Rocks & Fruit Thrown At US Troops In Syria

This shouldn't be happening to our troops.

They deserve much better than this.

As a veteran of the Air National Guard, I'm ashamed of what our troops are having to endure.

Video appears to show US troops being pelted with stones and rotten fruit as they pull out of Syria
Would you want 1,000 Syrians over here in your town while they fought the Canadians? Be glad it's not grenades being thrown at them. The Syrians have no reason to kiss our ass.

I'm not asking them to kiss our ass.

I'm just pointing out the results of several administrations' very stupid decisions.

It's not those who actually sent the troops there who are enduring this. The people who caused this walked away without a care. It's the troops who were sent and now they are being demoralized.

Maybe they shouldn't have been sent there in the first place.

Maybe the bush boy should have listened. Maybe he shouldn't have invaded Iraq turning the whole region into a total mess. Maybe the bush boy shouldn't have disbanded the Iraqi military causing them to form isis in the first place.

And maybe, just maybe this move by trump that has basically freed isis fighters was an even bigger blunder.

That's just my observation and opinion.
Well, pointing fingers at this stage does absolutely no good whatsoever, Dana. I feel bad for the Kurds, and for all the ISIS women and children in prison camps because they can't be trusted, and for the whole damned flattened area and who has "won?" Seems like no one.
And you're right, the powers that be sit in the Pentagon in their offices protected by high security, but it's been that way for a long time, hasn't it? The days of the King riding out to war with his men, wearing a suit of armor, are long gone.

I see no problem with pointing out the consequences of very bad choices. That way people just might learn from them and it won't happen again.

That's just how I see things. If you make a bad choice. Accept the bad consequences then take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.

That's the problem with our society. We don't learn from our mistakes. In many cases people don't even want to know about the mistake much less take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Yes it's always been that way. It doesn't make it right. Why does it have to stay that way?

Why can't those who are actually responsible for the mess face the consequences for their choices?

The priorities of our nation are very messed up. We accept that it's ok to allow those responsible for a lot of very bad things to just walk away from what they caused.

Whether it's this mess with the Middle East and our military or the stock market crash or the opioid mess or any other blunder that happens in our nation, it just seems like those responsible for the mess walk away clean while the rest of us have to deal with the very bad consequences.

Can Americans finally learn?
I agree. They're there risking their LIVES and this is the ungrateful treatment they're receiving. They don't give the orders, they just follow them. It seems that Trump was right to pull them off the battlefield. Why die for those people?
Trumps decision to pull out in a way that killed many Kurds in a Turkish ambush is why our troops are getting humiliated. Do you not see that?
What I see is another traitor that cares more about another country than this one.
This shouldn't be happening to our troops.

They deserve much better than this.

As a veteran of the Air National Guard, I'm ashamed of what our troops are having to endure.

Video appears to show US troops being pelted with stones and rotten fruit as they pull out of Syria
Would you want 1,000 Syrians over here in your town while they fought the Canadians? Be glad it's not grenades being thrown at them. The Syrians have no reason to kiss our ass.

I'm not asking them to kiss our ass.

I'm just pointing out the results of several administrations' very stupid decisions.

It's not those who actually sent the troops there who are enduring this. The people who caused this walked away without a care. It's the troops who were sent and now they are being demoralized.

Maybe they shouldn't have been sent there in the first place.

Maybe the bush boy should have listened. Maybe he shouldn't have invaded Iraq turning the whole region into a total mess. Maybe the bush boy shouldn't have disbanded the Iraqi military causing them to form isis in the first place.

And maybe, just maybe this move by trump that has basically freed isis fighters was an even bigger blunder.

That's just my observation and opinion.
Well, pointing fingers at this stage does absolutely no good whatsoever, Dana. I feel bad for the Kurds, and for all the ISIS women and children in prison camps because they can't be trusted, and for the whole damned flattened area and who has "won?" Seems like no one.
And you're right, the powers that be sit in the Pentagon in their offices protected by high security, but it's been that way for a long time, hasn't it? The days of the King riding out to war with his men, wearing a suit of armor, are long gone.

I see no problem with pointing out the consequences of very bad choices. That way people just might learn from them and it won't happen again.

That's just how I see things. If you make a bad choice. Accept the bad consequences then take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.

That's the problem with our society. We don't learn from our mistakes. In many cases people don't even want to know about the mistake much less take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Yes it's always been that way. It doesn't make it right. Why does it have to stay that way?

Why can't those who are actually responsible for the mess face the consequences for their choices?

The priorities of our nation are very messed up. We accept that it's ok to allow those responsible for a lot of very bad things to just walk away from what they caused.

Whether it's this mess with the Middle East and our military or the stock market crash or the opioid mess or any other blunder that happens in our nation, it just seems like those responsible for the mess walk away clean while the rest of us have to deal with the very bad consequences.

Can Americans finally learn?
I remember when the hippies were saying that ol' Nixon and Breznhev should get in the ring and duke it out instead of sending our boys to Vietnam to die for their causes. For some reason, the leaders didn't agree.

I read The Report from Iron Mountain and I've never disbelieved it, although there has been all sorts of criticism of it since. It's true. Our economy can no longer exist without war to keep it energized. It's been this way for at least 70 years and we have had a steady string of countries to fight against ever since. Never on our own turf, so the consequences are nowhere near as dire as they are to the people whose forests are being napalmed and whose homes and people are being blown to pulp. It's quite handy that way. Orwell was right about that part, anyway.
This shouldn't be happening to our troops.

They deserve much better than this.

As a veteran of the Air National Guard, I'm ashamed of what our troops are having to endure.

Video appears to show US troops being pelted with stones and rotten fruit as they pull out of Syria
It was potatoes dummy...and you and the media call them valued allies?...buaaaaahahahahahahaha!!! Trump is right to get us the hell out of war mongers in line with the military industrial complex should be ashamed....Bring our troops out of there we are not paid clown...if you want to help the Kurds no one is stopping you....By the way...I count a handful of potato throwing ingrates...most of the population is going about their business and taking pics....idiot....
I remember when the hippies were saying that ol' Nixon and Breznhev should get in the ring and duke it out instead of sending our boys to Vietnam to die...

The Vietnam War was America's biggest mistake of the 20th century, but that's another thread.
This shouldn't be happening to our troops.

They deserve much better than this.

As a veteran of the Air National Guard, I'm ashamed of what our troops are having to endure.

Video appears to show US troops being pelted with stones and rotten fruit as they pull out of Syria

President Trump declared during the campaign he was going to stop these endless wars, so why is anyone really that shocked that he would do as he said.

As far as this rude treatment of our men, it shows me the Kurds are ingrates. How many more years do they expect America to continue fighting their endless battles with Syrians, Turks and Iranians, Iraqis, etc? They have been battling among themselves for aeons.
Screw those ingrates....... We owe them nothing, but we were therefor them, they are pissed because we are leaving. It was never an open ended contract, we were going to leave at some point and judging from their response we stayed too long.
Is it Kurds throwing rocks? Otherwise, I don't think that's why. Middle Easterners do not want us in their country any more than we would want them fighting here.

You're not very astute. According to the article, it's Kurds throwing the objects and they're doing so because they're angry that Trump isn't fighting their war for them. So, they take it out on our American boys, not that you care about them, of course.
You think they are angry that Trump isn’t fighting their war for them? Really? Where do you get that idea from?
Trumps decision to pull out in a way that killed many Kurds in a Turkish ambush is why our troops are getting humiliated. Do you not see that?

I don't believe you give a rats ass about the kurds!

Neither does the media or the politicians! It's just another thing for you to bitch about!
Why does it matter what I or the media think about the Kurds? Has nothing to do with this conversation
I agree. They're there risking their LIVES and this is the ungrateful treatment they're receiving. They don't give the orders, they just follow them. It seems that Trump was right to pull them off the battlefield. Why die for those people?
Trumps decision to pull out in a way that killed many Kurds in a Turkish ambush is why our troops are getting humiliated. Do you not see that?
What I see is another traitor that cares more about another country than this one.
Sounds like you need to get your eyes checked
Trumps decision to pull out in a way that killed many Kurds in a Turkish ambush is why our troops are getting humiliated. Do you not see that?

I don't believe you give a rats ass about the kurds!

Neither does the media or the politicians! It's just another thing for you to bitch about!

Slade3200 is one of the few on the left that has demonstrated a level of truthfulness. I don't know where his ultimate loyalty lies, but the loyalty of the vast majority of leftists on this forum is to the Democratic Party.
Some people simply resort to the personal attacks instead of the substance. Can’t really take those people seriously. I’m always down for a good debate... but gotta stick to the substance
The days of the King riding out to war with his men, wearing a suit of armor, are long gone.

Yet you consistently parrot the position of the Democratic warhawks.


Are you on drugs?

For all of the bush boy years you people were calling democrats the exact opposite. Saying that they were like Chamberlin and are holding hands singing kumbaya.

You accused democrats of cutting and running if they wanted to end the bush boy wars.

Now that we want those who did most of the fighting with isis to not be slaughtered you call democrats warhawks?

You use words at your convenience for your own political gain. With no care that words do have meaning.

You hypocritically will abandon your so called beliefs on a whim.

Your post is so totally ridiculous.
This shouldn't be happening to our troops.

They deserve much better than this.

As a veteran of the Air National Guard, I'm ashamed of what our troops are having to endure.

Video appears to show US troops being pelted with stones and rotten fruit as they pull out of Syria
I don't remember you being concerned when illegals were throwing rocks at our great troops on our border. No, you were demanding that they should illegally cross into our country. You don't care at all about our troops. You're just using them to fuel your hatred for Trump.
I agree. They're there risking their LIVES and this is the ungrateful treatment they're receiving. They don't give the orders, they just follow them. It seems that Trump was right to pull them off the battlefield. Why die for those people?

He should pull all of our soldiers out of the ME. Let the Muslim idiots kill themselves. Hell they have been killing themselves for a thousand year.

Bring our people home and let the assholes continue killing themselves.

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