Rittenhouse says he supports blm

Anyone here commenting on Kyles stupidity, is in fact stupid. When he says he supports BLM, he means the IDEA of it. BLM in of itself is a good idea, black lives do matter and I DO support the idea of ending racism. HOWEVER, Kyle does not support the organisation, the terrorist thugs who took a good idea and ruined it by spreading their own hate and violence. When Kyle says he supports BLM, He doesn't mean the thugs. He means the Idea.
Rittenhouse is a fool trying to negotiate with the democrat mob. It's like trying to reason with a virus,
You don't need to do anything to a virus but ignore it.....besides, more people die from the flu every year than they do from "negotiating with Democrats"

19 Republicans negotiated with Democrats to pass the infrastructure bill....none of them are dead....despite the fact they received death threats from dic suckers like you....but that's different
You don't need to do anything to a virus but ignore it.....besides, more people die from the flu every year than they do from "negotiating with Democrats"

19 Republicans negotiated with Democrats to pass the infrastructure bill....none of them are dead....despite the fact they received death threats from dic suckers like you....but that's different

Regardless, trying to make nice with the BLM terrorists is a fools game.
"I'm not a racist person. I support the BLM movement, I support peacefully demonstrating," Rittenhouse tells Carlson in excerpts of the interview released by Fox News ahead of its airing.

"This case has nothing to do with race. It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense," the 18-year-old tells Fox News host Tucker Carlson in an interview set to air Monday night. Rittenhouse is white, as were the men he shot.

Well, there you go.

Are you surprised Kyle supports BLM?

Are you in love?
You seem to be a low intelligence member of the underclass. Maybe that is down to your upbringing or just your own character. Were your family shipped over there from the London criminal classes back in the day ?
Your post is pointless.

You are pointless.

You are feminine emotion.

Why do I bother?
Well, it's obvious that if Kyle would've shot 2 black people dead, it would've been a whole different situation.

He still would've walked, but there'd be a lot more tension.

"In his first interview since the trial, the 18-year-old told host Tucker Carlson: "This case has nothing to do with race, it never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defence. "I'm not a racist person, I support the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. I believe there needs to be change."

WTF Kyle?? Please tell me that you were just saying that for appearances and that deep down you really don't believe that....BLM is a racist organization and you were there in Kenosha to protect property from these murderous thugs and put a stop to their diabolical plans...now you are saying you support them and that there needs to be a change?? What change? Blacks have too many rights as it is...and they almost always get preferential treatment in the courts system..Besides, I wonder if Kyle will say that now knowing that just yesterday, these racist BLM thugs just murdered innocent people because of his verdict?

He then went on to say how prosecutor misconduct is a major problem....Well, Kyle...not if you are black...if anything, prosecutors bend over backwards to help blacks get off....Does Kyle not understand that if he were black and facing these charges, the prosecutors would have dropped them a long time ago?? Hell, if Kyle were black and poor, he wouldn't have even been charged in the first place...he would be celebrated as a hero and urged to run for office...But since he was white; these cops, these prosecutors, all the way down to the court clerk did everything in their power to ruin this guy's life...Which according to many studies; that is what happens most of the time to white defendants in the justice system...I am disappointed that Tucker didn't bring up that fact.

Interesting. So Joe Biden believes BLM supporters are white supremacists. Now what are you gonna do?

Anyone here commenting on Kyles stupidity, is in fact stupid. When he says he supports BLM, he means the IDEA of it. BLM in of itself is a good idea, black lives do matter and I DO support the idea of ending racism. HOWEVER, Kyle does not support the organisation, the terrorist thugs who took a good idea and ruined it by spreading their own hate and violence. When Kyle says he supports BLM, He doesn't mean the thugs. He means the Idea.
"ending" racism? :lol:
And you call others stupid?
BTW, mr. genius, he said he supported the "movement" do you understand what that word means?
Regardless, trying to make nice with the BLM terrorists is a fools game.
Fair enough...

They said that about MLK when folks were just trying to justify why blacks shouldn't be treated equally under the law.....

M_007mlk.1112 (19).jpg

Obviously, justice prevailed and folks like you now have to pretend you were supportive of the cause all along.....but we know better...

Most likely when further progress is made -- DESPITE YOUR DEMONIZING AND OPPOSITION -- you can pretend you supported that cause too.....when it becomes socially unacceptable to be against it....
Otis Mayfield I'm not surprised he said that since he and his family will be a BLM target for a long time. Just like his lawyer is trying to distance himself from Kyle out of self preservation.
Interesting. So Joe Biden believes BLM supporters are white supremacists. Now what are you gonna do?

You should type that in crayon -- that way it would look like a child said it...

So we can pretend that a grown ass man didn't just say something this intellectually stupid....
So it is fake?

"He supports and organization that wants him dead and says he is abject evil?"

Is a malicious lie you made up?

I have doubts about your statement about Mr. Rittenhouse.

If he agreed with BLM policies, why didn't he plead guilty during his trial? After all, his head on a pike was what BLM demanded.
Pretty sure he said he supports their stated goals and right to peaceful protests. Not sure he supports their riots and looting.
You are no better

But being much older than Kyle you have even less of an excuse
I don't lie....nor do I support liars....

You on the other hand....do....a lot.....

Because Conservatives MUST LIE when they keep finding themselves on the wrong side of history, over and over and over and over again...
All those people who are going to say "Kyle Rittenhouse is dead to me!" after hearing him say he supports BLM.

I'm not happy about this either, but this didn't have anything to do with his legal case.
Stupid ass cow I said I believe the young man was defending himself, now was he there legally was his weapon obtained legally? What was the protest about that he was at?
yes he was there legally…why can’t a person be on a public street??? and yes he had a legal weapon…he’s not a felon, and minors can have rifles in WI.

Chaps your ass doesn’t it? Your plantation master’s lies being exposed
Why would someone as strong and mighty as Kyle feel the need to cower down to the leftist BLM mob and claim he supports them??
Because BLM is vindictive and violent. He doesnt want to get shot or run over by angry black people.

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