meltdown. There was no follow up on this story that I could find because the world was too busy chasing Tiger's tail, so who the hell knows? I just think it's rather strange timing and circumstances.

Right. Who knows? Not you.

BTW....October 28th, she was standing on her porch screaming her head off at 4 am about "shots" being fired. Neighbors were so disturbed by her behavior they called LAPD on her.

The police came out and discovered bad weather had triggered a generator that was making noise.

I posted links to these stories way at the beginning of this thread---that you haven't bothered to read.

REally? The police responded? Was she acutely intoxicated? Is there anything in the formal record to indicate such?

I understand that. Seen my share of grieving. I've also seen people do really dirty, rotten, sneaky things and try to cover up bad behavior when someone dies.

His behavior (thus far) has not been above rapproach. In my mind, he is suspicious until ruled otherwise.

None of which proves anything.

Psychological arrythmia? Did you fucking make that up? LOL.



My point is that not all heart conduction defects are drug induced.

Having worked as a Pharm Tech, I've never heard of such. :lol:

I am sure you delved deeply into the pathophysiology of diagnosis of heart conditions in that capacity.

I mean, in order to count out pills that a Doctor prescribed, you'd have to know that stuff, wouldn't you?

COPIOUS amounts of prescription drugs?

THAT was the word used by the LAPD. COPIOUS.

Quantify "copious". Were the prescriptions in her name?

I don't think you'd find COPIOUS amounts of Rx drugs in most American homes. You certainly wouldn't in mine, and as you have alluded in this very same thread, I am being treated for more than one chronic condition. Still, no COPIOUS amounts of Rx meds here.

Actually, it would depend on whether some officer who went through your medicine cabinet deemed how many pill bottles you had as "copious" or not.

And when I was 32 the only Rx Meds I had in my home was prenatal vitamins and a Ventolin inhaler for my asthma.

A little strange to me that a 32 year old would need COPIOUS amounts of ANY Rx meds.

Because your health at 32 is the gold standard that we should base all 32 year old women's health on.

But....who knows? Maybe you think that's cool, being your a doctor in training and all and one day can write scripts for COPIOUS drugs yourself.


Adds nothing to the thread.
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May you one day taste only a small bit of what you dished my way.

So, do you still hope that a small child that I love is murdered?

Do you pray that my 4.5 year old son or my 1.5 year old son is murdered?

No, actually I don't. They are innocents and don't deserve what happened to Lori. In spite of the fact that their father is a fucking dirtbag, devoid of human decency or even the slightest bit of common sense and a complete and total waste of human skin.

Right now I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. If I saw you coming out of a fast-food restaurant and I was in the drive-thru lane, I'd be hard pressed not to run you down.

Good thing you've decided to avoid Atlanta. :D ;)

Merry Fucking Christmas, you miserable asshole.

::::::::::birdy finger::::::::::::::
May you one day taste only a small bit of what you dished my way.

So, do you still hope that a small child that I love is murdered?

Do you pray that my 4.5 year old son or my 1.5 year old son is murdered?

No, actually I don't. They are innocents and don't deserve what happened to Lori.

Thank you.

Will you accept my apologies? (
Twelve months from now, I will not remember who Brittany Murphy was. I will still know who Thomas Jefferson was. Just saying.
So, do you still hope that a small child that I love is murdered?

Do you pray that my 4.5 year old son or my 1.5 year old son is murdered?

No, actually I don't. They are innocents and don't deserve what happened to Lori.

Thank you.

Will you accept my apologies? (

Of course I accept your apology. :)

Thank you very much for this kind offering of peace.
May you one day taste only a small bit of what you dished my way.

So, do you still hope that a small child that I love is murdered?

Do you pray that my 4.5 year old son or my 1.5 year old son is murdered?

No, actually I don't. They are innocents and don't deserve what happened to Lori. In spite of the fact that their father is a fucking dirtbag, devoid of human decency or even the slightest bit of common sense and a complete and total waste of human skin.

Right now I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. If I saw you coming out of a fast-food restaurant and I was in the drive-thru lane, I'd be hard pressed not to run you down.

Good thing you've decided to avoid Atlanta. :D ;)

Merry Fucking Christmas, you miserable asshole.

::::::::::birdy finger::::::::::::::

Keep it classy, girlfriend.
If she was asthmatic she could have died of status asthmaticus. If she was diabetic, she could have died of DKA (though probably rare if she was a type two diabetic).

If she was on metformin, and had a flu-like illness but feeling "very ill" (my doc described it as "feeling worse than you think you should for what's wrong with you"), she could have been in lactic acidosis.
If she was asthmatic she could have died of status asthmaticus. If she was diabetic, she could have died of DKA (though probably rare if she was a type two diabetic).

If she was on metformin, and had a flu-like illness but feeling "very ill" (my doc described it as "feeling worse than you think you should for what's wrong with you"), she could have been in lactic acidosis.

As far as I know, lactic acidosis from metformin is a theoretical risk and is exceedingly rare, if it occurs at all.

Most of the lactic acidosis fears of metformin were do to the measurable cases of lactic acidosis from phenformin.

Her husband was an enabler, a con man and more than likely ripping off her money.

It's all gonna come out eventually.

These pansies will see.

But not a one of them will be brave enough to admit they were wrong.

If I'm wrong on this, I'll admit it in this thread.

But they won't. They're never wrong (in their small minds).

"Enabler", "con man" and "ripping off her money" does not equal "murderer".
If she was asthmatic she could have died of status asthmaticus. If she was diabetic, she could have died of DKA (though probably rare if she was a type two diabetic).

If she was on metformin, and had a flu-like illness but feeling "very ill" (my doc described it as "feeling worse than you think you should for what's wrong with you"), she could have been in lactic acidosis.

As far as I know, lactic acidosis from metformin is a theoretical risk and is exceedingly rare, if it occurs at all.

Most of the lactic acidosis fears of metformin were do to the measurable cases of lactic acidosis from phenformin.

Thanks, I didn't know about that. The nephrologist said it was rare, but because of my renal issues wanted me aware of the risk.

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