Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

The ceremony will not have the affect that it would have without a bunch of skimpily dressed harlots doing a chorus line "high kick" that exposes their shaved crotches in V-shaped panties like undergarments....maybe we should should call the whole thing off....after all, how can we have a party without whores???? Bill "drop trou" could attest to this and I know damn well that he is disappointed.....


Calm down.
And please, keep your creepy fantasies to yourself.

How about the high school bands who have refused to appear? What the RWNJ excuse for that?

And I shoulkd give a shit on whom does or doesn't perform for the next CEO of USA.INC because of??????

You are out of your league, little fella.......stay in the minor leagues tossing out lame flames because that is where you need to "thank: good advice (that an idiot like you should heed) is what I do....I'm a "giver".


Shouldn't you be busy making more tinfoil hats for the celebration?

He could get Mike The Huckster Huckabee to join in.

Great idea. I've heard that Nugent is working on a third chord to add to his repertoire. It should be amazing.


Just goes to show - He's got plenty of fans.

And bless his heart, President Jimmy Carter is gonna show.

Sadly, he former business partner won't be able to attend.

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

The ceremony will not have the affect that it would have without a bunch of skimpily dressed harlots doing a chorus line "high kick" that exposes their shaved crotches in V-shaped panties like undergarments....maybe we should should call the whole thing off....after all, how can we have a party without whores???? Bill "drop trou" could attest to this and I know damn well that he is disappointed.....


Calm down.
And please, keep your creepy fantasies to yourself.

How about the high school bands who have refused to appear? What the RWNJ excuse for that?

And I shoulkd give a shit on whom does or doesn't perform for the next CEO of USA.INC because of??????

You are out of your league, little fella.......stay in the minor leagues tossing out lame flames because that is where you need to "thank: good advice (that an idiot like you should heed) is what I do....I'm a "giver".


Shouldn't you be busy making more tinfoil hats for the celebration?

He could get Mike The Huckster Huckabee to join in.

Great idea. I've heard that Nugent is working on a third chord to add to his repertoire. It should be amazing.

Bulldawg!!! As I live and breathe!!! How and the fuck are ya? I haven't seen you post much since the Hitlery clown was smacked around......ya want a soda????

Hello Dale. Hear any new conspiracy theories lately, or are you still busy trying to combine all of them together. Kind of a unified field conspiracy.
I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

The ceremony will not have the affect that it would have without a bunch of skimpily dressed harlots doing a chorus line "high kick" that exposes their shaved crotches in V-shaped panties like undergarments....maybe we should should call the whole thing off....after all, how can we have a party without whores???? Bill "drop trou" could attest to this and I know damn well that he is disappointed.....


Calm down.
And please, keep your creepy fantasies to yourself.

How about the high school bands who have refused to appear? What the RWNJ excuse for that?

And I shoulkd give a shit on whom does or doesn't perform for the next CEO of USA.INC because of??????

You are out of your league, little fella.......stay in the minor leagues tossing out lame flames because that is where you need to "thank: good advice (that an idiot like you should heed) is what I do....I'm a "giver".


Last time I saw you,, you were leaving the board forever, never ever again to darken this doorway. So, why are you here?

And BULLDOG is right. Here ya go.


He could get Mike The Huckster Huckabee to join in.

Great idea. I've heard that Nugent is working on a third chord to add to his repertoire. It should be amazing.

Bulldawg!!! As I live and breathe!!! How and the fuck are ya? I haven't seen you post much since the Hitlery clown was smacked around......ya want a soda????

Hello Dale. Hear any new conspiracy theories lately, or are you still busy trying to combine all of them together. Kind of a unified field conspiracy.

How about the conspiracy that Russia conspired with Julian Assange and Wikileaks to reveal how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election from Trump after it conspired to steal the DNC nomination from Sanders by any means you need some details???? The best part was the indignant outrage by leftards for having a third party entity expose their plot.....their attempt at cheating was allegedly exposed by an entity that they claim "cheated"........seriously, you ca
n't make this shit up!!!!

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

The ceremony will not have the affect that it would have without a bunch of skimpily dressed harlots doing a chorus line "high kick" that exposes their shaved crotches in V-shaped panties like undergarments....maybe we should should call the whole thing off....after all, how can we have a party without whores???? Bill "drop trou" could attest to this and I know damn well that he is disappointed.....


Calm down.
And please, keep your creepy fantasies to yourself.

How about the high school bands who have refused to appear? What the RWNJ excuse for that?

And I shoulkd give a shit on whom does or doesn't perform for the next CEO of USA.INC because of??????

You are out of your league, little fella.......stay in the minor leagues tossing out lame flames because that is where you need to "thank: good advice (that an idiot like you should heed) is what I do....I'm a "giver".


Shouldn't you be busy making more tinfoil hats for the celebration?
View attachment 103697

You forgot the biggest and most successful scam of all time -

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

The ceremony will not have the affect that it would have without a bunch of skimpily dressed harlots doing a chorus line "high kick" that exposes their shaved crotches in V-shaped panties like undergarments....maybe we should should call the whole thing off....after all, how can we have a party without whores???? Bill "drop trou" could attest to this and I know damn well that he is disappointed.....


Calm down.
And please, keep your creepy fantasies to yourself.

How about the high school bands who have refused to appear? What the RWNJ excuse for that?

And I shoulkd give a shit on whom does or doesn't perform for the next CEO of USA.INC because of??????

You are out of your league, little fella.......stay in the minor leagues tossing out lame flames because that is where you need to "thank: good advice (that an idiot like you should heed) is what I do....I'm a "giver".


Last time I saw you,, you were leaving the board forever, never ever again to darken this doorway. So, why are you here?

And BULLDOG is right. Here ya go.


Please, by all means...find my post where I declared that I would never post here again......I'll wait......of course I have no doubt that limp-wristed purse-swinging trolls (such as yourself) wanted that to be....but alas, here I am.....kicking leftard ass and taking names. I added your name to my cyber peg board a long time ago....yet another vanquished leftard troll disposed of with minimal effort....yaaaaawn.

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Jake a heads up. You and others look like fools continuing the "orange" meme. He never was orange. Assholes in the media tinted him in the pictures. Any foreign publication not publishing an AP story always ran him the color he is. White. Very fair complexion.

Now as to the Rockettes. Sigh. Up and coming you can bet your sweet bippy their audiences will shrink. Pity. They are very good. I've seen them over the years a number of times.
I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Oh looky! Fakey thinks people shouldn't be forced to provide services against their consciences.

This must mean that Christian bakers don't have to bake gay wedding cakes and Catholic nuns don't have to pay for abortions.
And boedicca again commits a fallacy of equivalency. Show me DJT's civil liberties are violated by several Rockettes saying, "No, perv, you don't get to grab my pussy."
I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Jake a heads up. You and others look like fools continuing the "orange" meme. He never was orange. Assholes in the media tinted him in the pictures. Any foreign publication not publishing an AP story always ran him the color he is. White. Very fair complexion.

Now as to the Rockettes. Sigh. Up and coming you can bet your sweet bippy their audiences will shrink. Pity. They are very good. I've seen them over the years a number of times.
Good. They shouldn't be forced into it.

Perhaps they'll do it because they're not partisan zealots who are hoping for the worst, and because they would be honored to take part in such a historic event.

You know. Like decent people.

Nothing decent about the boy being sworn in...
What do you do for an encore, encourage rape victims to provide entertainment at the rapist's birthday?
I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Oh looky! Fakey thinks people shouldn't be forced to provide services against their consciences.

This must mean that Christian bakers don't have to bake gay wedding cakes and Catholic nuns don't have to pay for abortions.
And boedicca again commits a fallacy of equivalency. Show me DJT's civil liberties are violated by several Rockettes saying, "No, perv, you don't get to grab my pussy."

"No, perv, you don't get to grab my pussy."

Hopefully that doesn't apply to me.....

Sincerely, Bill "drop trou"...
P.S what do you do after licking a bald pussy? Put the diaper back on and hope that Hilary didn't catch me......yuk, yuk, yuk......
Good. They shouldn't be forced into it.

Perhaps they'll do it because they're not partisan zealots who are hoping for the worst, and because they would be honored to take part in such a historic event.

You know. Like decent people.

Nothing decent about the boy being sworn in...
What do you do for an encore, encourage rape victims to provide entertainment at the rapist's birthday?

Are you talking about me??? That's just slander, SIR!!!

Sincerely, Bill "drop trou" Clinton.......
What do you do for an encore, encourage rape victims to provide entertainment at the rapist's birthday?
The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

For a start I am not a leftie. Far from it.

Second, I HEARD him talk about grabbing women's pussies. His words. Not mine. Not yours. Having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he did 100 per cent say that, I am not surprised that a lot of women want nothing to do with him. Yet, you think a 'decent' person would perform for him. Really? I think a 'decent' person would not have degraded women. And I'm not even going into his insinuations about Meghan Kelly having her period. Sounds like you have lost your shit. Your point of view seems to be "yeah Trump likes grabbing women's pussies, but these stupid women should do the 'decent' thing. They should forgeddaboutit."

What a guy, Mac. A real good guy you are....
What do you do for an encore, encourage rape victims to provide entertainment at the rapist's birthday?
The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

For a start I am not a leftie. Far from it.

Second, I HEARD him talk about grabbing women's pussies. His words. Not mine. Not yours. Having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he did 100 per cent say that, I am not surprised that a lot of women want nothing to do with him. Yet, you think a 'decent' person would perform for him. Really? I think a 'decent' person would not have degraded women. And I'm not even going into his insinuations about Meghan Kelly having her period. Sounds like you have lost your shit. Your point of view seems to be "yeah Trump likes grabbing women's pussies, but these stupid women should do the 'decent' thing. They should forgeddaboutit."

What a guy, Mac. A real good guy you are....
Yeah, I'm big into rape.

Are you talking about me??? That's just slander, SIR!!!

Sincerely, Bill "drop trou" Clinton.......

I know what you mean. All those trials that Bill went through and got found guilty. Oh, that's right. he didn't...Try again. Harder...

Like George W Bush, the lesser? Bill "drop trou" is part of the protected class........if there was a video of Bill "drop trou" mounting a 11 year old and planting his seed? Leftards would swear up and down that the video was fake......that is how fucking blind that they are.......they make me sick to my stomach......
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