RNC considers cutting cash to Trump

It's gotta feel like the car owner who has a lemon and soon as you fix this thing, that thing breaks down. AKA 'throwing good money after bad'.

Oh, you bought a Chevy as well.
Anyway, I think it would be awesome if the RNC cut funding towards Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump. It would make it that much more awesome if by any miracle he managed to win the election. He wouldn't own them jack, and it would a solid indicator that the RNC needs a enema.
Yes and it can start with flushing out democrat Donald Trump

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Yes and it can start with flushing out democrat Donald Trump

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Yeah, getting rid of their nominee would certainly guarantee their loss. That sounds like a solid plan for the Democrats, and it is great to hear so many Republicans agree with them. Bi partisan cooperation has been hampered all this time because Republicans have pretended to be so different from their fellows across the aisle.
Yes and it can start with flushing out democrat Donald Trump

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yeah, getting rid of their nominee would certainly guarantee their loss. That sounds like a solid plan for the Democrats, and it is great to hear so many Republicans agree with them. Bi partisan cooperation has been hampered all this time because Republicans have pretended to be so different from their fellows across the aisle.
He is not winning. He is not even trying to win. He is a loser . A fool and a fraud .

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He is not winning. He is not even trying to win. He is a loser . A fool and a fraud .

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What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I don't see any other people the Republican Party has nominated for President doing any better. If the RNC just wants to hand the White House to the Democrats, then I think that would pretty much sum up what has been going on for decades. Republican Presidential Nominee Trump may not be what you would consider to be a Republican, but there hasn't been a Conservative Republican for a hell of a lot longer, and RPN Trump isn't any different than the rest of those beltway RNC wanna be yahoos.
He is not winning. He is not even trying to win. He is a loser . A fool and a fraud .

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What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I don't see any other people the Republican Party has nominated for President doing any better. If the RNC just wants to hand the White House to the Democrats, then I think that would pretty much sum up what has been going on for decades. Republican Presidential Nominee Trump may not be what you would consider to be a Republican, but there hasn't been a Conservative Republican for a hell of a lot longer, and RPN Trump isn't any different than the rest of those beltway RNC wanna be yahoos.
You retards nominated him you own his defeat .

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You retards nominated him you own his defeat .

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Who the heck are you talking to?

I haven't nominated anyone and couldn't care less who the RNC supports. I think it would be funny to watch them fall apart and get what they deserve. I mean I hate Progressive Liberals, but don't see much difference between the two parties when comes to what they actually do in the beltway. There is no difference between electing RPN Donald Trump or that idiot DPN Hillary Clinton, and I am just thankful that I don't need either one of them (or anyone for that matter) sitting in the White House come next January to have an awesome day.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I don't see any other people the Republican Party has nominated for President doing any better. If the RNC just wants to hand the White House to the Democrats, then I think that would pretty much sum up what has been going on for decades. Republican Presidential Nominee Trump may not be what you would consider to be a Republican, but there hasn't been a Conservative Republican for a hell of a lot longer, and RPN Trump isn't any different than the rest of those beltway RNC wanna be yahoos.
That's what I said weeks before the RNC convention. I said they should stand up, nominate Trump, and then immediately read a concession speech. Because as far back as January this year, polls showed Trump consistently losing to Hillary in the general. That fact has not changed since and the numbers have only gotten worse for Trump.

Kasich, on the other hand, polled consistently beating Hillary in the general. Sometimes by as much as double digits. But, the RNC and Fox News thought it would be cute to listen to Cheney's advice to push Kasich in the shadows. Kasich, like Trump (minus the insanity), is bullish and takes control of governing. Cheney's gang wants nothing to do with a candidate like that. And yes, that "good advice" has been going on for decades..

..And so, the man most fit to govern our nation from the GOP side, the one that would have unified the party, won the general and swept the House and the Senate for GOP races even in close states...sits at home eating popcorn and watching the spectacle unfold for his party. Like watching a giant sloth inch towards the tar pit for a drink.. Thanks; 5-time draft-dodger, gay-marriage supporting, raised by democrats...Dick.
How much long will it be that the RNC dumps trump and lets him wither away?

Since the Cleveland convention, top party officials have been quietly making the case to political journalists, donors and GOP operatives that the Republican National Committee has done more to help Trump than it did to support its 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and that, therefore, Trump has only himself and his campaign to blame for his precipitous slide in the polls, according to people who have spoken with Republican leadership.

Sean Spicer, the RNC’s top strategist, on Wednesday made that case to 14 political reporters he convened at the organization’s Capitol Hill headquarters for an off-the-record conversation about the election.

RNC considers cutting cash to Trump

It's gotta feel like the car owner who has a lemon and soon as you fix this thing, that thing breaks down. AKA 'throwing good money after bad'.
Lol rich coming from a progressive like you

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"Progressives" have been gone for a century.
And even if they were still around they couldn't possibly have anything to do with what I posted there.
Why do you always feel the need to lie?

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Why do you always feel the need to be a moron?

>> Progressivism is the term applied to a variety of responses to the economic and social problems rapid industrialization introduced to America. Progressivism began as a social movement and grew into a political movement. The early progressives rejected Social Darwinism. In other words, they were people who believed that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace.

Progressives lived mainly in the cities, were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change. Social reformers, like Jane Addams, and journalists, like Jacob Riis and Ida Tarbel, were powerful voices for Progressivism. They concentrated on exposing the evils of corporate greed, combating fear of immigrants, and urging Americans to think hard about what democracy meant. Other local leaders encouraged Americans to register to vote, fight political corruption, and let the voting public decide how issues should best be addressed (the initiative, the referendum, and the recall).

On a national level, progressivism gained a strong voice in the White House when Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901. TR believed that strong corporations were good for America, but he also believed that corporate behavior must be watched to ensure that corporate greed did not get out of hand (trust-busting and federal regulation of business). Progressivism ended with World War I when the horrors of war exposed people's cruelty and many Americans associated President Woodrow Wilson's use of progressive language ("the war to make the world safe for democracy") with the war. << --- George Washington University
Any more questions, moron?
It's gotta feel like the car owner who has a lemon and soon as you fix this thing, that thing breaks down. AKA 'throwing good money after bad'.

Oh, you bought a Chevy as well.
Anyway, I think it would be awesome if the RNC cut funding towards Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump. It would make it that much more awesome if by any miracle he managed to win the election. He wouldn't own them jack, and it would a solid indicator that the RNC needs a enema.

I think the enema is in the process as we speak... :eek:
But hey, they brought it on themselves. They had a chance to, in the words of a former FLOTUS, "just say no" at their own convention. They blew it. Now they've got to live with the consequences.

I had I think one Chevy. It blew a rod.
Yes and it can start with flushing out democrat Donald Trump

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yeah, getting rid of their nominee would certainly guarantee their loss. That sounds like a solid plan for the Democrats, and it is great to hear so many Republicans agree with them. Bi partisan cooperation has been hampered all this time because Republicans have pretended to be so different from their fellows across the aisle.

They're guaranteed a loss whether they hang with him or fire him. They could try to emergency-fix the nominee problem in hope of going down to a defeat with honor, but it's kinda too late to undo what's been done. Rump's residue is gonna require a lot of cleanup.
It's gotta feel like the car owner who has a lemon and soon as you fix this thing, that thing breaks down. AKA 'throwing good money after bad'.

Oh, you bought a Chevy as well.
Anyway, I think it would be awesome if the RNC cut funding towards Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump. It would make it that much more awesome if by any miracle he managed to win the election. He wouldn't own them jack, and it would a solid indicator that the RNC needs a enema.
and without the dem senate and republican house he will get jack shit done
Yes and it can start with flushing out democrat Donald Trump

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yeah, getting rid of their nominee would certainly guarantee their loss. That sounds like a solid plan for the Democrats, and it is great to hear so many Republicans agree with them. Bi partisan cooperation has been hampered all this time because Republicans have pretended to be so different from their fellows across the aisle.

They're guaranteed a loss whether they hang with him or fire him. They could try to emergency-fix the nominee problem in hope of going down to a defeat with honor, but it's kinda too late to undo what's been done. Rump's residue is gonna require a lot of cleanup.

I don't have any misconceptions that Progressives aren't going to have any fun talking trash on Republican Presidential Nominee Trump. I mean it isn't like they have anything worth saying about what the Democrats have to offer (or have offered for a long time). I mean if Americans want to fight with each other about which group of absolute losers they would rather have running the country, then what's a decent person to do other wave it all off. I guess some of us can be thankful we are not expecting anything from Washington, and making sure there are enough fixings for strawberry margaritas come November?

There is no way the RNC can fix anything at this point, they are stuck with what they have done to themselves after too long taking too many of their supporters for granted. Progressives are no different in that matter, but the voters they have taken for granted just as long are simply a little slower on the up-take, so we can expect Democrats to fair well a little longer.
Last edited:
and without the dem senate and republican house he will get jack shit done

I am pretty sure a retard like you has no idea how appealing the proposition of Washington getting nothing accomplished, that in the process further screws up our nation, sounds to a Conservative.
Getting nothing accomplished is better than whatever it is that democrats want to accomplish.
Yes and it can start with flushing out democrat Donald Trump

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yeah, getting rid of their nominee would certainly guarantee their loss. That sounds like a solid plan for the Democrats, and it is great to hear so many Republicans agree with them. Bi partisan cooperation has been hampered all this time because Republicans have pretended to be so different from their fellows across the aisle.

They're guaranteed a loss whether they hang with him or fire him. They could try to emergency-fix the nominee problem in hope of going down to a defeat with honor, but it's kinda too late to undo what's been done. Rump's residue is gonna require a lot of cleanup.

I don't have any misconceptions that Progressives aren't going to have any fun talking trash on Republican Presidential Nominee Trump. I mean it isn't like they have anything worth saying about what the Democrats have to offer (or have offered for a long time). I mean if Americans want to fight with each other about which group of absolute losers they would rather have running the country, then what's a decent person to do other wave it all off. I guess some of us can be thankful we are not expecting anything from Washington, and making sure there are enough fixings for strawberry margaritas come November?

There is no way the RNC can fix anything at this point, they are stuck with what they have done to themselves after too long taking too many of their supporters for granted. Progressives are no different in that matter, but the voters they have taken for granted just as long are simply a little slower on the up-take, so we can expect Democrats to fair well a little longer.

Who the hell are "Progressives"? Far as I know the last Progressive was Fightin' Bob LaFollette, and he's been dead 90 years.
Who the hell are "Progressives"? Far as I know the last Progressive was Fightin' Bob LaFollette, and he's been dead 90 years.

Sorry for your loss; I can breathe easier now he is dead I guess. It is a sad day for some now all the Progressives Liberals are gone. I would say I share your grief, but I don't.

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