RNC convention fact check LOL

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.


3.5% is about a 25% reduction from 4.7%. The last time the unemployment rate was 3.5% was in 1969. Were you even born yet?

As you know too, that 3.5% brought with it historic low unemployment rates for minorities which led to the greatest wage increases, especially for the low and middle-income workers in decades.

Busybee01, why do you demand just the opposite for your fellow Americans over the next four years? How is that good for America?
So? It was all part of a ten year period of job growth which started while Impeached Trump was still too busy crying about how never-impeached Obama was born in Kenya.

You need to wake the fuck up, sfb.

Leave it to Fox to not mention the Department of Justice also said there are rightwing extremists involved. And leave it to Fox to claim Antifa is being supplied by others leaving bricks for them -- bullshit that was debunked...


You need to wake the fuck up, sfb.

Leave it to Fox to not mention the Department of Justice also said there are rightwing extremists involved. And leave it to Fox to claim Antifa is being supplied by others leaving bricks for them -- bullshit that was debunked...

You are correct on one count (never thought I would say that)....Antifa brings their own bricks to their riots.

You need to wake the fuck up, sfb.

no evidence to back that up.
White supremacists are killing people

The assessment i refereed to in previous post was from the DHS, which found violence was from opportunists rather than extremists.
(It is not a difference of opinion. What was said at the RNC was lies. Demonstrable lies. THE RNC convention is dishonest.

Biden does not support single payer.

They are using racist dog whistles to claim that Biden wants to abolish the suburbs.

That was delivered by people who acted irresponsibly with a gun. Whether they should be charged with a crime is debatable but they are not heroes in any sense of the word.

The unemployment rate was 4.7% when Trump took office. Hardly a daunting task. Ronald Reagan pushed the unemplyment rate from double digits to 5%.

China's relationship with Biden and the recent intelligence assessment were clearly lies.

The idea that Trump has been decisive on the coronavirus is laughable. Trump has abandoned any leadership on the coronavirus and is responsible for cases that are still spreading.

Yes, Democrats do want to eliminate the suburbs and it was only President Trump's executive order that stopped failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's action.

As for Joe and what he wants...not important. Even the Democrats have said that they like Joe because he is malleable.

If a GOP speaker said "America is the greatest country in the world", CNN would call it a lie. CNN doesn't fact check democrats anyway.
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.
Washington (CNN) The Democratic National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with this week's Republican convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Republicans, that night combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the four nights of the Democratic convention.
Is this an edited version of a story where you simply replaced the reference to Republicans with Democrats? Are we seeing a thread about Republicans lying with a defense of a Republican openly and brazenly lying?
Are you drunk, high, or just completely lacking in any moral character? Are you blowing someone so you can litter USMB with this kind of trash?
hahhahahah--you don't get it!!!!!!
1. most of you liberals post nothing but babble [ opinions ]/etc usually without evidence or from crap sources --so I just switch the parties/race/whatever--hahahahahha
2. and the OP is babble crap = CNN!!!!! HAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAH
that's like the Volkischer Beobachter fact finding for hitler--HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
Fact check sites are fake news.

I've posted the evidence many times.
How's this bullshit bri??

WASHINGTON (AP) — Responding to an outcry from medical experts, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn on Tuesday apologized for overstating the life-saving benefits of treating COVID-19 patients with convalescent plasma.

Scientists and medical experts have been pushing back against the claims about the treatment since President Donald Trump’s announcement on Sunday that the FDA had decided to issue emergency authorization for convalescent plasma, taken from patients who have recovered from the coronavirus and rich in disease-fighting antibodies.

Trump hailed the decision as a historic breakthrough even though the treatment’s value has not been established. The announcement on the eve of Trump’s Republican National Convention raised suspicions that it was politically motivated to offset critics of the president's handling of the pandemic.

Hahn had echoed Trump in saying that 35 more people out of 100 would survive the coronavirus if they were treated with the plasma. That claim vastly overstated preliminary findings of Mayo Clinic observations.

Hahn's mea culpa comes at a critical moment for the FDA which, under intense pressure from the White House, is responsible for deciding whether upcoming vaccines are safe and effective in preventing COVID-19.

The 35% figure drew condemnation from other scientists and some former FDA officials, who called on Hahn to correct the record.

“I have been criticized for remarks I made Sunday night about the benefits of convalescent plasma. The criticism is entirely justified. What I should have said better is that the data show a relative risk reduction not an absolute risk reduction,” Hahn tweeted.
When the fact checkers have been vetted and proven to NOT be leftists, I'll give them a listen. Until then, they're every bit a liar as anyone else.

Trump supporters like you are in denial. The Democrats could take snippets of the RNC convention and align them with the facts and it would be devastating.
You know you cannot, so why make such a dishonest statement?
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
From your perch on the looney left I would hope that would be your conclusion.
As predicted, plenty of whining from the peanut gallery, but not a single viable defence or challenge of a CNN fact check being wrong, only endless whining.
Republicans must live with a hard cold fact, Trump has built his administration and campaign on falsehoods and lies. He and his supporters will be confronted with his falsehoods and lies every day until election day. The debates will be all about his lying.

You're really defending the integrity of CNN? Without searching back even ONE DAY. CNN censors THEIR OWN JOURNALIST!

In the same clip, they claim the victim in the shooting was unarmed. That was LIE, authorities refuse to say whether he was armed or not. He was fighting with police who were trying to arrest him on a felony warrant. He had a record of using weapons and no one knew what he was reaching for in the truck.

CNN Quickly Changes Accurate Chyron Describing Kenosha Protests as ‘Violent’
CNN quickly changed an accurate chyron describing the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as “violent” during Monday’s broadcast of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.

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I wonder how many people's votes are changed by these things.

They're essentially just propaganda-paloozas.

Doubtful that many hardcore voters' minds are changed either way.

I understand your great eagerness to claim that "they're (conventions) essentially just propaganda-paloozas". Historically, the candidate enjoys a nice bump immediately after their convention. As you know, that was not the case with the DNC. Whether President Trump does or not, remains to be seen. Don't you agree?

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