RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

Actually, Barry makes a perfect poster boy for what happens with mixed race kids. Father leaves before he is 2, raised by Mother who tries another race and finally gives the kid to her parents to raise. The kid is given all of the trappings of a wealthy little white boy and grows up to be an angry adult that only identifies with his father's race, all while throwing the woman (that was kind enough to provide his ungrateful ass a life)under the bus as soon as it was politically handy. Now uses the race of father he never knew to become the historic first "black" President in history.

What is the result if you are the white woman.......... stuck with a goofy kid that doesn't fit in anywhere, holds his mother and grandparents responsible for no relationship with his deadbeat dad, grows up with a giant chip on his shoulder that makes him hate half of who he is, gets immersed in drugs, becomes an anarchist and then makes deals with numerous devils to get into college, the state senate and finally the Presidency. He is now in a position to fuck up the country and people he hates........... all because his white mama fucked a stinking African.:lol::razz::lol::lol::lol:

So tell me, how is it living in a delusional idea of 1765?
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit
Actually, Barry makes a perfect poster boy for what happens with mixed race kids. Father leaves before he is 2, raised by Mother who tries another race and finally gives the kid to her parents to raise. The kid is given all of the trappings of a wealthy little white boy and grows up to be an angry adult that only identifies with his father's race, all while throwing the woman (that was kind enough to provide his ungrateful ass a life)under the bus as soon as it was politically handy. Now uses the race of father he never knew to become the historic first "black" President in history.

What is the result if you are the white woman.......... stuck with a goofy kid that doesn't fit in anywhere, holds his mother and grandparents responsible for no relationship with his deadbeat dad, grows up with a giant chip on his shoulder that makes him hate half of who he is, gets immersed in drugs, becomes an anarchist and then makes deals with numerous devils to get into college, the state senate and finally the Presidency. He is now in a position to fuck up the country and people he hates........... all because his white mama fucked a stinking African.:lol::razz::lol::lol::lol:

Boy, you really have a twisted view of Obama and the world..... I pity you..
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

No, but if the DNC did it on their Facebook page, it would. You guys seem to have a comprehension problem.
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

Five days and immediately after are two different things. Though Republicans being asleep at the wheel is nothing new. :eusa_whistle:
it was probably a liberal who posted these pics to make the RNC look bad.

there i said it. but i did not mean it.
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

No, but if the DNC did it on their Facebook page, it would. You guys seem to have a comprehension problem.

So are you claiming that the RNC itself posted the pics??

Absolute and utter HORSE-SHIT
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit
It wasn't that long ago the RNC railed into MoveOn.org because they had "political hate speech" in their user-generated content, that being a contest in which posters submitted an ad.
Gillespie, the RNC chair denounced it roundly. All the talkies and barkers high and low screamed. It was offensive, but it certainly wasn't the DNC doing it, in fact, as I recall it was denounced by most of the dem players, including DNC chair at the time.

It was a big story.

You would think after that, the RNC would be a leettle more sensitive to what users post on their site.
Not to mention that if you look up Republican National Committee on FB... you come up with NUMEROUS results for groups.... and it could be any one of them, spoof ones, etc...

This is such a bullshit story, stretching for any sensationalism
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

Clearly the picture was posted by RNC adversaries in an attempt to make them look bad.

But people like Lonestar and imposter-Soggy defending it as not racist is pretty damn funny, no?
By Daniel Tencer
Monday, October 26th, 2009 -- 11:15 am
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Perhaps no one noticed. Perhaps no one cared. But hours after a liberal news forum brought attention to a series of days old controversial photos on the Republican National Committee's Facebook page, the photos were finally taken down.

Among them was a picture of President Barack Obama eating fried chicken, subtitled with a call to prohibit interracial marriage. The photo's caption read: "Miscegenation is a CRIME against American Values. Repeal Loving v. Virginia."

Miscegenation refers to the "marriage or cohabitation between a man and woman of different races." Loving v. Virginia was a landmark Supreme Court case that, in 1967, struck down all of the US's laws against interracial marriage.

This is the photo as it appeared on the GOP's Facebook profile on Monday:


RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week | Raw Story

Now perhaps it was a troll who posted it, perhaps not. But it was left there for 5 days.

If the RNC can't manage a little thing like their own social networking site, how can they be trusted to manage a country?


Care to explain how that picture is racist?

Interesting reply....perhaps you would like to read the words. Interracial Marriage is against "American Values"????????
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

Clearly the picture was posted by RNC adversaries in an attempt to make them look bad.

I would give your a 50% chance of being correct. However....5 days?????

But people like Lonestar and imposter-Soggy defending it as not racist is pretty damn funny, no?

And there you have it folks...

Yep.. it's plain as day... liberals see racism where it doesn't exist.

Even if the the racist nature of the picture is debatable, the caption is not. That certainly gives the picture above a racist connotation. After all, why choose that picture if your motive is to argue an essentially racist concept.

I'd also put forward this for thought: Perhaps the fact that many Conservatives don't understand why the photo could be offensive is the reason that the Conservatives, and the GOP as a whole, are losing out with minorities.

Bullshit, there is only one reason minorities of all stripes flock to the Democrat party, they don't hold anyone accountable, they will accept you no matter how strange, immoral, lazy or sick you are. The Democrats don't just accept anyone, they promise freebees to everyone except white males of course. You can be a felon, a NAMBLA member, anarchist, communist, socialist, into beastiality....... whatever, the Democrats just care about your vote and will promise anything for it. Those damn Republicans only offer help for you to work on helping yourself...... fuck that, the freebees are much more attractive.

It truly amazes me that the republican party could allow this to be posted under their name.

As to the "Why would this be racists?" posts on this thread.

I think it proves the point
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

Someone will be adult enough and responsible enough to report it....maybe not in 5 sec or 5 minutes...but sooner than 5 days.

But then again, we aren't the RNC. :eusa_whistle:
Yep.. it's plain as day... liberals see racism where it doesn't exist.

Even if the the racist nature of the picture is debatable, the caption is not. That certainly gives the picture above a racist connotation. After all, why choose that picture if your motive is to argue an essentially racist concept.

I'd also put forward this for thought: Perhaps the fact that many Conservatives don't understand why the photo could be offensive is the reason that the Conservatives, and the GOP as a whole, are losing out with minorities.

Bullshit, there is only one reason minorities of all stripes flock to the Democrat party, they don't hold anyone accountable, they will accept you no matter how strange, immoral, lazy or sick you are. The Democrats don't just accept anyone, they promise freebees to everyone except white males of course. You can be a felon, a NAMBLA member, anarchist, communist, socialist, into beastiality....... whatever, the Democrats just care about your vote and will promise anything for it. Those damn Republicans only offer help for you to work on helping yourself...... fuck that, the freebees are much more attractive.

:clap2: Love it! So tell me, how long have you been posting on the RNC Facebook wall?
"With that sideshow going on, perhaps the RNC has forgotten to keep an eye on their Facebook page, where "fans"─members of the Facebook group─can upload their own images. It's hard to put words to just how appalling the above picture, which appears to have been removed in the last hour or so, is: the idea that miscegenation is an anti-American crime, combined with the racist meme of President Barack Obama eating fried chicken and reference to Loving v. Virginia─the landmark Supreme Court case that struck down laws banning interracial marriage─is pretty stunning.

The image was posted Tuesday, coinciding with news out of Louisiana that a justice of the peace was refusing to wed a white woman and a black man; Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal and Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu were quick to condemn the judge, while critics have pilloried Republican Sen. David Vitter for his tardy and tepid criticism."

More: More RNC Internet Follies: Racist Images on Fan Photo Page - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

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