Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It pleases me to hear you mention crisis pregnancy and the foster care system. That is what we call consistency.

All we need to do is reform the system.

When I got pregnant with my daughter, I got my pregnancy test at a crisis pregnancy center. I remember how kind and considerate they were, and how much effort they put into calming me down and helping me think clearly about the future. I also remember how much help they gave me during the pregnancy, and all the other contacts they gave me for other help during the pregnancy and after the birth. Fortunately, I didn't need a lot of help from them, because I had family and a church who came together and supported me. But I know the center was prepared to take up that slack if I hadn't had them.
And I know they do all their caring for pregnant women and their children the REAL way, with money donated out of the pockets of pro-life people, not with taxpayer dollars from the government's slush funds.

Now that I'm financially stable and have my life in order, I donate to centers like the one that helped me.

That's the belief pro-aborts never hear, because they're too busy telling me what they "know" about me to ask me.
Yeah, and I do. I just know the distinction between preventing homicide and depriving someone of their 2nd Amendment rights.
May I ask if you know the difference, perchance?

I'm a big fan of preventing homicide by enabling potential victims to defend themselves, personally. This is because I know murderous, evil criminals don't become fluffy bunnies just because they don't have a gun handy.
Oh is that it?

So Cecilie should be just like your wife?

Please. What an utterly pathetic and misogynistic argument.

I'm not sure what his angle is, to tell you the truth. "We can't have children, so everyone else should view them as enemies invading their bodies"? No clue.

But the reality remains that, whatever else he is, he's a damned coward who whipped out his "Gotcha!" line that was supposed to shut down all discussion, and when he got an answer instead, he ran like a yellow bitch.
I'm not sure what his angle is, to tell you the truth. "We can't have children, so everyone else should view them as enemies invading their bodies"? No clue.

I have no idea where you came up with that...fever dream. Do you?

But the reality remains that, whatever else he is, he's a damned coward who whipped out his "Gotcha!" line that was supposed to shut down all discussion, and when he got an answer instead, he ran like a yellow bitch.
You don't like admitting your hypocrisy. It's fine...most hypocrites don't.

MY GOD...Forgive us. DC 501 abortions per 1000 live births. NO wonder that city looks the way it does and has leaders the way they are. And it is the office space to the most corrupt people in the world. Home to the dirtiest, filthiest, most corrupt police force in the US, maybe the world.

I don't know that this can be fixed. We are in for judgement unless something drastic happens in this nation.
I have no idea where you came up with that...fever dream. Do you?

You don't like admitting your hypocrisy. It's fine...most hypocrites don't.

I'm still waiting on you to quit running and hiding and tell me what this "hypocrisy" is, other than just a word you think means, "People who disagree with me, STOP POINTING OUT WHAT A LOSER I AM!"

Your woman can't have children. But here you are, sanctimoniously championing the so-called rightness of other women, who can have children, viewing the most wonderful aspect of being female as either a horrible tragedy destroying their lives, from which they must have the ability to distance themselves, or a dreadful nuisance they're grudgingly tolerating as a generous gift to others. It's not a huge deductive leap to think that maybe you're projecting your own bitterness onto others. I suppose I could have gone the other way and deduced that you were a self-centered cad who likes abortion so that men can use women for their own needs and then rabbit with no consequences to themselves. Which would you prefer?
I'm still waiting on you to quit running and hiding and tell me what this "hypocrisy" is, other than just a word you think means, "People who disagree with me, STOP POINTING OUT WHAT A LOSER I AM!"

Already stated it. You ignored it.

Your woman can't have children. But here you are, sanctimoniously championing the so-called rightness of other women, who can have children, viewing the most wonderful aspect of being female as either a horrible tragedy destroying their lives, from which they must have the ability to distance themselves, or a dreadful nuisance they're grudgingly tolerating as a generous gift to others.

Ok...I'm serious: I have ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING IDEA where you got this. It reads like a fever dream and has nothing to do with anything I posted.

It's not a huge deductive leap to think that maybe you're projecting your own bitterness onto others. I suppose I could have gone the other way and deduced that you were a self-centered cad who likes abortion so that men can use women for their own needs and then rabbit with no consequences to themselves. Which would you prefer?

Again, I have no idea where you're getting this.
Already stated it. You ignored it.

Ok...I'm serious: I have ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING IDEA where you got this. It reads like a fever dream and has nothing to do with anything I posted.

Again, I have no idea where you're getting this.

No. I may have missed it in all the frantic smokescreen of juvenile insults you hurled.

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