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Rocket To Mars ?......Why ?

It's some sort of top secret technology involved in that Mars landing. Military could tell you, but they won't.
I'm more interested in what someone CAN & WILL tell me. Without that, I still see no reason for excessive, wasteful spending.
i disagree....getting a vehical to an object 140 million miles away and then land on it and hopefully take off is a much greater feat....and the advances in engineering and physics and communications and other things would be immense......
Yeah ? LIke WHAT ? (in comparison to finding a cure for cancer and multiple sclerosis - and maybe even for such birth defect ailments like musculaar dystrophy or cebebral palsy)

Hell I think more police, firefighters, and spay/nueter clinics for homeless cats is more important.
all can be done and more ....get rid of waste and fraud and needless military operations in some 3rd world shithole.....and there is hundreds of billions of dollars....you might even have some money left over to feed the homeless......
Any money spent on space exploration is money well invested. Unlike the money wasted on entitlement programs.

If it is such a "good investment" let the Warren ButtFetts, Trumps, Rockerfellers, Kennedys.........Clintons........Musks' pay for it.
sorry, I am running out of money but possibly still have years left to exist.

If they balance the budget, cut GOVT, show surplus, then they can "play". Mushy Matt ain't going to vote Trump anytime anyway anyhow anyday.
i disagree....getting a vehical to an object 140 million miles away and then land on it and hopefully take off is a much greater feat....and the advances in engineering and physics and communications and other things would be immense......
Yeah ? LIke WHAT ? (in comparison to finding a cure for cancer and multiple sclerosis - and maybe even for such birth defect ailments like musculaar dystrophy or cebebral palsy)

Hell I think more police, firefighters, and spay/nueter clinics for homeless cats is more important.
Exploration is never wasted. Queen Isabella of Spain could have said that to Columbus. Why should I invest in THAT? We've got real stuff to fund. But look at what would have been missed if she had.
all can be done and more ....get rid of waste and fraud and needless military operations in some 3rd world shithole.....and there is hundreds of billions of dollars....you might even have some money left over to feed the homeless......
I sense you don't know the reasons why US troops are in Afghanistan or Iraq. Ever hear of 110+ NUCLEAR warheads in Pakistan ? Or ISIS threats to come to the US and detonate NUCLEAR bombs ?

A Mars mission is waste. (until someone can provide evidence to the contrary)
oh ok....i thought maybe it was some scientific panel or something....i feel better now....
A common sense question only requires a common sense answer - not a "scientific panel or something" :laugh:
many think space exploration is common sense too,especially with the advances it gives....cutting waste and fraud and ending useless wars is common sense too...
i disagree....getting a vehical to an object 140 million miles away and then land on it and hopefully take off is a much greater feat....and the advances in engineering and physics and communications and other things would be immense......
Yeah ? LIke WHAT ? (in comparison to finding a cure for cancer and multiple sclerosis - and maybe even for such birth defect ailments like musculaar dystrophy or cebebral palsy)

Hell I think more police, firefighters, and spay/nueter clinics for homeless cats is more important.
Exploration is never wasted. Queen Isabella of Spain could have said that to Columbus. Why should I invest in THAT? We've got real stuff to fund. But look at what would have been missed if she had.
Yes it is. Nothing gained from going to Mars. I'm on a library computer. Out of time now Bye
we can do both.....there is so much waste and fraud in many projects.....get rid of the waste and fraud and there is plenty of money....
The space (interplanetary) program is part of the waste. And 38 posts into this thread, no one has yet answered the title question. Not hardly.
i answered that.....you just did not like the answer i gave
I'd prefer to set up a working moonbase.
For what reason ? For what benefit ? (and to whom ?)
Its called practice makes perfect. How many rockets did we send up before landing but now why we're just going to up and go to Mars......ridiculous on its face, Plus you can set up surface labs....space station to send up rocket assembly modules so you dont have to waste fuel launching from earth.
Any money spent on space exploration is money well invested. Unlike the money wasted on entitlement programs.
False rationalization. Ask you folks to send back their Social Security checks. Tell mothers that it's just too bad if they cannot afford to feed their children, and then tell those children that it's their fault.

It's not the child fault at all, but the parent is at fault and should have used commonsense and not breed if they can not afford the child.

I agree with Predfan on this one...
Do you agree that spending on entitlements is wasted money?

Yes. You know what you get when you feed the poor? More poor.
Because we never fail to gain scientific knowledge and technological advances from space exploration.
The Moon and Sixpence

Fund those specific things instead of a childish Trekkie circus. If you wanted faster computers, you didn't need any useless goal derived from silly popcorn-munching movie fantasies.

Disagree totally.
all can be done and more ....get rid of waste and fraud and needless military operations in some 3rd world shithole.....and there is hundreds of billions of dollars....you might even have some money left over to feed the homeless......
I sense you don't know the reasons why US troops are in Afghanistan or Iraq. Ever hear of 110+ NUCLEAR warheads in Pakistan ? Or ISIS threats to come to the US and detonate NUCLEAR bombs ?

A Mars mission is waste. (until someone can provide evidence to the contrary)
thats not why those guys are there.....is that the reason Bush gave for going into each Country?.....i heard something different.....
Because we never fail to gain scientific knowledge and technological advances from space exploration.

This is the most common (and flimsy) excuse for space exploration. ho hum. You haven't heard the billion of times answer to this ?

"scientific knowledge and technological advances" (spinoffs) can come from ANY type of scientific endevour. Why not spend the money in a more useful manner (stem cell research, cure for cancer, multiple sclerosis , etc)

We are spending money on all of those.
Why did we go to the moon?

We advance. If we do not advance someone else will and we will one day be standing on a theoretical beach wondering what all those things are in the ocean.

Right now the popular liberal thought is to feed the seed corn to the poor because the poor are hungry
Any money spent on space exploration is money well invested. Unlike the money wasted on entitlement programs.
"well invested" ? HOW ? What's the benefit (as opposed to REAL benefits from other spending)

Scientific advances from space exploration.

Depends on the "other" spending. Entitlements are a complete waste of money, so is corporate welfare, so is money given to foreign countries. Infrastructure, and the military are the only non-wasteful spendings I can think of ATM.
Why did we go to the moon?

We advance. If we do not advance someone else will and we will one day be standing on a theoretical beach wondering what all those things are in the ocean.

Right now the popular liberal thought is to feed the seed corn to the poor because the poor are hungry

We could add a box to the 1040 form. Check here to donate $100 to the Space program. I would not check it. I am broke. If this is a "good investment" then I don't want the GOVT involved. They ruin everything. All costs end up 10000X. The Senators/Politicians are all funneling TAX dollars to their favorite businessmen. ENOUGH of THAT. DianeCrimescene has funneled billions to her husbands' business in NorCal.

Again........if this is so GREAT........then let the real "investors" chase it down.
Does anybody know why the Trump Administration thinks it to be a good idea to spend Billions$$ of our tax dollars, sending a rocket to Mars ? What could be the gain from an investment like that ? This is an important question since we're talking about a lot of money going out, when we have a $19 Trillion debt, and lots of other things needing money.

What makes this thing even more odd, is that at the same time this was planned, Trump was planning to cut the Coast Guard's budget by $1.3 Billion, which thankfully that bad idea has been scrapped, and the Coast Guard will now receive its full budget.

Feel free to input your top 2 suggestions of how else the Mars mission money could/should be better spent. There probably are hundreds of these.

What a great way to enable the progressives spread their values on a new world! Just think, instead of ruining a place that's already running well, they can start their own world and run it how they wish to!
Any money spent on space exploration is money well invested. Unlike the money wasted on entitlement programs.

If it is such a "good investment" let the Warren ButtFetts, Trumps, Rockerfellers, Kennedys.........Clintons........Musks' pay for it.
sorry, I am running out of money but possibly still have years left to exist.

If they balance the budget, cut GOVT, show surplus, then they can "play". Mushy Matt ain't going to vote Trump anytime anyway anyhow anyday.

I wouldn't mind privatizing space exploration, but the benefits are way ahead of the costs.

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