Rittenhouse Prosecutor Calls ANTIFA Rioters Heroes

Are you comparing the young men Drafted into the U.S. Army that stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 4, 1944 to Antifa/BLM mobs, assaulting people cops, looting stores, burning building to include Police Precincts. Federal Building and churches.
How dare you besmirch these heroes of WWII? I have cousins, uncles and a father that gladly served during those days. Some never returned and lie buried in places like Holland, New Britain., or lie in a ship sunk off Okinawa.
There are a lot of grand fathers, great grandsons and grand daughters on these boards that will also take umbrage on your statement....
You may be end up being put on ignore by a majority of them.

Ditto on the father and uncles. They are gone now, but trust me, they were not the tatoo-ed, drug addled punks that Antfia is, and anyone that ever met them would know that.

And ANYONE that would pretend that they are, are fucking assholes. And scum of the earth.
I see this is all melting your brain you stupid fuck
Now I have to stop you right there because you just insulted the humans with a living brain cell by proclaiming that person had a brain to melt!

I mean anyone who has the gaul to compare ANTIFA to those that fought in Normandy clearly has never had a living brain cell once and if they did it committed suicide because one is a lonely ass number!
STATEMENT: Rittenhouse Prosecutor Calls ANTIFA Rioters Heroes
RESPONSE: So were all of the GI's who landed at Normandy on June 5, 1944.
That only makes sense to you.

To those on the left wrong, it probably makes perfect sense.

Just more evidence of what I have been saying, that modern LIbEralism is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
And yet again the American people let rioters become the new normal and become a little more ok with them destroying the country and breaking laws while democrats sit back and praise them.

Exactly when are the Americans going to get tired of this? Where are the good guys that would arrest and charge all of these looting, stealing arsonist fuckwads? I don't know what's wrong with america.
Germany was fascist, ANTIFA are anti fascists.

Then you are a fucking retard if you believe America is a Fascist State like Nazi Germany was!

Rye Catcher is a fucking retard, completely independent of whether he believes that or not. His fucking retardhood goes much, much, much deeper than any individual belief that he may express as a manifestation of his fucking retardhood.
STATEMENT: Rittenhouse Prosecutor Calls ANTIFA Rioters Heroes

RESPONSE: So were all of the GI's who landed at Normandy on June 5, 1944.
yes they were…not the demafascist brownshirts burning this city, and looting stores

the sad thing is your cult leader really has you cultist believing you are

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