rittenhouse has not been served with civil case

One person has a skateboard, the other person has a rifle, which one has the deadly force?

Both. The skateboard was used in the attack FIRST. If he had hit full on, rittenhouse would be dead. As it was, he swung too soon, so missed by a hair. That is when rittenhouse aired him out.

Someone had a pistol and fired it behind him. When he turned psycho was right at it.

GrossKreutz had a Glock when was actively trying to shoot him in the head when he hesitated because he was moving and lost the draw.

Skateboard boy was in the process of braining him when he got shot.

Another dude kicked him but was not shot.

All the people running besides him (lots of video of) were not shot.

Remarkable trigger control actually.
And did you ever think as to why so many people at the scene had so much animosity towards one person?
DogMod Mode: Ok lets move from the skateboard portion as its skating close to a personal threat (pun intended). Lets call that asked and answered.
And did you ever think as to why so many people at the scene had so much animosity towards one person?
Here's where I say...what? Don't move the goalposts. I was responding to your statement. The jury found they all created a reasonable fear that rifle boy was in fear of his life or significant harm.
Here's where I say...what? Don't move the goalposts. I was responding to your statement. The jury found they all created a reasonable fear that rifle boy was in fear of his life or significant harm.
We are all aware of the jury and their bullshit verdict.
Nice dodge!
Its not relevant, other than it actually supports the defense. Being in the middle of an angry mob, as the Defense pointed out, can make you in fear of your life.

We are all aware of the jury and their bullshit verdict.
They watched the case. So did I. its apparent that you didn't actually.
And none of them shows a gun being pointed at his head.

Thats GK.
Its not relevant, other than it actually supports the defense. Being in the middle of an angry mob, as the Defense pointed out, can make you in fear of your life.

They watched the case. So did I. its apparent that you didn't actually.
I'm asking the question, why was the mob angry towards him? Why did so many people at the scene, have issues with Rittenhouse? It wasn't because he was just so fucking innocent as you people are trying to claim! He was doing shit that made people angry. And that shit was not lawful!
I'm asking the question, why was the mob angry towards him? Why did so many people at the scene, have issues with Rittenhouse? It wasn't because he was just so fucking innocent as you people are trying to claim! He was doing shit that made people angry. And that shit was not lawful!
my god you are the dumbest mother fucker to ever walk the earth,,
Its not relevant, other than it actually supports the defense. Being in the middle of an angry mob, as the Defense pointed out, can make you in fear of your life.

They watched the case. So did I. its apparent that you didn't actually.
No, it is not apparent, because I seen the videos. But go ahead and defend the righties you alleged liberal!
I'm asking the question, why was the mob angry towards him?
Judging from the video, with the mob running around burning and destroying property, they were already mad. Additionally the Rittenhouse group had kept them back from burning and destroying the car dealerships, and earlier had been helping repair the damage.

But regardless, its utterly irrelevant why they were mad. its not an element in either a criminal or civil case frankly. But you didn't watch the trial so wouldn't know that.

Why did so many people at the scene, have issues with Rittenhouse?
literally irrelevant.
It wasn't because he was just so fucking innocent as you people are trying to claim!
No one is innocent. In this case he wasn't guilty.
He was doing shit that made people angry.
In this circumstance he was running to put out a fire.

And that shit was not lawful!
Actually it was. However literally everyone there was committing an illegal activity that were not on their own property or by permission of the owner as they
It looks like a cat!
Its a Glock - 19 I think although it could have been a 17. I agree with you that no self respecting person drives Glock, but thats the subject of another thread. *

*I was RO for a squad this weekend where one shooter brought a Glock as open gun: compensator, trigger job, magwell, side style frame optic not slide, all the works. I beat him with my production gun tee hee. :boobies:

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