Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Cry more.

So, this is what you're reduced to when confronted with a person who has actually made the choice you have repeatedly criticized her for not making. She made the more painful choice. The actual, physically more painful, choice.

What's that about reality, again?
I'm not sure if you haven't been reading the thread, or you're just stupid.

The Left...calling for the killing of Pro-life Americans....what the hell is wrong with these people.. They want to kill the unborn, the just born and then anyone that opposes their bloodthirsty-ness.
This is no longer America.

The disgusting leftists have escalated their hateful actioms to unbelievable lows. First, it was bad enough when they heaped verbal abuse - you racist! you moron! - on those who wouldn’t support their political beliefs. Then they moved to various forms of “shunning” - a harmful psychological ploy - via silencing, banning, censorship, even loss of jobs or promotions. Now they have escalated it to threats of, and actual violence, and the latest….threats of murder.

These people have so demonized Trump voters - much like Hitler did to the Jews - that they feel entitled to abuse those who disagree with them. I “fired” my hair stylist a few months ago when I refused to agree with her that Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist who deserved life in prison. When I wouldn’t concur, she flew into a rage, screaming at me. I told her she just lost a client, and I haven‘t been back since.

The nerve of these people!
This is a foretaste of hell on earth Lisa558 To be the only sane person in a world gone mad.
Yes, sort of like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and you’re the last normal person.

Now I’ll have nightmares tonight that MSNBC has brainwashed every single person in America, other than me, and dozens of leftists are outside my house, threatening to kill me if I don’t convert.
I've been reading this thread and responding to it since last Monday.

You have anything else non-substantive to throw at me?

Then I was right, you're just stupid, or you're playing stupid.

Why is it you wish her to adopt children so badly simply because she's against abortion?

It isn't that I'm stupid, it's purely for lack of understanding your arrogance and ignorance of the trials of motherhood.
I guess I have to lead you to this by the nose. Anyone against abortion is, therefore, in favor of forcing unwanted children to be born. Yet, those same people never actually seem to do anything about unwanted children.
Progpatriot said:
Which administration? It has been pervasive across all administrations throughout our history. It is just getting worse It is the fault of capitalist greed and the lack of an adequate social safety net

oh stop. you know which one. tHIS one. UNPRECEDENTED.
I have talked to plenty of so called pro-lifers. They are mostly republicans who do not support things like which would provide an incentive to bring a child to term-even if unplanned :

  1. Health care for all
  2. Food programs
  3. Housing assistance
  4. Affordable day care and pre school
  5. Protecting the environment from pollution
  6. Addressing climate change so that there is a viable earth for those kids
  7. Addressing income and wealth disparity to preserve and strengthen the middle and working class
Nor do they support policies and programs that prevent unwanted pregnancies

  1. Meaningful and comprehensive sex education
  2. Affordable contraception
  3. Career and educational opportunities that provide an incentive to avoid pregnancy
The fact is that the rate of abortion is way down thanks to progressive policies and programs and it could be much lower if it were not for Republican obstructionism


Basically, I just heard, "You don't care about babies, because you don't approve of the government spending that I want, and that's the ONLY way to care about anyone."

Fuck off, and take your disapproval with you to someone who values your opinion.
Anyone against abortion is, therefore, in favor of forcing unwanted children to be born.

That is reckless illogic and wildly presumptive.

Who said Cecilie1200 wanted to ban ALL abortions? Are you mad that she wants irresponsible women to live with the consequences?

Furthermore, why aren't you in any rush to get a vasectomy? Because your position is just as hypocritical as you claim hers to be. If you want to be part of the solution, do to your body what you wish women to do freely. Remove yourself from the process that leads to the conception of a child. Sterilize yourself. With more sterile men, the women go un-impregnated, ergo fewer children born and less need to adopt. Are you prepared to do that? No?

Then cease your unnatural screeching with this fake argument of yours.

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