Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!



Is all he can manage.
Ah. Of course.

Even still, you aren't the tyrannical type and wouldn't force other women to have children against their will, as Jarlaxle was suggesting. Because you respect the sanctity of law and precedent. He apparently doesn't.

Obviously I wouldn't force women to have children against their will. Like I said, I have never in my life strapped a woman down and inseminated her. Have no plans to, either.

Personally, my ideal plans involve taking the tons of money the government shovels into Planned Parenthood and other butcher shops like them, and funneling it instead to organizations like crisis pregnancy centers and others that are set up to help women who choose to let their children live. And I hope someday pro-lifers won't have to expend so much energy just keeping children alive, and can focus that energy into things like reforming the foster care system, or cleaning up the adoption system so couples don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and years of their lives to give homes to children who need them.
Obviously I wouldn't force women to have children against their will. Like I said, I have never in my life strapped a woman down and inseminated her. Have no plans to, either.

Personally, my ideal plans involve taking the tons of money the government shovels into Planned Parenthood and other butcher shops like them, and funneling it instead to organizations like crisis pregnancy centers and others that are set up to help women who choose to let their children live. And I hope someday pro-lifers won't have to expend so much energy just keeping children alive, and can focus that energy into things like reforming the foster care system, or cleaning up the adoption system so couples don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and years of their lives to give homes to children who need them.

It pleases me to hear you mention crisis pregnancy and the foster care system. That is what we call consistency.

All we need to do is reform the system.
Yeah, and I do. I just know the distinction between preventing homicide and depriving someone of their 2nd Amendment rights.
May I ask if you know the difference, perchance?
In my opinion, steps should be taken to decrease the incidence of abortion, homicide, and suicide.

Human life is G-d's Creation which has paramount value. Some people believe that only the fittest have value. I disagree 100%. But I have Moderate Autism -- I am not one of the fittest.
Nope. Just doing to you what you were doing to her. Demanding you be consistent with your position.

Unless or until you get a vasectomy, your views on abortion or adoption lack any credibility whatsoever.

Sound familiar? It's the logic you used.
There was no point...the only woman I've been with since 1996 can't have children. Thus, the chance of accidental pregnancy is, exactly, zero.
In my opinion, steps should be taken to decrease the incidence of abortion, homicide, and suicide.

For abortion, be pro-life, as in, ban all medically unnecessary abortions as long the woman is healthy and can bear the child, hasn't been raped, or was forced into an incestuous sexual relationship.

As for homicide, look to parenting and family cohesion. Teach respect for the law and for other people.

As for suicide, advocate for reform to our broken mental health system.

(EDIT: I should have added "teaching self-defense and proficiency with handguns" as another means to combat homicide.)
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As for homicide, look to parenting and family cohesion. Teach respect for the law and for other people.

As for suicide, advocate for reform to our broken mental health system.
1) Provision and free mental health for all people in need should help reduce Homicide and Suicide.

2) Items like firearms and strong narcotics should be significantly restricted.

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