Robert F Kennedy Junior criticizes the war in Ukraine. Just like his Dad criticized the US involvement in Vietnam. The Democratic Party has hope


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Robert F Kennedy Junior has suggested that we are not in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons but there to prolong the war. Now you see it don’t you my fellow Democrats we now have a Kennedy back in action and how beautiful that is. Watch out Joe Biden watch out establishment Democrats and Republicans we’ve got Robert F Kennedy Junior and he’s making waves. It’s starting to feel really good again to be a Democrat to have men like Robert F Kennedy Junior to look up to let’s see his other positions but now he has the position on Ukraine that his own father took against Vietnam this is really great. Robert F Kennedy Junior has also told us about the danger of the Covid vaccine which science now backs him on. Another great thing this is what leader ship looks like this my friends its what FDR, JFK and RFK leader ship looks like.

I would like folks to look at the six minute mark of the above video to see a great Democrat Robert F Kennedy in 1968 speaking out against the United States involvement in the Vietnam war followed after that by his son in the modern era today speaking out against the United States involvement in the war in Ukraine.


Robert F Kennedy Junior has suggested that we are not in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons but there to prolong the war. Now you see it don’t you my fellow Democrats we now have a Kennedy back in action and how beautiful that is. Watch out Joe Biden watch out establishment Democrats and Republicans we’ve got Robert F Kennedy Junior and he’s making waves. It’s starting to feel really good again to be a Democrat to have men like Robert F Kennedy Junior to look up to let’s see his other positions but now he has the position on Ukraine that his own father took against Vietnam this is really great. Robert F Kennedy Junior has also told us about the danger of the Covid vaccine which science now backs him on. Another great thing this is what leader ship looks like this my friends its what FDR, JFK and RFK leader ship looks like.

I would like folks to look at the six minute mark of the above video to see a great Democrat Robert F Kennedy in 1968 speaking out against the United States involvement in the Vietnam war followed after that by his son in the modern era today speaking out against the United States involvement in the war in Ukraine.

:auiqs.jpg:You are still using Proven Fake News as link to something you really think worth saying? Some die hards just don't learn from FNC being force to pay for their lies, and propaganda.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
:auiqs.jpg:You are still using Proven Fake News as link to something you really think worth saying? Some die hards just don't learn from FNC being force to pay for their lies, and propaganda.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Sorry brother your response just doesn’t hold any weight. You’ve been responding to this point in the other thread.

And you’re doing the same play that you did in the other thread it doesn’t hold any weight. So you don’t care about Robert F Kennedy Junior I take it? He just gave a 5 1/2 minute interview summarizing is viewpoints on tucker Carlson why don’t you just watch was Robert F Kennedy Junior has to say or maybe you just don’t even care for the guy.
Sorry brother your response just doesn’t hold any weight. You’ve been responding to this point in the other thread.

And you’re doing the same play that you did in the other thread it doesn’t hold any weight. So you don’t care about Robert F Kennedy Junior I take it? He just gave a 5 1/2 minute interview summarizing is viewpoints on tucker Carlson why don’t you just watch was Robert F Kennedy Junior has to say or maybe you just don’t even care for the guy.
I will point out the same fallacy of that useless bunch, every time I see it. The simply are not a news organization, as you never know when they will lie like a rug for politics or profit as the propaganda team keep putting out as long as the sheep, don't mind getting fkd.
Say Bah,ah,ah,ah Frannklin
Some great points made by Robert F Kennedy Junior. He talked about how there is such a massive divide between the rich and the poor in America. Democrats stop caring about that today all they talk about is BLM and transgender issues. Robert F Kennedy Junior brought up the fact that over 50% of Americans don’t have $1000 to their name to afford an emergency. All the meanwhile we send $110, billion to Ukraine not about Ukrainians but as the secretary of defense said …. to exhaust Russia.

We are cutting welfare and food stamps of 30 million Americans by 90% as RFK Junior pointed out. What the hell is going on in this country…. sending all this money to Ukraine but not helping out poor Americans. To hell with that I’m so glad that Robert F Kennedy Junior is speaking up on these issues..

By the way the corrupt far left wing media like CNN and MSNBC is censoring Robert F Kennedy Junior. That’s the fake news right there they don’t give a darn about this country.

Over 15 million Americans lost their Medicare as pointed out by RFK Junior. Well my fellow Democrats we have somebody here we finally have a Democrat and RFK Junior to look up to…. What is amazing feeling truly a breath of fresh air and good news finally some good news for the Democrats.
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I will point out the same fallacy of that useless bunch, every time I see it. The simply are not a news organization, as you never know when they will lie like a rug for politics or profit as the propaganda team keep putting out as long as the sheep, don't mind getting fkd.
Say Bah,ah,ah,ah Frannklin
That’s OK buddy I got nothing wrong with you Im not into the personal attacks… i’m not gonna troll like you are apparently you don’t even care what Rfk Junior has to say. I guess you could just watch CNN where they do nothing about their anchor saying all white people have a virus. The constant racism from CNN.

And the fake news that CNN has put out about the coronavirus and the vaccines that they never apologized for. You just keep believing what you want man.

Go RFK Junior
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Robert F Kennedy Junior has suggested that we are not in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons but there to prolong the war. Now you see it don’t you my fellow Democrats we now have a Kennedy back in action and how beautiful that is. Watch out Joe Biden watch out establishment Democrats and Republicans we’ve got Robert F Kennedy Junior and he’s making waves. It’s starting to feel really good again to be a Democrat to have men like Robert F Kennedy Junior to look up to let’s see his other positions but now he has the position on Ukraine that his own father took against Vietnam this is really great. Robert F Kennedy Junior has also told us about the danger of the Covid vaccine which science now backs him on. Another great thing this is what leader ship looks like this my friends its what FDR, JFK and RFK leader ship looks like.

I would like folks to look at the six minute mark of the above video to see a great Democrat Robert F Kennedy in 1968 speaking out against the United States involvement in the Vietnam war followed after that by his son in the modern era today speaking out against the United States involvement in the war in Ukraine.

We're not fighting in Ukraine. Your Vietnam = Ukraine comparison doesn't work.
Sorry brother your response just doesn’t hold any weight. You’ve been responding to this point in the other thread.

And you’re doing the same play that you did in the other thread it doesn’t hold any weight. So you don’t care about Robert F Kennedy Junior I take it? He just gave a 5 1/2 minute interview summarizing is viewpoints on tucker Carlson why don’t you just watch was Robert F Kennedy Junior has to say or maybe you just don’t even care for the guy.

Because Junior isn't worth the time or effort. Anyone who hangs out with Steve Bannon and who gives aid and comfort to the Russians isn't someone any decent human being would be interested in.
I like Kennedy Junior because he is telling the world that the COVID vaccines are poison and are killing people! Good on him!

But I would never, ever vote demonRat.

To vote demonRat is to keep all those scum.....all those criminals don't need demonRats anymore!

No more Rats !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE
That’s OK buddy I got nothing wrong with you Im not into the personal attacks… i’m not gonna troll like you are apparently you don’t even care what Rfk Junior has to say. I guess you could just watch CNN where they do nothing about their anchor saying all white people have a virus. The constant racism from CNN.

And the fake news that CNN has put out about the coronavirus and the vaccines that they never apologized for. You just keep believing what you want man.

Go RFK Junior
Find a different source that is trustable in public. I have nothing against you. I just think your favored source is sh#t. Are they all you've got? That's kind of sad, but discussing your link in your OP posts or anybody else's is discussing the content of your OP. Suit yourself.
And the LEFT WING is in FULL PANIC here....

RFKjr vs Joe Biden is going to be a laughable landslide for RFKjr.

Time to get the broom ready for Gretched Whitmer....


I really like the fact that RFK Junior criticizes the war in Ukraine and criticizes the killer jab, the covid poison vaccine!

But I think he might make a great VP instead of a Prez :up:

Trump/and RFJ about that?
In 1967 there were over 11 thousands US soldiers KIA in Vietnam. More than twice as many as were killed in action in all of the Iraq invasion and occupation. In the year RFK was assassinated we lost almost 17 thousand. Furthermore it was the old Soviet Union and China who were supplying the North with the deadly weapon used to kill our soldiers and airmen.
I like Kennedy Junior because he is telling the world that the COVID vaccines are poison and are killing people! Good on him!

But I would never, ever vote demonRat.

To vote demonRat is to keep all those scum.....all those criminals don't need demonRats anymore!

No more Rats !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE
Many of today’s Democrats are demons Robert F Kennedy Junior is an old-school Democrat he stands for the workingman. I like what he is saying about the war in Ukraine and the Covid vaccine that is leader ship right there.
In 1967 there were over 11 thousands US soldiers KIA in Vietnam. More than twice as many as were killed in action in all of the Iraq invasion and occupation. In the year RFK was assassinated we lost almost 17 thousand. Furthermore it was the old Soviet Union and China who were supplying the North with the deadly weapon used to kill our soldiers and airmen.
That’s the cold war for you. Russia is not a communist country not even close. And nobody could ever forget the alliance of World War II between the Soviets, the Americans, the Chinese and the British Empire in the vision of the allies the big for to work together in the world after the war. You know what if FDR had lived on past April 1945 many have said there would be no cold war there will be a lot more peace.

And guess who stood up for America against the communist of those Cold War days…. The uncle of Robert F Kennedy Junior… John F Kennedy.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of RFK Junior speaking, well he certainly had great family members to learn from that’s for sure.

RFK Junior is one of the only Democrats of today who is like that great man above .
He might see an uptick in the coming weeks as older borrowers learn how Biden and the Department of Ed screwed them today with their updated guidance on the student loan payment count adjustments--the same people they had been touting for a year as the ones who would benefit the most.

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