Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial

Cops, lawyers and judges abhor potential jurors who are considered at risk of voting "not guilty" or delivering any verdict except "guilty, guilty but insane, or not guilty by reason of insanity" which would be considered "jury nullification" and highly illegal because the defendant must be properly convincted and hospitalized for mental health care.
I don't know why you assume cops, lawyers or judges would vote not guilty without listening to all of the evidence
I would love to be on the jury, I'd find Kyle to be as innocent as a newborn babe.

Clear case of self defense. The so-called "victim" here was a child molester and Kyle was a child.

He did not just shoot one person, but 3 people.
He was not a victim, but deliberately brought a large capacity rifle to a peaceful protest.
That is about as provocative and inciting as anyone could possibly get, since he then actually pulled the trigger at least 10 times, shooting these 3 people as many as 5 times.
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We all witnessed the event, beginning to end.

Get off your knees and recognize the unalienable rights Americans have.

No one has the right to intimidate others who are unarmed, by pointing a high capacity rifle at them.
That is criminal intimidation intent, right from the start.
We all witnessed the event, beginning to end.

Get off your knees and recognize the unalienable rights Americans have.

I agree that Americans have rights, but those rights come with responsibilities. Rittenhouse was a minor. Minors don't have the same level of rights as adults. He wasn't even a resident of the city and state in which the occurred. He was illegally in posession of that weapon.

He had no business participating in that riot. His actions were both irresponsible and illegal,
He did not just shoot one person, but 3 people.
He was not a victim, but deliberately brought a large capacity rifle to a peaceful protest.
That is about as provocative and inciting as anyone could possibly get, since he then actually pulled the trigger at least 3 times.
Rittenhouse did wrong and should be held accountable, but it wasn't a "peaceful protest" as you claimed.
Then you have no business being on a jury. Also a child should not be illegally arming himself and inserting himself into a violent riot which was none of his business in the first place.
Wisconsin law says that if a person is under 18, and possess a dangerous weapon they are committing misdemeanor. Rittenhouse protected himself from rioters shooting at him and trying to beat him to death. Had he not been armed, he would most likely be dead today. These are facts jurors will have to consider in November.
Rittenhouse did wrong and should be held accountable, but it wasn't a "peaceful protest" as you claimed.

Some were committing vandalism, but no one in the protest was using deadly weapons like Kyle was.
When I say "peaceful" I am referring to the majority.
This was in response to murders by police, so were then very circumspect protests, considering.
Wisconsin law says that if a person is under 18, and possess a dangerous weapon they are committing misdemeanor. Rittenhouse protected himself from rioters shooting at him and trying to beat him to death. Had he not been armed, he would most likely be dead today. These are facts jurors will have to consider.

Kyle can't claim self defense when he deliberately provoked a violent response by intimidating demonstrators with the high capacity rifle.
Wisconsin law says that if a person is under 18, and possess a dangerous weapon they are committing misdemeanor. Rittenhouse protected himself from rioters shooting at him and trying to beat him to death. Had he not been armed, he would most likely be dead today. These are facts jurors will have to consider.
Rittenhouse voluntarily inserted himself into a violent riot which was none of his business. He was not in any danger until he placed himself in danger. He had no more business being there than the rioters who came from outside the area.
Wisconsin law says that if a person is under 18, and possess a dangerous weapon they are committing misdemeanor. Rittenhouse protected himself from rioters shooting at him and trying to beat him to death. Had he not been armed, he would most likely be dead today. These are facts jurors will have to consider in November.

Let's not forget that Democrat voters vote for the party of death....
Kyle can't claim self defense when he deliberately provoked a violent response by intimidating demonstrators with the high capacity rifle.

Carrying a rifle does not constitute a provocation in itself. Rittenhouse, by all accounts, was not running around randomly pointing or shooting his rifle. Part of the evidence will be the video that shows someone shooting in Rittenhouse's direction and the rioters that were descending upon him. The capacity of the rifle (how many bullets the magazine held) may be a point of law but has little to do with the incident because Rittenhouse only fired a few shots in self defense. As I said, he may be guilty of carrying a gun because he was under 18 but that is a misdemeanor in Wisconsin. IF Wisconsin has a magazine limit and he exceeded that, he may also be guilty of that but those are minimal infractions and do not constitute murder.
Which is irrelevant to the Rittenhouse trial.



There is only 'justice' for Democrats.

Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded: “No, sir.” When Wyden followed up by asking, “It does not?” Clapper said: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect—but not wittingly.” Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Biden’s Department of Justice Drops Charges Against Chinese Soldiers Who Lied to Acquire Jobs at American Universities

I don't hold out much hope for the poor boy who was simply protecting his life.
Kyle can't claim self defense when he deliberately provoked a violent response by intimidating demonstrators with the high capacity rifle.
He can.
In each of the instances where he shot someone, he was being chased.
Whatever he may have done to provoke being chased, as soon as he disengaged - ran away - his right to in self-defense reset.
So says WI law.

Unless you believe the people chasing him had the right to harm him, you cannot help but agree.
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There is only 'justice' for Democrats.

Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded: “No, sir.” When Wyden followed up by asking, “It does not?” Clapper said: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect—but not wittingly.” Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Biden’s Department of Justice Drops Charges Against Chinese Soldiers Who Lied to Acquire Jobs at American Universities

I don't hold out much hope for the poor boy who was simply protecting his life.
Rittenhouse acted irresponsibly and illegally. He needs to be accountable for his conduct. This has nothing at all to do with Democrats or Republicans.

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