Rittenhouse says he supports blm

"In his first interview since the trial, the 18-year-old told host Tucker Carlson: "This case has nothing to do with race, it never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defence. "I'm not a racist person, I support the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. I believe there needs to be change."

WTF Kyle?? Please tell me that you were just saying that for appearances and that deep down you really don't believe that....BLM is a racist organization and you were there in Kenosha to protect property from these murderous thugs and put a stop to their diabolical plans...now you are saying you support them and that there needs to be a change?? What change? Blacks have too many rights as it is...and they almost always get preferential treatment in the courts system..Besides, I wonder if Kyle will say that now knowing that just yesterday, these racist BLM thugs just murdered innocent people because of his verdict?

He then went on to say how prosecutor misconduct is a major problem....Well, Kyle...not if you are black...if anything, prosecutors bend over backwards to help blacks get off....Does Kyle not understand that if he were black and facing these charges, the prosecutors would have dropped them a long time ago?? Hell, if Kyle were black and poor, he wouldn't have even been charged in the first place...he would be celebrated as a hero and urged to run for office...But since he was white; these cops, these prosecutors, all the way down to the court clerk did everything in their power to ruin this guy's life...Which according to many studies; that is what happens most of the time to white defendants in the justice system...I am disappointed that Tucker didn't bring up that fact.

Yet another Biff pathetic troll thread............and a duplicate.....

Then why did he leave his home town, cross a state line, and illegally acquire a weapon just to shoot them?
He didnt do that. Nor was it illegal for him to have that weapon, retard. You clearly dont know fuck all about this case.
Yet another Biff pathetic troll thread............and a duplicate.....

Don't be mad because I hold up the mirror to your fragile face....

I know in advance the stupid shit reactionary right-wing cucks are gonna say.....



"I'm not a racist person. I support the BLM movement, I support peacefully demonstrating," Rittenhouse tells Carlson in excerpts of the interview released by Fox News ahead of its airing.

"This case has nothing to do with race. It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense," the 18-year-old tells Fox News host Tucker Carlson in an interview set to air Monday night. Rittenhouse is white, as were the men he shot.

Well, there you go.

Are you surprised Kyle supports BLM?
How is that relevant? The case was about self defense, not about his support for BLM.

"In his first interview since the trial, the 18-year-old told host Tucker Carlson: "This case has nothing to do with race, it never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defence. "I'm not a racist person, I support the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. I believe there needs to be change."

WTF Kyle?? Please tell me that you were just saying that for appearances and that deep down you really don't believe that....BLM is a racist organization and you were there in Kenosha to protect property from these murderous thugs and put a stop to their diabolical plans...now you are saying you support them and that there needs to be a change?? What change? Blacks have too many rights as it is...and they almost always get preferential treatment in the courts system..Besides, I wonder if Kyle will say that now knowing that just yesterday, these racist BLM thugs just murdered innocent people because of his verdict?

He then went on to say how prosecutor misconduct is a major problem....Well, Kyle...not if you are black...if anything, prosecutors bend over backwards to help blacks get off....Does Kyle not understand that if he were black and facing these charges, the prosecutors would have dropped them a long time ago?? Hell, if Kyle were black and poor, he wouldn't have even been charged in the first place...he would be celebrated as a hero and urged to run for office...But since he was white; these cops, these prosecutors, all the way down to the court clerk did everything in their power to ruin this guy's life...Which according to many studies; that is what happens most of the time to white defendants in the justice system...I am disappointed that Tucker didn't bring up that fact.

why wouldn’t he support the fact that changes need to be made to the justice system and what their original goal was?

Most people agree

What’s sad is how the group has been taken over by the radicals ans is now a paramilitary terrorist group for the dnc and doesn’t. care about minorities
"I'm not a racist person. I support the BLM movement, I support peacefully demonstrating," Rittenhouse tells Carlson in excerpts of the interview released by Fox News ahead of its airing.

"This case has nothing to do with race. It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense," the 18-year-old tells Fox News host Tucker Carlson in an interview set to air Monday night. Rittenhouse is white, as were the men he shot.

Well, there you go.

Are you surprised Kyle supports BLM?
He doesnt support BLM in the slightest. He just doesnt want to get shot by some homeboy as he is pumping gas or at a grocery store.
If Rittenhouse was black and killed 2 white protesters, he would have been found guilty and put away for 60 years. Prosecutors would have eaten him for lunch, and that judge would have been less favorable to the defense.
Skin color has nothing to do with the case and the fact you on the left keep race baiting with these types of stupid comments tells us you are about dividing, not uniting. Bad reflection on our President Joe Biden.
So fragile cucks whining about being replaced by Jews, Illegals and other assortments of others -- that isn't fear of anything right??
I am not "whining" about anything but illegal immigration, which is driving down all wages, including black people.

But your white hatred is showing. You are the fragile little whiney shit.

Because if these folks had to actually go thru an ounce of what "ACTUALLY OPPRESSED" people successfully navigated
And "actually oppressed" you are not, nor have your been your entire life. But thank you for finally admitting that black folks have successfully navigated oppression and you're no longer oppressed.

That's exactly what we've been saying, motherfucker. Thanks for finally being truthful and confirming.

Now, take your whiny little ass the fuck out of here and go start your next daily bullshit, sarcastic, douchy, whiney-ass thread
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He was too young to buy the rifle, the rest of the trial was a joke as well. He went to Kenosha looking for someone to shoot. He found several someones and shot them. A sham.of a court called it self defense, but didn't argue with these facts.

The trial was a joke because YOU didnt like the outcome. What the F does it matter that Rittenhouse was too young to buy the rifle when he DIDNT BUY THE RIFLE?
Its not illegal for someone his age to carry the rifle that someone else bought.... so you are really reaching... stop watching the lying fools on MSNBC. YOU think he went looking for someone to shoot, but the fact was he was attacked first and when you are attacked in a mob situation, you can get stomped to death. Fact.. he was attacked first and had to defend himself. The jury lives in that town or area... you dont, and you dont know what it was really like there at the time. And yes a skateboard can kill you if struck in the side of your head with the edge or wheels, or it can be used to knock out all your teeth, people who discount that have never been in many fights and are ignorant.

"In his first interview since the trial, the 18-year-old told host Tucker Carlson: "This case has nothing to do with race, it never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defence. "I'm not a racist person, I support the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. I believe there needs to be change."

WTF Kyle?? Please tell me that you were just saying that for appearances and that deep down you really don't believe that....BLM is a racist organization and you were there in Kenosha to protect property from these murderous thugs and put a stop to their diabolical plans...now you are saying you support them and that there needs to be a change?? What change? Blacks have too many rights as it is...and they almost always get preferential treatment in the courts system..Besides, I wonder if Kyle will say that now knowing that just yesterday, these racist BLM thugs just murdered innocent people because of his verdict?

He then went on to say how prosecutor misconduct is a major problem....Well, Kyle...not if you are black...if anything, prosecutors bend over backwards to help blacks get off....Does Kyle not understand that if he were black and facing these charges, the prosecutors would have dropped them a long time ago?? Hell, if Kyle were black and poor, he wouldn't have even been charged in the first place...he would be celebrated as a hero and urged to run for office...But since he was white; these cops, these prosecutors, all the way down to the court clerk did everything in their power to ruin this guy's life...Which according to many studies; that is what happens most of the time to white defendants in the justice system...I am disappointed that Tucker didn't bring up that fact.

From the dept. of the redundancy dept.

You are not good at this, boy.

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