Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why is it you wish her to adopt children so badly simply because she's against abortion?

It isn't that I'm stupid, it's purely for lack of understanding your arrogance and ignorance of the trials of motherhood.

Part and parcel of the leftard mindset of tyranny and arrogance: They are so convinced that they know everything and should therefore control other people's lives and thoughts that they even feel justified in trying to dictate how people practice beliefs they don't share.

Weird thing is, even when people aren't otherwise leftists, they adopt leftard thinking patterns on any issue they agree with the left on. It's like a contagion.
Then I was right, you're just stupid, or you're playing stupid.

I guess I have to lead you to this by the nose. Anyone against abortion is, therefore, in favor of forcing unwanted children to be born. Yet, those same people never actually seem to do anything about unwanted children.
Anyone who is for late term abortion is a barbarian and can kiss my ass.
Then I was right, you're just stupid, or you're playing stupid.

I guess I have to lead you to this by the nose. Anyone against abortion is, therefore, in favor of forcing unwanted children to be born. Yet, those same people never actually seem to do anything about unwanted children.

Typical. "You must accept my premise as fact! THEN we can discuss on the basis of you agreeing with me!"

I'm not "forcing" anyone to do anything. Nature is. I have never in my life strapped a woman to a table and inseminated her. Prohibiting a woman from killing her child is no more "forcing" her to have a child than prohibiting her from killing her husband for the insurance money is "forcing" her to be married.

Furthermore, Mr. "Women's Champion Until Those Bitches Disagree With Me", if your measure of "doing something about unwanted children" is killing them - and it manifestly is - then you certainly have nothing to say to me or anyone else about "hypocrisy". I can't think of anything more hypocritical, not to mention polluting-the-world-by-existing evil, than saying, "I care about children being unwanted, so I think we should kill them and dump them in a landfill or incinerator instead. If you don't agree, you're not compassionate."

You have no fucking clue about what pro-lifers do or don't do regarding unwanted children, any more than you have a clue about being a decent human being instead of a bipedal virus. You've never asked. You've just read your talking points, patted yourself on the back because your masters told you you were a good dog, and then ASSumed.

My two children lived, and make the world better for being in it; they would be compost now if you had been in my place. Nothing more needs to be said on moral comparisons between the two of us, and you can take your attempts at condescension, condemnation, and whatever pride you mistakenly have in what you are, and shove them where the sun don't shine.
Tell us more about how you people are preventing school shootings and safeguarding the lives of kids after they are born

Tell US more about how YOU people are preventing school shootings. Because from where I sit, YOU are the ones currently in charge of public schools, not us, and you're accomplishing fuck and all.

As for safeguarding the lives of kids after they are born, let's start with the fact that WE support allowing them to HAVE lives after birth. We frankly don't NEED to say anything else to be way ahead of you on the subject.
That is reckless illogic and wildly presumptive.

Who said Cecilie1200 wanted to ban ALL abortions? Are you mad that she wants irresponsible women to live with the consequences?

Furthermore, why aren't you in any rush to get a vasectomy? Because your position is just as hypocritical as you claim hers to be. If you want to be part of the solution, do to your body what you wish women to do freely. Remove yourself from the process that leads to the conception of a child. Sterilize yourself. With more sterile men, the women go un-impregnated, ergo fewer children born and less need to adopt. Are you prepared to do that? No?

Then cease your unnatural screeching with this fake argument of yours.

Actually, I said I'd prefer there were no abortions. Left-thinkers lusting after tyranny are incapable of considering there's any way to do something beyond seizing power and forcing your will on people at the point of a government gun, so they ASSume everyone else thinks like them.
Actually, I said I'd prefer there were no abortions. Left-thinkers lusting after tyranny are incapable of considering there's any way to do something beyond seizing power and forcing your will on people at the point of a government gun, so they ASSume everyone else thinks like them.

Ah. Of course.

Even still, you aren't the tyrannical type and wouldn't force other women to have children against their will, as Jarlaxle was suggesting. Because you respect the sanctity of law and precedent. He apparently doesn't.
That is reckless illogic and wildly presumptive.

Who said Cecilie1200 wanted to ban ALL abortions? Are you mad that she wants irresponsible women to live with the consequences?

Furthermore, why aren't you in any rush to get a vasectomy? Because your position is just as hypocritical as you claim hers to be. If you want to be part of the solution, do to your body what you wish women to do freely. Remove yourself from the process that leads to the conception of a child. Sterilize yourself. With more sterile men, the women go un-impregnated, ergo fewer children born and less need to adopt. Are you prepared to do that? No?

Then cease your unnatural screeching with this fake argument of yours.
Thanks for that fat, hanging curveball I just launched into the upper deck: I started saving for a vasectomy at 15.
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Ah. Of course.

Even still, you aren't the tyrannical type and wouldn't force other women to have children against their will, as Jarlaxle was suggesting. Because you respect the sanctity of law and precedent. He apparently doesn't.
You're all over the place...what are you jabbering about now?

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