Robert E Lee


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Is there an argument against this?

It's hard not to notice that in general, people who demand that statues be removed are fueled by emotion. They are not very attentive to factual details.
It's just bullying and using any excuse to justify it. Because they have no valid supportive argument
There are so many statues and monuments to Lee, because he was the one man that both the north and south could agree was a unifying leader.

This is what happens when we no longer teach history in schools. Polyfil starts filling the void.
Is there an argument against this?

View attachment 145583

D'souza is a phony 'intellectual' the right likes to trot out now and then. How convenient that this meme leaves out 'oh and he led an army against the United States, invaded the United States, and cause the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers. All for a group of states that wanted to preserve slavery.

Cons you are just looking for ANYTHING to support keeping all these images of slavery upright to continue to intimidate black people. You want to discuss Robert E Lee's life before the Civil War? Go to a library or a museum and knock yourself out.
Is there an argument against this?

View attachment 145583

D'souza is a phony 'intellectual' the right likes to trot out now and then. How convenient that this meme leaves out 'oh and he led an army against the United States, invaded the United States, and cause the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers. All for a group of states that wanted to preserve slavery.

Cons you are just looking for ANYTHING to support keeping all these images of slavery upright to continue to intimidate black people. You want to discuss Robert E Lee's life before the Civil War? Go to a library or a museum and knock yourself out.
Like it or not, this is part of America and our history.... I personally think arguing about statues is stupid. So many more important things going on
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. As a lifelong military man he had no need of slaves. He inherited a few of his wife's personal slaves when she died. Having no need of them, he set them free.

Yet, we punish Chinese guys named Lee.
Is there an argument against this?

View attachment 145583

D'souza is a phony 'intellectual' the right likes to trot out now and then. How convenient that this meme leaves out 'oh and he led an army against the United States, invaded the United States, and cause the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers. All for a group of states that wanted to preserve slavery.

Cons you are just looking for ANYTHING to support keeping all these images of slavery upright to continue to intimidate black people. You want to discuss Robert E Lee's life before the Civil War? Go to a library or a museum and knock yourself out.
Like it or not, this is part of America and our history.... I personally think arguing about statues is stupid. So many more important things going on

Yeah, why don't they just 'teach history' as it was.

If you don't understand why this isn't funny you are the problem. A college age kid talking to his roommates or friends in this setting is one thing, putting up statues to remind people 'who's in charge' which is why almost all those statues were erected is another world. And it IS serious business.
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. As a lifelong military man he had no need of slaves. He inherited a few of his wife's personal slaves when she died. Having no need of them, he set them free.

Yet, we punish Chinese guys named Lee.

WHAT?????? This right here is why we need more books and less looking at statues on history.

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