Rising GOP Star, First Governor In U.S. History To Survive Recall Attempt...

Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

No fascism, the status quo remains, though Walker sounded more MODERATE in his lack of defeat. Republicans won not one more office, thus far.
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

No fascism, the status quo remains, though Walker sounded more MODERATE in his lack of defeat. Republicans won not one more office, thus far.

Maybe so, but Unions/Democrats lost an awful lot more than a Recall Election. This will likely be disastrous for them in Wisconsin. They're in much worse shape now, than they were before they tried to Recall Walker. Big big miscalculation on their part.
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

Way to lose with class & dignity. Too much GE/NBC for you. Take a break. :cuckoo:
I concur that Walker would make a great VP pick for Romney
I concur that Walker would make a great VP pick for Romney

Probably a good time for you to ease up on your "The Republican Party is Dead" predictions. Being wrong is becoming a very nasty habit for you. ;)
Really really bad day for Public Unions/Democrats.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker beat back a recall challenge Tuesday, winning both the right to finish his term and a voter endorsement of his strategy to curb state spending, which included the explosive measure that eliminated union rights for most public workers.

With his defeat of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and the union leaders who rallied for months against Walker's agenda, the rising GOP star became the first governor in U.S. history to survive a recall attempt.

Tonight we tell Wisconsin, we tell our country and we tell people all across the globe that voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions," Walker said in his victory speech in Waukesha.

The governor said he was committed to working with his opponents, beginning with a friendly get-together with lawmakers of both parties over brats, burgers and "maybe a little bit of good Wisconsin beer."

With nearly all precincts reporting, Walker had nearly 53 percent of the vote, compared with 46 percent for Barrett, according to unofficial returns tabulated by The Associated Press.

As he conceded his loss, Barrett said the state had been left "deeply divided" by the recall battle.

"It is up to all of us, their side and our side, to listen. To listen to each other," Barrett said.

Walker was only the third governor to face a recall vote. The other two lost, most recently California Gov. Gray Davis in 2003.

Democrats and organized labor spent millions to oust Walker, but found themselves hopelessly outspent by Republicans from across the country who donated record-setting sums to Walker. Republicans hope the victory carries over into November and that their get-out-the-vote effort can help Mitt Romney become the first GOP nominee to carry the state since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

Romney issued a statement saying Walker's victory "will echo beyond the borders of Wisconsin."

Walker "has shown that citizens and taxpayers can fight back - and prevail - against the runaway government costs imposed by labor bosses," Romney said. "Tonight voters said no to the tired, liberal ideas of yesterday and yes to fiscal responsibility and a new direction"...

Read More:
News from The Associated Press

Can't say I know to much about the Man. However last night when he talked about how the People want leaders who are not afraid to stand up and make the Difficult Decisions even if it means it will hurt them Politically. I Stood up and clapped. I don't ever do that.

Prolly just talking out his ass like every Other Politician, But I liked what I heard.
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

Way to lose with class & dignity. Too much GE/NBC for you. Take a break. :cuckoo:

So now it's 8 to 1?


These guys are to funny. They Count every single Penny spent by Walker or anyone on his Behalf then only count Actually Campaign Contributions to Bennett's Campaign then Double that Bogus number and that's what they use.


The Total Spending, Both Direct Contributions to the Campaigns, and Independent Private Spending, Was pretty close to equal.
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

No fascism, the status quo remains, though Walker sounded more MODERATE in his lack of defeat. Republicans won not one more office, thus far.

Maybe so, but Unions/Democrats lost an awful lot more than a Recall Election. This will likely be disastrous for them in Wisconsin. They're in much worse shape now, than they were before they tried to Recall Walker. Big big miscalculation on their part.

So now they are tying to say, when the Democrats Drum up a Recall and the Republicans do not Pick up seats in it. It's a Democrat win?

And keep in mind, Unions/Democrats haven't even dropped their Recall tab on Wisconsin Taxpayers yet. Ya think Taxpayers were pissed at them before? Unions/Democrats played this one all wrong. They could be hurtin in Wisconsin for a long time to come.
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

Way to lose with class & dignity. Too much GE/NBC for you. Take a break. :cuckoo:

Hey....I live in Pennsylvania. Walker's victory means nothing to me. We have our own corporate shill to deal with in Uncle Tom Corbett. Who funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into Haliburton, who runs the Marcellus Shale project...allows them to pay no taxes on the huge windfall in the process, and cuts more than a billion dollars from education...both at the public level schools and help for college bound kids.....not to mention the cuts to health care in our state....but hey, it's all about big money with the right. Not the people.
Yeah....pretty amazing what Walker did...outspent his opponent 8:1, implemented voter ID laws and shut down the places to obtain those needed IDs in the poorest areas of the state.....

Yay Fascism!

Way to lose with class & dignity. Too much GE/NBC for you. Take a break. :cuckoo:

Hey....I live in Pennsylvania. Walker's victory means nothing to me. We have our own corporate shill to deal with in Uncle Tom Corbett. Who funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into Haliburton, who runs the Marcellus Shale project...allows them to pay no taxes on the huge windfall in the process, and cuts more than a billion dollars from education...both at the public level schools and help for college bound kids.....not to mention the cuts to health care in our state....but hey, it's all about big money with the right. Not the people.

Helluva story. Who told you that one? Let me guess?...Rachel Maddcow and the 'Thrill up my Leg' buffoon. :cuckoo:
Way to lose with class & dignity. Too much GE/NBC for you. Take a break. :cuckoo:

Hey....I live in Pennsylvania. Walker's victory means nothing to me. We have our own corporate shill to deal with in Uncle Tom Corbett. Who funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into Haliburton, who runs the Marcellus Shale project...allows them to pay no taxes on the huge windfall in the process, and cuts more than a billion dollars from education...both at the public level schools and help for college bound kids.....not to mention the cuts to health care in our state....but hey, it's all about big money with the right. Not the people.

Helluva story. Who told you that one? Let me guess?...Rachel Maddcow and the 'Thrill up my Leg' buffoon. :cuckoo:
Fuck you douchebag....I fucking LIVE here.
Hey....I live in Pennsylvania. Walker's victory means nothing to me. We have our own corporate shill to deal with in Uncle Tom Corbett. Who funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into Haliburton, who runs the Marcellus Shale project...allows them to pay no taxes on the huge windfall in the process, and cuts more than a billion dollars from education...both at the public level schools and help for college bound kids.....not to mention the cuts to health care in our state....but hey, it's all about big money with the right. Not the people.

Helluva story. Who told you that one? Let me guess?...Rachel Maddcow and the 'Thrill up my Leg' buffoon. :cuckoo:
Fuck you douchebag....I fucking LIVE here.

This is what i'm doing to your Bullshite lie. BITCH SLAP!!...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYPrcqQSsVg]Woman Slaps Barrett In The Face - YouTube[/ame]
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libocalypsenow = OP.

Hey....I live in Pennsylvania. Walker's victory means nothing to me. We have our own corporate shill to deal with in Uncle Tom Corbett. Who funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into Haliburton, who runs the Marcellus Shale project...allows them to pay no taxes on the huge windfall in the process, and cuts more than a billion dollars from education...both at the public level schools and help for college bound kids.....not to mention the cuts to health care in our state....but hey, it's all about big money with the right. Not the people.

Helluva story. Who told you that one? Let me guess?...Rachel Maddcow and the 'Thrill up my Leg' buffoon. :cuckoo:
Fuck you douchebag....I fucking LIVE here.

Then you would think youd be grateful to have a governor who actually allows businesses to thrive so we all have jobs.
Absolutely! He would make Romney a great VP.

My thoughts at first, JOKING. Walker is now a has been, he wasn't rejected midterm, big 'victory' there.

So he has a landslide victory last night, and he's now a has been? How do you figure exactly?

I'd say, that if you spend that many millions of dollars on advertising and win by only 9pts, there's not much of a "LANDSLIDE" going on.

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