Rittenhouse Prosecutor Calls ANTIFA Rioters Heroes

How dare you support the assholes that tried to eliminate the nation whose young men stormed the beaches at Normandy? Rittenhouse is just a continuation of the bastards that invaded, vandalized, and smeared shit all over our Capital. They did this with the intent of overturning and election and installing the treasonous far senile old orange clown as the first American dictator.
We drink your tears of anguish like a fine wine.
Rye Catcher
How can you compare those domestic terrorists to those that landed at Normandy?? You really are an idiot.

Oh and just where did you learn the safe way to handle a gun?? Putting your finger on the trigger isn't safe and I'd bet your Army?? days taught you better.
How can you compare those domestic terrorists to those that landed at Normandy?? You really are an idiot.

Oh and just where did you learn the safe way to handle a gun?? Putting your finger on the trigger isn't safe and I'd bet your Army?? days taught you better.
My father was an Army DI who taught proper rifle handling and shooting to recruits for years and
I grew up getting many lessons in the matter.

One of the very first things I learned was to keep away from the trigger until absolutely ready to shoot
something or somewhere.

The prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial is a moron as well as a liar and after the Alec Baldwin mess
I can't believe he would point a rifle at the jury with his finger on the trigger.

Anyone praising him declares themselves too dumb to hold a valid opinion.
We should let the heroes go to his house to celebrate the fact he got not guilty verdicts for Rittenhouse.


We should call him......Little Binger....

When did they teach you to put your finger on the trigger of a rifle and sweep a packed room with it?
I never saw the target I fired from the projectile in the 5" Gun. The 54 pound projectile I loaded onto the breach, directly in front of the brass, was fired electrically from those who pushed a button adjacent to the Bridge.

Did you ever serve?
Rye Catcher
How can you compare those domestic terrorists to those that landed at Normandy?? You really are an idiot.

Oh and just where did you learn the safe way to handle a gun?? Putting your finger on the trigger isn't safe and I'd bet your Army?? days taught you better.
Navy; I only fired a long gun on the range at Boot Camp in San Diego.

The Anti fascists are not terrorists, the 20th and 21st century fascists' are.
My father was an Army DI who taught proper rifle handling and shooting to recruits for years and
I grew up getting many lessons in the matter.

One of the very first things I learned was to keep away from the trigger until absolutely ready to shoot
something or somewhere.

The prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial is a moron as well as a liar and after the Alec Baldwin mess
I can't believe he would point a rifle at the jury with his finger on the trigger.

Anyone praising him declares themselves too dumb to hold a valid opinion.
I have to wonder exactly what the jury was thinking---how many of them had to fight the urge to tell the idiot prosecutor to put the f'ing gun down.
I have to wonder exactly what the jury was thinking---how many of them had to fight the urge to tell the idiot prosecutor to put the f'ing gun down.

If anyone in that courthouse at that time had a loaded gun with him, he would have been completely justified in shooting that dumbass prosecutor when it was waving that rifle around. Pointing a gun at anyone, is a threat, even if the gun is assumed to be unloaded. Ask Halyna Hutchins or [Let's Go] Brandon Lee how safe an “unloaded” gun is. Oh, wait. You can't. They're both dead.

If I'm not mistaken, pointing a gun at someone in such a careless manner is a serious criminal offense in most jurisdictions. For this, that dumbass prosecutor fully deserves to find itself at the receiving end of the justice system. At the very least, it should be disbarred for life.

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