RNC convention fact check LOL

The convention will produce an avalanche of misinformation, falsehoods, and lies. Expect also an avalanche of whining and denials, but rarely will we see actually viable defenses. Even the preachers were lying on the first night.

and yet the best CNN could come up with is the vague term "dishonesty", which can just mean "I don't agree with you"
CCN prolly claims that guy's daughter didn't really get murdered.
She was white and deserved it.

You know that restorative justice is part of the abolish law enforcement movement
The convention will produce an avalanche of misinformation, falsehoods, and lies. Expect also an avalanche of whining and denials, but rarely will we see actually viable defenses. Even the preachers were lying on the first night.

and yet the best CNN could come up with is the vague term "dishonesty", which can just mean "I don't agree with you"

Those clearly are facts whether you like them or not. It was a lot more than "I disagree with you."

Then why didn't they say it that way?

All they do is frame differences of opinion as dishonesty, it's a shell game, and you approve of it.

(It is not a difference of opinion. What was said at the RNC was lies. Demonstrable lies. THE RNC convention is dishonest.

Biden does not support single payer.

They are using racist dog whistles to claim that Biden wants to abolish the suburbs.

That was delivered by people who acted irresponsibly with a gun. Whether they should be charged with a crime is debatable but they are not heroes in any sense of the word.

The unemployment rate was 4.7% when Trump took office. Hardly a daunting task. Ronald Reagan pushed the unemplyment rate from double digits to 5%.

China's relationship with Biden and the recent intelligence assessment were clearly lies.

The idea that Trump has been decisive on the coronavirus is laughable. Trump has abandoned any leadership on the coronavirus and is responsible for cases that are still spreading.

He does, he just won't say it. All Dems support it but won't say it.

He wants to remove single occupancy zoning, that will eliminate the concept of a suburb


Opinion and trying to make anything Trump did look bad

Dems love themselves some china.

All opinion, all spin,

Now of course, as always, go fuck yourself.

That is so much bullshit. That is nothing more than race baiting. You are the one expressing a opinion. Tell us exactly when Biden said that.

Joe Biden’s disastrous plans for America’s suburbs

The Biden Plan for Investing in Our Communities through Housing – Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website

Eliminate local and state housing regulations that limit affordable housing options and contribute to urban sprawl. Housing policy can be used as a tool to battle climate change. Many lower- and middle-income Americans are forced to live far away from job centers due to high housing costs, leading not only to workers being overburdened by long commutes and transportation costs, but also to higher greenhouse gas emissions. Biden will tie new federal investments in housing to a requirement that states and localities eliminate regulations that reduce the availability of affordable housing and contribute to sprawl. He will direct his Secretaries of Housing and Urban Development and Transportation to identify existing federal grant programs that can be amended by adding zoning reform as a requirement. And, Biden will expand investments in Local Housing Policy Grants to give states and localities the technical assistance and planning support they need to modernize housing regulations.

All this is simply code words to eliminate single occupancy zoning and lot size requirements.

Now take this and shove it up your ass.

The NY Post is pro-Trump. Their opinion means nothing. There is nothing wrong with eliminating regulations that limit affordable housing. That does not equate to low-income housing.

Take that and shove it up your ass.
Gotta laugh at this 'trumpdawg' built the greatest economy the world has ever know. I guess if they say it often enough they believe it maybe. Look at the trumpdawg economy now! Anyone notice that these republican broads aren't very sexy? Their smiles are kinda unnatural looking and forced? ....Like stepford wives. But then look at the pigs they have to sleep with.
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.

You do realize the lower the unemployment levels get, the harder it becomes to lower them further right?

Low unemployment results in a tighter job market, making the openings that do occur more competed for by the availible unemployed.

Trump had nothing to do with that. The trajectory of the unemployment rate was downward when Trump took office.

More opinion parading as fact.

And just to make sure you know how much I despise you:

Busybee takes it up the ass, doo dah doo dah
Busybee takes it up the ass, all the doo dah day

That is fact.


The rate was 5.5 in May. In August it was 6.2. October was 6.6. November was 6.8. December was 7.2. Jan was 7.6.


This was the trend when Trump took office. Trending downward.

Try again you lying little weasel.
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.
The lower rates started under Obama in 2014.
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.
why no lower than 4.7%? Trump figured it out. and you can't give him credit. And you, you mthr fking twiddle dee want me to give obammy credit. go fk yourself.

I have never given Obama credit for it. It happened on his watch and continued under Trump. The last President to have a measurable effect on the economy was President Reagan and his large tax cuts.
Another instance where Fake News CNN confirms a statement, then claims it is a lie.............

Xenophobic accusation
Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Joe Biden had called President Donald Trump a racist and xenophobe for having imposed travel restrictions on China.

Facts First: Biden did accuse Trump of "xenophobia" in an Iowa campaign speech the same day, Jan. 31, that Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced the Trump administration's travel restrictions on China -

The trouble is that Biden never mentioned China. Many of Trump's policies are xenophobic. He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced. Unless Biden got advance word, there was no way he could have known in time. I doubt that Trump would give Biden advance word.
I really like how Fake News CNN contorted themselves to call this a lie...........

An RNC video played during the convention contrasted President Trump as a "decisive leader" on coronavirus while suggesting that Democrats and media outlets "got it wrong" by downplaying the pandemic.

CNN doesn't quote any of the times Dimwingers played down the Kung Flu.........From Nazi telling everyone to come on down to Chinatown...........to DeBlimpo doing the same in NY..............to Cuomo saying NY was too prepared for it to affect NY like it did Europe............to all the idiot talking heads claiming Trump overacted because he is racist and xenophobic.

Nope, what did Fake News CNN do? They listed some quotes by Trump and ignored what the claim actually was............then said it was a lie.

Many people said things that was based on the best knowledge at the time. The trouble is that Trump continues to try and downplay the coronavirus. He attempts to rush vaccines and treatments into practice with no knowledge of whether they will work or even if they are safe.
I really like how Fake News CNN contorted themselves to call this a lie...........

An RNC video played during the convention contrasted President Trump as a "decisive leader" on coronavirus while suggesting that Democrats and media outlets "got it wrong" by downplaying the pandemic.

CNN doesn't quote any of the times Dimwingers played down the Kung Flu.........From Nazi telling everyone to come on down to Chinatown...........to DeBlimpo doing the same in NY..............to Cuomo saying NY was too prepared for it to affect NY like it did Europe............

Nope, what did Fake News CNN do? They listed some quotes by Trump and ignored what the claim actually was............then said it was a lie.
CNN has absolutely ZERO credibility... they are lying in the hopes their viewers wont see the truth... Nothing more than the propagandist arm of the DNC...

You have no credibility. You are the one lying however people see through the lies.
with a roster of the who the hell is that, and with no real message, the convention looks awkward and misplaced, very hard to watch, Democratic convention was 100 times better, trump not getting any help from this disaster, as he desperately needs...

The "who the hell is that" is precisely the point. You see, celebrities, career politicians and China First water carriers, don't have to worry about losing their job to China, an illegal immigrant or some big government that gets in their way. The average voter does.

Bring out all types and stripes. Media tried to win it for Hillary in 2016, they won't succeed in 2020 unless Biden gets 85% of the mail-in vote.
You have China on the brain. If China is hurting us so badly how did the unemployment rate ever go down?

The same voters who gave it to Trump are prepared to give it to Biden. That is why Arizona, Texas and Georgia are in play.
I wonder how many people's votes are changed by these things.

They're essentially just propaganda-paloozas.

Independents primarily I would imagine. If they really want to be selective with their vote, they pay attention.

I think most people's minds are made up. That is why both conventions suffer from low ratings this year. I don't believe the debates will be a major factor.
When the fact checkers have been vetted and proven to NOT be leftists, I'll give them a listen. Until then, they're every bit a liar as anyone else.

Trump supporters like you are in denial. The Democrats could take snippets of the RNC convention and align them with the facts and it would be devastating.
you have no fking idea what a fact even is. there is that. so, to your point. as long as facts don't matter except for yours, then indeed. no one would ever be right. right?

You are the one who has a fact free diet. That is what happens when you have to defend Donald Trump. You have to lie.
Gotta laugh at this 'trumpdawg' built the greatest economy the world has ever know. I guess if they say it often enough they believe it maybe. Look at the trumpdawg economy now! Anyone notice that these republican broads aren't very sexy? Their smiles are kinda unnatural looking and forced? ....Like stepford wives. But then look at the pigs they have to sleep with.
Blame it on the damn Chinese.
All the more reason Donald Trump stands out as the outsider.
He's not a politician, (R) or (D). That's why his popularity is growing, especially as the truth of Spygate begins trickling out until the October typhoon hits.,....
ha, ha, ha....

The truth will set you free.


except hitler wanted to confiscate guns, now which party is in favor of that?

NRA loving Trump or Biden wanting to take away the 2nd amendment.

Which set of kids are destroying other's property?

Antifa BLM demofk supporting hitler's or trump supporters?

Neither party is in favor of confiscation of guns. Military style weapons should be banned.
So? It was all part of a ten year period of job growth which started while Impeached Trump was still too busy crying about how never-impeached Obama was born in Kenya.
So why do candidates like Obama and Kamala hide their birth certificates?
The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.


3.5% is about a 25% reduction from 4.7%. The last time the unemployment rate was 3.5% was in 1969. Were you even born yet?

As you know too, that 3.5% brought with it historic low unemployment rates for minorities which led to the greatest wage increases, especially for the low and middle-income workers in decades.

Busybee01, why do you demand just the opposite for your fellow Americans over the next four years? How is that good for America?

The fact is that Trump had nothing to do with it. The unemployment trends were headed downward when Trump took office. We can see how clueless Trump is when he has to do it himself.
So? It was all part of a ten year period of job growth which started while Impeached Trump was still too busy crying about how never-impeached Obama was born in Kenya.
So why do candidates like Obama and Kamala hide their birth certificates?

You're brain-dead, birther. Obama released his COLB before he was president...


Kamala Harris' is also online...


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