Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

Bill Clinton wasn't President 09/11/2001 and New Orleans was overwhelmed by a natural disaster. That's why we have something called FEMA.

Was BOOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHH flying all those planes himself? Or did he just get CIA operatives to dress up like Muslims to stage the attack?

He said it for a reason.

And I am still waiting for him to point out my views and how they make me left of Pol Pot or fringe left at all.

Your views on gay marriage are radical left, for example. You are seeking to fundamentally change the definition of marriage. A definition that has existed for thousands of years.

You may not see this as radical. But it fundamentally is radical whether you admit it or not.

Though I don't know your exact position on abortion, if I remember correctly, it's likely pretty radical as well.

And just for the record, there is nothing inherently wrong with being radical. Being radical on a position doesn't mean you are necessarily wrong.

Being for gay marriage is not radical one bit. Being against it is. ;)
Being against it means that you want your religion to decide a right for another person. A right that is not defined in the constitution. In a nut shell you want the federal government to give your religious beliefs special privileges.
Wanting to deny someone a right is radical, wanting equal rights is not. That is where right wingers get in to trouble.

Slavery, back in the 17/1800's wasn't considered radical.
In fact, it was LEGAL.
So, you would have went with that, huh?

Missouri is forcing workers in Rodeos to undergo "sensitivity training" before appearing in state sponsored events. It sounds like Chairman Mao ordering citizens to re-education camps. Libs have pretty thin skins when they are on the receiving end of ridicule.
I am surprised by Avatar though.
He probably only thinks I am radical left because I support gay marriage. Lol

Yeah, couldn't be your radical views on Abortion.....

Oh don't you see. Her positions aren't radical in the least. It's those people who have the audacity to disagree with her who are radical. Why? Because they disagree with her.

Nevermind the fact that her positions on the matters mentioned challenge thousands of years of human history and result in the death of children. Those positions, apparently, cannot possibly be radical. But wanting to protect life, protect marriage, and stand for the Constitutional Republic that's existed for the last 200+ years is apparently extremely radical.

It doesn't make any sense to me either.
Should we also demand that Leno be fired now for his jokes about President Obama? Heck, the man has been joking about sitting Presidents for years. He clearly needs to go to sensitivity training just like these Rodeo clowns. It's not like they live in country with a law that protects freedom of expression or something.
Why do conservatives and republicans have such a difficult time admitting racism still exists? Elections are won my majorities not by all. Obama's election has brought back a level of vitriol unknown before now. George Bush had the country behind him after 911, Obama could walk on water and the right would scream and scream and....

'Race resurfaces in conservative protests against Obama' Race resurfaces in conservative protests against Obama ? MSNBC

'Harvard Study Claims Racism Cost Obama 3 To 5 Percent Of Vote In 2008'
Harvard Study Claims Racism Cost Obama 3 To 5 Percent Of Vote In 2008 | TPMMuckraker

Tea Party: More Signs of Racism? | Mother Jones

"I always defended the Tea Party against charges of racism. And then last week, someone with whom I am Facebook “friends” posted something extremely racist and I called her out on it. Immediately, her friends jumped down my throat, calling me a liberal and saying I wasn’t a real tea partier, despite the fact that I was one of 10 people on the first Tea Party conference calls back in January of 2009." ?Tea Party? is over: Ex-activist says racism, hypocrisy killed the movement - geargrinder2012

Why do conservatives and republicans have such a difficult time admitting racism still exists? Elections are won my majorities not by all. Obama's election has brought back a level of vitriol unknown before now. George Bush had the country behind him after 911, Obama could walk on water and the right would scream and scream and....

'Race resurfaces in conservative protests against Obama' Race resurfaces in conservative protests against Obama ? MSNBC

'Harvard Study Claims Racism Cost Obama 3 To 5 Percent Of Vote In 2008'
Harvard Study Claims Racism Cost Obama 3 To 5 Percent Of Vote In 2008 | TPMMuckraker

Tea Party: More Signs of Racism? | Mother Jones

"I always defended the Tea Party against charges of racism. And then last week, someone with whom I am Facebook “friends” posted something extremely racist and I called her out on it. Immediately, her friends jumped down my throat, calling me a liberal and saying I wasn’t a real tea partier, despite the fact that I was one of 10 people on the first Tea Party conference calls back in January of 2009." ?Tea Party? is over: Ex-activist says racism, hypocrisy killed the movement - geargrinder2012


sure racism exists

you need look no further than the POTUS, AG, NAACP, NOI, and a host of black churches.

good luck denying that
Missouri is forcing workers in Rodeos to undergo "sensitivity training" before appearing in state sponsored events. It sounds like Chairman Mao ordering citizens to re-education camps. Libs have pretty thin skins when they are on the receiving end of ridicule.

Sounds like Missouri's problem. Or is "states rights" bad now?
I am surprised by Avatar though.
He probably only thinks I am radical left because I support gay marriage. Lol

Yeah, couldn't be your radical views on Abortion.....

Oh don't you see. Her positions aren't radical in the least. It's those people who have the audacity to disagree with her who are radical. Why? Because they disagree with her.

Nevermind the fact that her positions on the matters mentioned challenge thousands of years of human history and result in the death of children. Those positions, apparently, cannot possibly be radical. But wanting to protect life, protect marriage, and stand for the Constitutional Republic that's existed for the last 200+ years is apparently extremely radical.

It doesn't make any sense to me either.

Kind of like me disagreeing with you so therefore I am radical?

You guys listed gay marriage and abortion, something many Americans agree with me. Other than two social issues, what else do you have?
I am surprised by Avatar though.
He probably only thinks I am radical left because I support gay marriage. Lol

Yeah, couldn't be your radical views on Abortion.....

Oh don't you see. Her positions aren't radical in the least. It's those people who have the audacity to disagree with her who are radical. Why? Because they disagree with her.

Nevermind the fact that her positions on the matters mentioned challenge thousands of years of human history and result in the death of children. Those positions, apparently, cannot possibly be radical. But wanting to protect life, protect marriage, and stand for the Constitutional Republic that's existed for the last 200+ years is apparently extremely radical.

It doesn't make any sense to me either.

I stand for the constitution, I probably stand for it more than you do which is how I know your religion cannot decide who can marry. Please show me where in the constitution it mentions God and defines marriage.
This is exactly the problem with the right. To you because I don't agree with you I don't stand with the constitution which is completely untrue.
On and FYI the Supreme Court ruled that under the constitution a women has the right to choose. ;)
Why do conservatives and republicans have such a difficult time admitting racism still exists? Elections are won my majorities not by all. Obama's election has brought back a level of vitriol unknown before now. George Bush had the country behind him after 911, Obama could walk on water and the right would scream and scream and....

'Race resurfaces in conservative protests against Obama' Race resurfaces in conservative protests against Obama ? MSNBC

'Harvard Study Claims Racism Cost Obama 3 To 5 Percent Of Vote In 2008'
Harvard Study Claims Racism Cost Obama 3 To 5 Percent Of Vote In 2008 | TPMMuckraker

Tea Party: More Signs of Racism? | Mother Jones

"I always defended the Tea Party against charges of racism. And then last week, someone with whom I am Facebook “friends” posted something extremely racist and I called her out on it. Immediately, her friends jumped down my throat, calling me a liberal and saying I wasn’t a real tea partier, despite the fact that I was one of 10 people on the first Tea Party conference calls back in January of 2009." ?Tea Party? is over: Ex-activist says racism, hypocrisy killed the movement - geargrinder2012


sure racism exists

you need look no further than the POTUS, AG, NAACP, NOI, and a host of black churches.

good luck denying that

Why would one "need look NO FURTHER"? Don't you think there is racism elsewhere too?
Your views on gay marriage are radical left, for example. You are seeking to fundamentally change the definition of marriage. A definition that has existed for thousands of years.

You may not see this as radical. But it fundamentally is radical whether you admit it or not.

Though I don't know your exact position on abortion, if I remember correctly, it's likely pretty radical as well.

And just for the record, there is nothing inherently wrong with being radical. Being radical on a position doesn't mean you are necessarily wrong.

Being for gay marriage is not radical one bit. Being against it is. ;)
Being against it means that you want your religion to decide a right for another person. A right that is not defined in the constitution. In a nut shell you want the federal government to give your religious beliefs special privileges.
Wanting to deny someone a right is radical, wanting equal rights is not. That is where right wingers get in to trouble.

Slavery, back in the 17/1800's wasn't considered radical.
In fact, it was LEGAL.
So, you would have went with that, huh?


The idiot is the one who just used the Slavery example.
And what are my views? Other than being pro choice?

As a pro-abortion advocate, what restrictions would you support?

a) Abortion needs to be extended past birth, at least a few days to ensure the blob is healthy and wanted
b) Abortion until birth - no questions asked
c) Abortion until birth - but restricted to health of mother reasons
d) Abortion up until the 3rd trimester - with no questions asked
e) Abortion until 3rd timester - but restricted to health of mother reasons
f) Abortion until the start of the 2nd trimester
g) Abortion until heart and brain activity develop - about 6 weeks gestation
h) No Abortion except to save the life of the mother, or for rape or incest.

We know "e" on down is out with you. I'm thinking "a" or "b"

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