Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

It is absolutely relevant. How could it not be? . If he wasn’t there the incident would not have happened. He made a foolish decision to be there.

What kind of idiot thinks it’s a good idea to travel to a neighboring town to join in a violent riot?
it is not relevant

He had every right to be there and to not be attacked
it is not relevant

He had every right to be there and to not be attacked
How could the fact that he was there and was not forced to be the be irrelevant? If you avoid attending and participating in a violent riot, you won’t be in any trouble

I have never said that he doesn’t have the right to make dumb decisions.
At no time have you condemned them. Heavy sigh, you attack a kid who defended himself and say nothing of the rioters who came from far away to wreck a city.

And you claim to be a conservative.

What a farce.
You’re the one acting like a liberal here. You are doing exactly what they do. You are intolerant of a different view
Like others on the racist right, Rittenhouse saw black Americans engaged in lawful protest; motivated by racism, Rittenhouse traveled to another state with the intent and hope of killing black Americans engaged in lawful protest, hiding behind the façade of ‘self-defense.’

Sheer idiotic projection
No they did not

the crowd rioting agt night was the same one rioting and looting during the day

You are a coward and liar

You're wrong. The protesters had gone home by dusk three nights in a row because of the curfew. Only trash was left on the street.
The mother and sister of Kyle Rittenhouse are asking for money so they don't get evicted from their apartment. Supposedly Kyle won't help out.

"According to Faith Rittenhouse, her brother, who has been touring the country giving speeches with the support of Turning Point USA, has refused to help out his sibling and mother"

"With my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we've been left to navigate this journey on our own," while pointing out that medical issues have waylaid her from being able to keep a job"

One hell of a kid you raised, Ms. Rittenhouse.

She only needs 3,000 ?

She make that at Mcdonalds in almost no time.
Yet his girlfriend is the one suing Kyle and Kenosha for damages.. I guess she wasn't that upset about the torture.

For the man who committed a crime decades before, he went to jail for those crimes instead of being treated for mental illness. So, um, yeah, I guess that's a good by you?

So if someone judges you to be an awful person, is it okay for them to shoot you? Asking for a friend.

That means nothing. Our legal industry is at a peak.

Everyone is suing everyone over anything.
How could the fact that he was there and was not forced to be the be irrelevant? If you avoid attending and participating in a violent riot, you won’t be in any trouble

I have never said that he doesn’t have the right to make dumb decisions.
Because it has nothing to do with why he was attacked you moron

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