Roe v Wade Falls. Can There Now Be Any Doubt Prayer Works?

Are you completely unaware of how enormously expensive it is to raise a kid? Another mouth to feed, another person to house and clothe. Medical expenses, daycare, etc, etc, etc. Of course conservatives don't care about such things. They only care that the kid gets born. If they can cause more misery and poverty, that's just tough shit.

Good luck getting 38 states to ratify an amendment completely banning abortion.
I've raised five, thanks. And it doesn't need to be as expensive as leftwing elites make it. One can take a page from Catholic schools which accomplish a great deal on a shoestring. You do things smart. You don't cave to pop culture, and you understand there are many things kids don't need.

My example is the 'juicebox' generation. These days when first graders are enrolled in a rec sport, at break time they all pull out expensive sugary juiceboxes. In my day when we got a drink during sports practice, it was at the water fountain. I sent water with my kids. In a thermos. Not bottled water. Not fricking juiceboxes. Tap water in a thermos.. If somebody makes noise about causing them to 'not fit in', I told them that would be the great hallmark of their lives. Not 'fitting in' for the right reasons.

For example medical expenses. We are members of a Christian health co-op. All our children were on our plan until they moved out. They don't pay for every little check up, but if you need an expensive procedure, they're there.

The Duggars offer a great video on how to be organized and save money. They raised a dozen and a half great kids.
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I've raised five, thanks. And it doesn't need to be as expensive as leftwing elites make it. One can take a page from Catholic schools which accomplish a great deal on a shoestring. You do things smart. You don't cave to pop culture, and you understand there are many things kids don't need.

My example is the 'juicebox' generation. These days when first graders are enrolled in a rec sport, at break time they all pull out expensive sugary juiceboxes. In my day when we got a drink during sports practice, it was at the water fountain. I sent water with my kids. In a thermos. Not bottled water. Not fricking juiceboxes. Tap water in a thermos.. If somebody makes noise about causing them to 'not fit in', I told them that would be the great hallmark of their lives. Not 'fitting in' for the right reasons.

For example medical expenses. We are members of a Christian health co-op. All our children were on our plan until they moved out. They don't pay for every little check up, but if you need an expensive procedure, they're there.

The Duggars offer a great video on how to be organized and save money. They raised a dozen and a half great kids.
are the Duggars Catholic????

didn't know that... doubting it...

The Duggars aren't Catholic, but they were and are an great example of a well-organized family.
they are not as well organized morally as they should be/could be bc not Catholic

that's the Church Christ founded... whether the whole world disagrees or not
Roe is officially gone. Against all odds. This is proof positive prayer works.
I have heard all my adult life "Roe v Wade is here to stay. It will never be overturned". And now it appears this great Supreme Court has decided to rid the nation of this scourge. America rejoices! What the leftists, atheists, and communists all failed to take into account was the power of commitment and prayer of millions of people. When you have a cause that is 100% right, and you have a mass of people working and praying to do something about it, such a force is immutable. It can never be overcome. Atheists don't understand motivation of the kind that comes from God.

Let me give you a smaller example. I collect in front a store for a charity near and dear to my heart one weekend each year. Nobody makes money off this charity. No employees. We're all volunteers. So I have a ritual. I attend early morning Mass, say a Rosary, ask for God to help me be successful during the day and to have stamina. So then I go to my post fully armed with confidence, knowing my cause is great, and I am able to stand in the cold and wind for 11 hours on end without a break. The next day I do the same thing. Attend morning Mass, say the Rosary, then collect 11 hours straight without a break. The reason I can do it is I am so engrossed in engaging the people, I don't feel cold, hungry, thirsty, tired, or have to go to the bathroom. And I do this two straight days. Where does my strength and endurance come from? My trust in the power of God.

And so imagine multiplying this strength of will and commitment by millions of people over years and decades. You have a force that CANNOT fail. And this is why the Marxist left does everything in its power to discredit Christianty and Catholicism. They want to get people away from such commitment. But they can't overcome God and righteousness, and people committed to those things.

Gay marriage is next, people. It's going down.
I don't know about that. Gay marriage is about the pursuit of happiness and free expression of their speech and for some, religion. Alito and others even said as much that this has zero to do with other things like gay marriage.
I have heard all my adult life "Roe v Wade is here to stay. It will never be overturned". And now it appears this great Supreme Court has decided to rid the nation of this scourge. America rejoices! What the leftists, atheists, and communists all failed to take into account was the power of commitment and prayer of millions of people. When you have a cause that is 100% right, and you have a mass of people working and praying to do something about it, such a force is immutable. It can never be overcome. Atheists don't understand motivation of the kind that comes from God.

Let me give you a smaller example. I collect in front a store for a charity near and dear to my heart one weekend each year. Nobody makes money off this charity. No employees. We're all volunteers. So I have a ritual. I attend early morning Mass, say a Rosary, ask for God to help me be successful during the day and to have stamina. So then I go to my post fully armed with confidence, knowing my cause is great, and I am able to stand in the cold and wind for 11 hours on end without a break. The next day I do the same thing. Attend morning Mass, say the Rosary, then collect 11 hours straight without a break. The reason I can do it is I am so engrossed in engaging the people, I don't feel cold, hungry, thirsty, tired, or have to go to the bathroom. And I do this two straight days. Where does my strength and endurance come from? My trust in the power of God.

And so imagine multiplying this strength of will and commitment by millions of people over years and decades. You have a force that CANNOT fail. And this is why the Marxist left does everything in its power to discredit Christianty and Catholicism. They want to get people away from such commitment. But they can't overcome God and righteousness, and people committed to those things.

Gay marriage is next, people. It's going down.
Roe v. Wade was based upon Bad Science, Bad Morality, and faulty reason and logic............the Truth and Science has finally prevailed over those who granted more rights to animals than to human beings.

Its as it always should have been............abortion is a topic for the people/states to decide for themselves with Big Brother having no Part nor Lot in legislating law from the bench where the constitution is silent on the subject. In fact the Roe v. Wade decision ignored the previous 200 years of legal precedent in order to make law from the bench. According to the US constitution (Amendment 10) the Roe v. Wade complaint should have been kicked back down to the state where the complaint originated.

DNA today more than proves that human life begins at conception....not birth.

If you want a national law making abortion legal..........Amend the Constitution. Its that requires a 75% majority to make such a national law, that's exactly why the progressives favor making law from the bench by the sound of a takes THE PEOPLE out of the loop and gives their right to an oligarchy of unelected civil servants, the best money can purchase.
I don't know about that. Gay marriage is about the pursuit of happiness and free expression of their speech and for some, religion. Alito and others even said as much that this has zero to do with other things like gay marriage.
Gay marriage is immoral. Immoral laws cannot stand and eventually don't. Gay marriage will go the way of Roe and slavery. To the ash heap of history.
Gay marriage is immoral. Immoral laws cannot stand and eventually don't. Gay marriage will go the way of Roe and slavery. To the ash heap of history.
Again, disagree. Alito wrote this and if you read all of Thomas's writings, the idea that the court is coming after gay marriage is taking what Thomas wrote out of context. I agree that gay marriage is immoral because of homosexual acts. It also goes against the plan of God as well. But, our laws, including the Constitution are secular laws based on Judeo-Christian principals of good living. Except, marriage isn't in the Constitution either. Where is marriage listed in the Constitution? This gay marriage thing should also be a State's rights issue. But, not based on immorality, just like abortion. However, there are other basic rights involved with adult behaviors of consenting adults in which gay marriage won't come up as one this court will overturn.
Again, disagree. Alito wrote this and if you read all of Thomas's writings, the idea that the court is coming after gay marriage is taking what Thomas wrote out of context. I agree that gay marriage is immoral because of homosexual acts. It also goes against the plan of God as well. But, our laws, including the Constitution are secular laws based on Judeo-Christian principals of good living. Except, marriage isn't in the Constitution either. Where is marriage listed in the Constitution? This gay marriage thing should also be a State's rights issue. But, not based on immorality, just like abortion. However, there are other basic rights involved with adult behaviors of consenting adults in which gay marriage won't come up as one this court will overturn.
Its THE PEOPLE that determine what is moral and what is immoral in such a free republic as is the United States of America. Its a simple concept........when the people are self governed, they by majority, even a simple majority can make law as is determined by the citizens of each state (if such a law is not in direct contradiction to the Contract drawn up among the people/state, the US Constitution). Every thing not contained as a guaranteed right in the Constitution (which in reality is a negative contract that places limits on the power and scope of a centralized government..i.e., the FED)..........belongs to the states/people of that state to make law as they determine .......SCOTUS has no authority to change the contract that is the US Constitution by simple opinion, what is not in the actual words of the constitution belongs to the people/states (Amendment 10).......not to a part of the Central/Federal Government which is SCOTUS.

In conclusion: I agree...........the laws of this nation even though based upon the Judeo/Christian philosophy are secular in nature (as is required in a truly free republic that has citizens of every faith, every culture etc.,) it can be no other way in a free society. The problem is..........immoral people make immoral laws and moral people make moral laws.

As a Christain we are commanded to obey the laws of the land (unless they conflict with your choice on how to serve God)....then God's law is paramount. Abortion even though Immoral to a Christian can not be forced upon the FREE PEOPLE of this nation on an individual platform.......if you don't believe in abortion, don't have an abortion if you consider it immoral. All one can do is to present the truth as presented by God in the Holy Scriptures......then those who hear are free to work out their own salvation or not. As far as I am concerned........abortion of any kind for any reason other than a natural happenstance is murder. Though shalt not murder or spell innocent blood. Its that simple.

When the government gets to the point they are no longer God's representative for good works (Roman 13:1-4) and attempt to force abortion on people that don't agree with such a law (such as is engaged in nations such as China when the government attempts to limit the number and sex of the children being born.....then and only then is it time to rebel in the name of God for vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

Again........immoral societies make immoral laws.......moral societies make moral laws such as is based upon the The Blackstone Commentaries on the laws of England (the basis for the majority of the rights contained in our founding documents and constitution). Blackstone has not been a cornerstone of US jurisprudence for almost a century now.........and it shows.
What caused Roe v. Wade to errantly become the law of the land in the first place? The infiltration of communism to the very root system of our society.........Communism in the 60s (an era labeled as the decade of love by the communist propagandists) actually seized control of one the major political parties in this nation and began an internal campaign to fundamentally change the United States of America from a republic to a social democracy (.........sound familiar as a campaign slogan of Barry Soetoro?)

FDR had ignorantly or blatantly (you choose)..........opened the door wide to communist infiltration with his NEW (communist) Deal where he attempted to rule the nation not according to the constitution or the voice of the people's elected representatives but by Judicial Opinion (he actually attempted to stack the court and add new members to SCOTUS in order to by pass congressional and constitutional regulation and precedent). Since that time period the communist footprint has grown from a toe in the door to the point that they are actually using a battering ram to the fundamental principles of this nation.

Reality........History Actual. The take over was so blatant the infiltration actually became a part of the Congressional Record on Jan. 10, 1963 (the first major obstacle was one Jack Kennedy..........guess what year he was assassinated?)

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