RNC Convention Right-Minded(?): Go To Jacksonville, Quarantine For 14 Days Right After!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Characteristic of Republican Investment Banker outcomes: It just seemed normal to take the RNC Convention from North Carolina, and give it to Jacksonville instead--creating "Weeping and Gnashing Of Teeth!" Like running other people's investments, RNC leaves nothing to show for it. The Republican Governors even are passing crowd-size restrictions to keep the Trump Campaign from holding any rallies(?)! Mostly, comment in Miami Herald--"Who in their right mind will spend thousands of dollars to go to Jacksonville, to spend the next fourteen days in quarantine?!?"

It will be school-starting season, even!

They are that stupid, no doubt with lots of Fox TV News fact-checking in cut-aways from the events, (If any!)

Democrats will be using IT, instead--spending several weeks then explaining how IT works--To Republicans intending to vote Joe Biden for President, and why! There may even be instruction, for Republicans, about how to use a U. S. postage stamp--legally(?).

A "Why Vote For Trump?" question will already be on the record, and likely even asked in the Op-Eds--after the super-spreader riot. Homeland Security may even be sent to all the states where any are from, claiming some nature of violent illness protest! (Did anyone read the "Violence" word--apparently undefined at Homeland Security.) There are virtually no arrests in Portland, OR--And mainly FBI is investigating those.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, rarely gets reported or even mentioned economics texts or classes!)
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