Rittenhouse offered Congressional Internship

You've definitely lost it.

Rittenhouse is no hero. There will be more death after this. Not less.
Hey colfax_m care to say the convicted felon child rapist shouldn't have been there with an illegal gun shoving it in a kids face?

And any deaths after this will come from your side who shits on our Constitution and judicial system.
I'm just glad people aren't trying to use him for their own advantage...
Did you miss the revelation the the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson is going to show up to try to milk someone for some cash?
You've definitely lost it.

Rittenhouse is no hero. There will be more death after this. Not less.

We live in an era of escalating violence and division.

One of your mobs, attacked a young man, who defended himself.

Anyone who is so offended by the concept of self defense, of a mob denied their "right" to just randomly attack and/or kill who they want, that they riot and attack and/or kill because of it,

that person is a vile piece of shit, and is responsible for hte violent they do, not Rittenhouse.
He's the latest cause celebre. Right wing politicians will probably be lining up to use him to further their own agendas. He could become very wealthy if he makes the talk show circuits and remains in the spotlight long enough.
I'm no lawyer, but I would say that the slander involved at both CNN, and MSNBC will result in a larger pay out than Sandman got...And, they will still never learn.

You don't know that Sandmann got anything. I seriously doubt he did. The first case was tossed and the second one was just as weak. Sandmann wasn't defamed, and he didn't lose jack shit. Notice how you never heard another word from that kid or his father after the cases ended. Their lawyer, Lin Wood, was one of the lawyers for Trump's "Stop the Steal" who has been disbarred for lying to the courts.

The fact that the family used such a sleazy creep as their lawyer makes me seriously doubt they made much, if any, money on the deal.
Did you miss the revelation the the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson is going to show up to try to milk someone for some cash?
Perhaps I should have said I'm relieved no politicians will attempt to use him to further their careers.
You don't know that Sandmann got anything. I seriously doubt he did. The first case was tossed and the second one was just as weak. Sandmann wasn't defamed, and he didn't lose jack shit. Notice how you never heard another word from that kid or his father after the cases ended. Their lawyer, Lin Wood, was one of the lawyers for Trump's "Stop the Steal" who has been disbarred for lying to the courts.

The fact that the family used such a sleazy creep as their lawyer makes me seriously doubt they made much, if any, money on the deal.
Hey stupid, tell us why CNN had Sandman sign an NDA if they didn’t pay him?
You don't know that Sandmann got anything. I seriously doubt he did. The first case was tossed and the second one was just as weak. Sandmann wasn't defamed, and he didn't lose jack shit. Notice how you never heard another word from that kid or his father after the cases ended. Their lawyer, Lin Wood, was one of the lawyers for Trump's "Stop the Steal" who has been disbarred for lying to the courts.

The fact that the family used such a sleazy creep as their lawyer makes me seriously doubt they made much, if any, money on the deal.

This vitriolic alternate universe you live in has to stop…I’m concerned about you. Please seek help.
Agree, and making Rittenhouse a hero will perpetuate that escalation.

Recognizing hte truth that he was defending himself against a violent mob of attackers, is JUSTICE.

If JUSTICE is so offensive to one side, that it leads them to increased violence, that in on them (you).

Rest assured, that Rittenhouse was put though the ringer like this, and was the victim of an incredible witch hunt with huge government abuse, will not encourage more people to do as he did. Sure, he won that battle. Any reasonable person will realize that self defense is a dangerous step to take, as long as dems have power in this country.

Indeed, the vast majority of UNREASONABLE people would still be able to look at what happened to Rittenhouse and see how scary it was. You people are very, very scary.

Only the very brave will continue to stand up to you, just like before.
Not calling you anything, just calling out your bs….Sorry, if the truth upsets you.

Yes, you did call me something, you do not need to hide from it. I am not upset at all. As long as I have the wingers on both sides calling me the other side I feel pretty good about myself, means I am not a party drone.

The world has lost nuance, everything is black or white, us or them. Most can no longer see any shades of grey. I suppose it is an easier way to live, but I just cannot go for it.
Yes, you did call me something, you do not need to hide from it. I am not upset at all. As long as I have the wingers on both sides calling me the other side I feel pretty good about myself, means I am not a party drone.

The world has lost nuance, everything is black or white, us or them. Most can no longer see any shades of grey. I suppose it is an easier way to live, but I just cannot go for it.
Um, no I didn’t….you are left, now that doesn’t mean far left, or party drone as you say, but left of center.
Yes, you did call me something, you do not need to hide from it. I am not upset at all. As long as I have the wingers on both sides calling me the other side I feel pretty good about myself, means I am not a party drone.

The world has lost nuance, everything is black or white, us or them. Most can no longer see any shades of grey. I suppose it is an easier way to live, but I just cannot go for it.

Calling you "left" is not calling you a name. And it is painfully, obviously true.

you are now playing standard lefty word games.
You've definitely lost it.

Rittenhouse is no hero. There will be more death after this. Not less.
You mean because the BLM savages will riot because a whitey got off due to self-defense? That’s on YOUR side for letting them Burn, Loot, Murder for months on end.

Thank G-d it wasn’t a black criminal who tried to kill Kyle. He might not have been acquitted.
Agree, and making Rittenhouse a hero will perpetuate that escalation.
Actually, the media and president will have escalated the escalation by convincing the low-info leftists that Kyle is a white supremacist, and that he was acquitted to due to systemic racism, blah, blah, blah. YOUR side is instigating the BLM savages!

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