RNC Dumps NBC Debate

You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.

And that's fine if they come to some sort of concession. But to give NBC the rule of the debate is suicide for the Republican contenders. Why should they participate on CNBC? What's in it for the Republicans when they can have a debate anywhere?

As far as I know, NBC has not offered any apologies to the contestants of the Republican party. Given the outcome, I think that's the least they could do if they want to remain an associate of the RNC.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.

Screw concessions. The Republican party should not put the enemy in control of their debates, period. The Party should cancel any debates to be hosted by the mainstream media. It should stage its own debates and give free access to the feed.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.

Of course it's relevant since they could easily get Reince Priebus canned. He's pretty close to getting canned right now. One more debacle like Wednesday night and that will be the end of him.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.

Of course it's relevant since they could easily get Reince Priebus canned. He's pretty close to getting canned right now. One more debacle like Wednesday night and that will be the end of him.
No they couldn't and as much as people like to believe Priebus has some kind of say in the questions the moderators ask or they act he doesn't could he do a better job in getting more even handed moderators maybe. You also want to be careful you don't start looking like the Democrats who are afarid to have any of their debates on FOX you do the NBC debate and if those moderators start acting the CNBC ones did then you have the candidates do what they did at the one bitch slap them down and call them on it not run from them.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.

Of course it's relevant since they could easily get Reince Priebus canned. He's pretty close to getting canned right now. One more debacle like Wednesday night and that will be the end of him.
No they couldn't and as much as people like to believe Priebus has some kind of say in the questions the moderators ask or they act he doesn't could he do a better job in getting more even handed moderators maybe. You also want to be careful you don't start looking like the Democrats who are afarid to have any of their debates on FOX you do the NBC debate and if those moderators start acting the CNBC ones did then you have the candidates do what they did at the one bitch slap them down and call them on it not run from them.

Yes, they actually can get him canned. If they get the rank and file riled up enough, Riebuses ass is canned.

I see nothing to be gained by allowing the enemy to run our debates. The sole aim of the moderators in Wednesday nights debate was to destroy the Republican candidates. Those kind of "debates" don't do the Republican Party any good. Fuck the media outlets. We don't need them.

We also don't need disingenuous advice from liberal turds.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.

Of course it's relevant since they could easily get Reince Priebus canned. He's pretty close to getting canned right now. One more debacle like Wednesday night and that will be the end of him.
No they couldn't and as much as people like to believe Priebus has some kind of say in the questions the moderators ask or they act he doesn't could he do a better job in getting more even handed moderators maybe. You also want to be careful you don't start looking like the Democrats who are afarid to have any of their debates on FOX you do the NBC debate and if those moderators start acting the CNBC ones did then you have the candidates do what they did at the one bitch slap them down and call them on it not run from them.

Yes, they actually can get him canned. If they get the rank and file riled up enough, Riebuses ass is canned.

I see nothing to be gained by allowing the enemy to run our debates. The sole aim of the moderators in Wednesday nights debate was to destroy the Republican candidates. Those kind of "debates" don't do the Republican Party any good. Fuck the media outlets. We don't need them.

We also don't need disingenuous advice from liberal turds.
How did that work out for the moderators? They are being royally trashed and the Republican candidates praised for how they delt with them all the Republicans needed to do to take advantage of this was learn not to take the bait and finally fight back against them if the debate moderators continue doing what the CNBC people did they will be the best friend the Republicans could ever have.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.
What talk radio host want is not relevant Republicans will use the leverage they have from the CNBC debacle to get NBC to kiss a little ass and make some type of concessions most likely on who the moderators are but it will happen.

Of course it's relevant since they could easily get Reince Priebus canned. He's pretty close to getting canned right now. One more debacle like Wednesday night and that will be the end of him.
No they couldn't and as much as people like to believe Priebus has some kind of say in the questions the moderators ask or they act he doesn't could he do a better job in getting more even handed moderators maybe. You also want to be careful you don't start looking like the Democrats who are afarid to have any of their debates on FOX you do the NBC debate and if those moderators start acting the CNBC ones did then you have the candidates do what they did at the one bitch slap them down and call them on it not run from them.

Yes, they actually can get him canned. If they get the rank and file riled up enough, Riebuses ass is canned.

I see nothing to be gained by allowing the enemy to run our debates. The sole aim of the moderators in Wednesday nights debate was to destroy the Republican candidates. Those kind of "debates" don't do the Republican Party any good. Fuck the media outlets. We don't need them.

We also don't need disingenuous advice from liberal turds.
How did that work out for the moderators? They are being royally trashed and the Republican candidates praised for how they delt with them all the Republicans needed to do to take advantage of this was learn not to take the bait and finally fight back against them if the debate moderators continue doing what the CNBC people did they will be the best friend the Republicans could ever have.

Why should they put themselves at risk? What if they aren't so adept next time? Do the Democrats have to maneuver through such obstacle courses? Of course not. Fuck the liberal media. We don't need them. I don't know who ever thought it was a good idea to let them run the debates in the first place.
NBC has showed who they work for. There is no logical reason for the Republican candidates to support them.
Here is all you need to think about when it comes to negotiating how these debates work. Would Debbie Wasserman Schultz ever allow this to happen to the Dem candidates during the Dem nomination process? Of course not. They even limited the debates and give the finger to anyone that disagrees.

These debates are for the Republican voters. This is not a general election. Why would potential Republican voters want to even watch debates led by liberal moderators anymore than Clinton supports would want a debate led by Rush Limbaugh?

The truth is that Trump is drawing millions of viewers that would never even think about watching a Republican debate with 10 people on stage they never even heard of before. The moderators are trying to steal the show in front of a huge audience. That's the bottom line. It is the reality TV formula. Get some fights going and get big ratings.
How are you suppose to have an HONEST debate when people from these stations WORK at the white house for this Administration , which are in the bag for the Democrat party. you can bet they had a hand in all of this. they are that SLIMY
Here is all you need to think about when it comes to negotiating how these debates work. Would Debbie Wasserman Schultz ever allow this to happen to the Dem candidates during the Dem nomination process? Of course not. They even limited the debates and give the finger to anyone that disagrees.

These debates are for the Republican voters. This is not a general election. Why would potential Republican voters want to even watch debates led by liberal moderators anymore than Clinton supports would want a debate led by Rush Limbaugh?

The truth is that Trump is drawing millions of viewers that would never even think about watching a Republican debate with 10 people on stage they never even heard of before. The moderators are trying to steal the show in front of a huge audience. That's the bottom line. It is the reality TV formula. Get some fights going and get big ratings.

Exactly. Admittedly, I didn't watch the Democrat debate, but I watched plenty of clips from it.

The Democrat debate was produced exclusively for Democrat voters. They discussed how much they hate guns, how much each candidate could expand the welfare state, how much more environmental regulations they would create to chase more jobs out of the country, how much more they would tax the rich.......

The Republican debate? "Can you tell us why you suck, and what you are doing to improve your disposition?" "Can you tell us why the person next to you sucks, and what they should do to improve themselves?"

I mean really. The questions and discussions for the Democrat debate were intended for Democrat voters while the Republican topics were for entertainment purposes only.

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