Rocket Fuel For the Economy! America, Tired of Winning Yet ?

Hey America, Tired of Winning Yet? Winning like never before?

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Jun 7, 2018
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Trump: tax cuts rocket fuel for US economy

"If we do this, then America will win again, like never, ever before."

"This is gonna cost me a fortune this thing. Believe me, believe me this is not good for me."

"Companies are gonna bring back jobs -- Retailers, restaurants, manufacturers, grocers, contractors, support this plan...We have tremendous support for this plan, tremendous Because these massive tax cuts will be Rocket Fuel for the American economy"

In 2017, nearly everything investors touched made money.

Major stock indexes were up about 20% or more. Bonds turned in another solid year of gains. And the housing market was sizzling, with median home prices in Southern California up 8.2% from a year earlier to top the bubble-era high reached in 2007.

This year was looking to be even more promising. After all, big new tax cuts kicked in on Jan. 1 and were supposed to provide what President Trump called “rocket fuel” for the U.S. economy. Analysts expected that would help push an already soaring stock market to new heights.

Instead, 2018 has been a dud for investors across the board.

All the four major U.S. stock indexes declined at least 4.6% for the year through Friday — and they're poised to all finish with negative annual returns for the first time since 2008. And the poor performance was broad-based: nine of the 11 sectors in the benchmark Standard & Poor’s 500 index are in the red for 2018.

As interest rates rose, bond returns fell, with one benchmark fund down about 3%. Gold didn’t fare much better. And don’t talk about Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency whose value plummeted by nearly three-fourths.

Even residential real estate markets have slowed and, in some parts of the country, gone into decline.

For the first time in years, the best annual returns came from keeping your money in cold, hard cash and holding it in savings accounts, money market funds or certificates of deposit that have seen their interest rates rise from rock-bottom levels.

Just stuffing cash in the mattress, where its buying power eroded by the approximately 2% annual inflation rate, would have beaten the 7% loss incurred this year from a fund tied to the S&P 500.​

Almost nothing paid off for investors in 2018, as the bull market headed to the slaughterhouse

Republican prez: Wall Street isn't the entire economy!....What about Main Street?...Your boi sucks ass!

Democrat prez: Wowiw-zowie, lookit that stock market go!...Thank your lucky stars for two years worth of unemployment checks and food stamps!....Man, our boi is the bestest!
Trump did beat the record last year - market up every month.

However, bubble economy is not going to go on forever.
Again, this is why I am a conservative and not a Republican. Trump has said/tweeted a lot of reality stupid things. He is a bit like PT Barnum - a carnival barker and promoter. He called the rising stock market a bubble when BO was POTUS, and then he turned around and brag about the new highs after he was elected. Now he is angry at the Fed for trying to unwind the years of easy money and money printing which drove the malinvestment in stocks and other assets like real estate.

We are long overdue for a recession, which I fully expect to occur prior to the 2020 election. It won’t be his fault anymore than Clinton created the dot com boom and bust the first part of this century, but you can be sure he will blame someone else.

My hope- Dems impeach him, and in 2020 Nikki Haley gets elected.
started a few months back:
Trump launches early blame game on markets and the economy
The president looks to blame Democrats and the Fed for declines in the stock market. Analysts cite many other explanations.
By BEN WHITE - 10/30/2018

President Donald Trump is setting up a simple strategy if markets and the economy cool over the next two years: Blame Democrats and the Fed.

In recent days, Trump and his senior advisers have repeatedly argued that recent turbulence in the stock market reflects investor fear that Democrats will retake the House in the midterm elections next week. “If you want your Stocks to go down, I strongly suggest voting Democrat,” Trump tweeted Tuesday. And he has repeatedly bashed the Federal Reserve in recent interviews for its modest campaign of rate hikes.

The Trump campaign’s closing ad of the midterm cycle — using footage from the 2008 financial crisis — suggests that handing power to Democrats would bring back sky-high unemployment. “I think election risk is a big part of this correction,” Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic adviser, said in an interview. “The market doesn’t want to see an overturning of the business tax cuts or the deregulation or the energy boom. Until this is settled, it’s going to be hard.”

Economists and market analysts say these arguments bear little connection to reality.

Trump launches early blame game on markets and the economy

But, but, but, but... Oddball runs away from...

Trump thinks rising stock prices mean his presidency is awesome.

Opinion | Trump thinks rising stock prices mean his presidency is awesome. He’s wrong.
started a few months back:
Trump launches early blame game on markets and the economy
The president looks to blame Democrats and the Fed for declines in the stock market. Analysts cite many other explanations.
By BEN WHITE - 10/30/2018

President Donald Trump is setting up a simple strategy if markets and the economy cool over the next two years: Blame Democrats and the Fed.

In recent days, Trump and his senior advisers have repeatedly argued that recent turbulence in the stock market reflects investor fear that Democrats will retake the House in the midterm elections next week. “If you want your Stocks to go down, I strongly suggest voting Democrat,” Trump tweeted Tuesday. And he has repeatedly bashed the Federal Reserve in recent interviews for its modest campaign of rate hikes.

The Trump campaign’s closing ad of the midterm cycle — using footage from the 2008 financial crisis — suggests that handing power to Democrats would bring back sky-high unemployment. “I think election risk is a big part of this correction,” Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic adviser, said in an interview. “The market doesn’t want to see an overturning of the business tax cuts or the deregulation or the energy boom. Until this is settled, it’s going to be hard.”

Economists and market analysts say these arguments bear little connection to reality.

Trump launches early blame game on markets and the economy

But, but, but, but... Oddball runs away from...

Trump thinks rising stock prices mean his presidency is awesome.

Opinion | Trump thinks rising stock prices mean his presidency is awesome. He’s wrong.

So when do we start winning anyway? No one i know feels the country is doing any different than when Obama was pres.
Where I'm sitting, the job market is so good, people can actually choose where they want to work. Mobility, higher wages, the gas prices, I don't know about wall street, but things in the real world are looking pretty good.
Isn't it funny when the liberals start talking about the stock market and morals?

You can tell what their masters are feeding them by their cute ignorant hypocritical claims.
Marjet tanks as soon as Socialist, proto-Communist, America hating, anti-Trump and Free Enterprise democrats take the House
Marjet tanks as soon as Socialist, proto-Communist, America hating, anti-Trump and Free Enterprise democrats take the House
What to look forward to with democrats running the House. Obstructionism and sabotage and the treasonous press will blame it ALL on Trump tax cuts, just like they are and just like we have seen before.

Setting the Record Straight: Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform

Take note of what the democrat controlled Congress did in 2007 and 2008.

Please read the official archives.

This is what is happening now and here come the loser demented sheep on the left and the pathetic left wing media.
Isn't it funny when the liberals start talking about the stock market and morals?

You can tell what their masters are feeding them by their cute ignorant hypocritical claims.

Damn, once again irony is lost on the ignorant.

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