Rittenhouse says he supports blm

I am not "whining" about anything but illegal immigration, which is driving down all wages, including black people.

But your white hatred is showing. You are the fragile little whiney shit.

And "actually oppressed" you are not, nor have your been your entire life. But thank you for finally admitting that black folks have successfully navigated oppression and you're no longer oppressed.

That's exactly what we've been saying, motherfucker. Thanks for finally being truthful and confirming.

Now, take your whiny little ass the fuck out of here and go start your next daily bullshit, sarcastic, douchy, whiney-ass thread

If these people are as oppressed as Jews headed off to gas chambers -- how am I not oppressed??

The lack of self awareness a dic sucker like you has to have to call anyone fragile or whiney
Is it the Chjeeeeews?

Huh? You have a seizure while typing?

The Eastern Bloc countries exploited the Black Panthers in the 60s and 70s. The goal is similar to that of BLM and ANTIFA, "divide America based on bringing up history and pretend that progress has not been made". America will thus weaken itself from within.

Your Southern border policy just ensures the unsustainability of your system and you will then turn to the systems that others use. Listening to many politicians, it's clear that this interference runs far deeper than just a few groups.

What politician agrees that getting rid of a gifted program is good for your country? How about calling math racist, or giving a free pass to less deserving students that deflates and ultimately deters brighter students from applying their talents?

They are pulling strings of government and Western intelligence agencies haven't figured out how to stop them, nor how to expose them. Look to Canada, this economy and lack of civil liberty awaits you.
Skin color has nothing to do with the case and the fact you on the left keep race baiting with these types of stupid comments tells us you are about dividing, not uniting. Bad reflection on our President Joe Biden.
Correct, because it is white on white, but if Rittenhouse was black, you and your ilk would be on the warpath. My comment was hardly stupid, based on the mega moron mentality. President Joe Biden
has nothing to do with this.
You sure are bitter


What they stand for is the biggest lie of this century

But if rittenhouse says he does I’m not going to freak out and bomb his mother’s home
Rittenhouse knows what to say in this situation, with good attorney advice. Who he supports is not a "freak out" issue. How he acts on that support may well be.
The kid suffered mental anguish that would justify a PTSD pension in Obama's world. Give 'em a break from Media Matters spin for a while.
The kid suffered mental anguish that would justify a PTSD pension in Obama's world. Give 'em a break from Media Matters spin for a while.
Yes, especially from Fox News, which is jumping on him like a fly to flypaper.
Then why did he leave his home town, cross a state line, and illegally acquire a weapon just to shoot them?

again... he did not illegaly require that weapon. and he didnt bring it across state lines, it was already in Kenosha in a gun safe. Funny how the left haas to constantly make an argument based on bad information.
Then allegiances must be split if one is intelligent. Support Kyle’s heroic Americanism, oppose and boycott blm’s baboonism.
Correct, because it is white on white, but if Rittenhouse was black, you and your ilk would be on the warpath. My comment was hardly stupid, based on the mega moron mentality. President Joe Biden
has nothing to do with this.
it has nothing to do with race but you are gonna make it about race and then make a blanket statement about others being racist

sounds like you are projecting…
it has nothing to do with race but you are gonna make it about race and then make a blanket statement about others being racist

sounds like you are projecting…
You know exactly what I mean, yes? Deny, deny, deny
again... he did not illegaly require that weapon. and he didnt bring it across state lines, it was already in Kenosha in a gun safe. Funny how the left haas to constantly make an argument based on bad information.
It is not the left. Funny how a person can make a statement that may not hold water and automatically the whole left is indicted by a member of the "locked and loaded" group.
Correct, because it is white on white, but if Rittenhouse was black, you and your ilk would be on the warpath. My comment was hardly stupid, based on the mega moron mentality. President Joe Biden
has nothing to do with this.

Fuck you and your ilk BS. I tire of the the implications for some fucked in the head asshole that claims to know what I think and what I want.

If Rittenhouse was black, it would be the same, dumb shit, the EVIDENCE wasn't there, it never was. Now, racist scum are trying to tie race into it because the left has to have racial division to divide and conquer.

If you have proof my mind would be different had a black person got off on this crime, either prove your stupid shit or STFU.
Fuck you and your ilk BS. I tire of the the implications for some fucked in the head asshole that claims to know what I think and what I want.

If Rittenhouse was black, it would be the same, dumb shit, the EVIDENCE wasn't there, it never was. Now, racist scum are trying to tie race into it because the left has to have racial division to divide and conquer.

If you have proof my mind would be different had a black person got off on this crime, either prove your stupid shit or STFU.
Deny, deny, deny with powerful insults. I can tell from your defensive tone that you are a prime example of the "locked and loaded" group. Don't like the truth, eh hotshot?
it has nothing to do with race but you are gonna make it about race and then make a blanket statement about others being racist

sounds like you are projecting…

In most instances low class ineducated whites hate blacks and vice versa.. Although I was privileged to see something far more decent among Mississippi farmers in the 1960s and 70s.
In most instances low class ineducated whites hate blacks and vice versa.. Although I was privileged to see something far more decent among Mississippi farmers in the 1960s and 70s.

Speak for yourself and your own experiences. I know plenty of uneducated people that aren’t racist or hate anyone

My experience the race baiting and hating typically comes from the educated and well to do…usually associated with the party of the Klan, and it’s cultist who like to make things about race

Poor folks, those of us in the middle, working class folks, we get along with all races because we all live and work together…likely proven by your experience with Mississippi farmers

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