Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

What does that have to do with me?
Did I say something to offend?
What I said are just facts. I didn't know it even happened until I logged into the board. I was happily watching 911 and 911 Lonestar. They were good tonight.
Surely you are aware, I am a 67 year old retired guy, that never had, one and undoubtably never will.
Why would you be surprised or offended?
Been a surprising night.
Both the shows I watch were better than usual.
The decision coming out was unexpected and leaked, at that, which my happen all the time, but I can't remember ever hearing of it.
To top it off, I just saw my Brother in law and Sister in law on TV at the ballpark, both the Colonel and the Chief were looking good.
A special fuck you to Susan Collins today

Do you think Susan Collins is a blatant LIAR or just incredibly GULLIBLE?
Well, abortions isn't on top of most peoples list when it comes to voting. Right?

No. But let’s be honest. In a vast majority of races, the two candidates are steaming piles of shit. So anything you do to drop a little more fecal matter on one pile, means that more people will decide that steaming pile of shit is a little less stinky.

That is what happened in 2020. More people decided they could stomach the steaming pile of shit that was Biden over the steaming pile of shit that was Trump.

Also you really don’t want to make your opponents predictions come true. Since I was a boy the Democrats have argued that Republicans wanted to take away Womens rights. Now I’ve argued in the past that these doom and gloom predictions were laughable because nothing has ever happened. Now you have gone and made it true.
You are saying women get "emotional" I thought that was an urban legend......?

Majority of women oppose abortion republicans libertarians and most who support it are democrats thus not many change in the vote will happen.

80% of women support abortion. Even those of us who have never had and would never have an abortion believe it's the woman's decision.

The USA will now join a list of 127 countries which have banned abortion, and that list is entire made up of shithole countries, a group that the American right wingers are anxious to join.

IF this opinion turns out to be the court decision (a big IF) it does not take anything from women or anyone else, just turns the issue over to the states can always count on the left/demrats to lie like rugs.

13 states have trigger laws which will ban abortion the moment Roe is overturned.

The majority of women who are getting abortions are living at or below the poverty line, and 60% of them already have children. They can't afford to travel, take time off work, and go to a jurisdiction where abortion is legal. Rich women will get abortions because they can afford the travel. Poor women will have babies, or illegal abortions.

Your country continues to go backwards. Modern, forward thinking countries are legalizing abortion. The USA is in the toilet with the waters swirling, and you're taking rights away from women.

Yet another reason not to invest in the USA.
I'm too disappointed with you to say anything.

Well, you started with profanity...and can't explain how "good guys" stayed home on election day....

Perhaps just an "lol" is your best move.

When Dems vote, Dems win. When Dems don't vote...this is the result. You get invasions of nations that didn't attack us (Iraq in 2003), an absentee president during a pandemic, an insurrection attempt, and now, justices that believe is something called "super precedents" and now, a woman losing the right to privacy.

Gay and interracial marriage will be next on the menu of "non-precedents" and "let the state decide"...

You can blame the GOP all you want and you have fertile ground to do that. But I'd hope that you'd see that the Democrats allowed this to happen.
Misogyny is at the reptilian brain stem of white nationalism. It is not a bug. It is a feature.
80% of women support abortion. Even those of us who have never had and would never have an abortion believe it's the woman's decision.

The USA will now join a list of 127 countries which have banned abortion, and that list is entire made up of shithole countries, a group that the American right wingers are anxious to join.

13 states have trigger laws which will ban abortion the moment Roe is overturned.

The majority of women who are getting abortions are living at or below the poverty line, and 60% of them already have children. They can't afford to travel, take time off work, and go to a jurisdiction where abortion is legal. Rich women will get abortions because they can afford the travel. Poor women will have babies, or illegal abortions.

Your country continues to go backwards. Modern, forward thinking countries are legalizing abortion. The USA is in the toilet with the waters swirling, and you're taking rights away from women.

Yet another reason not to invest in the USA.
Fuck you satan
A few things:

1) First time I ve ever seen something like this leaked.

2) This will lose votes for the GOP. It’s stupid.

3) Yankees suck
I never heard of a SCOTUS leak before

it could hurt the GOP. But then again, it might not.

The Yankees have the best record in baseball and a 10 game winning streak. If that sucks, it must really blow to be you.
So what's next?

Will the left temporarily repressing their drive to murder children and switch to old geezeres in black robes?

But....."for the children.........."

And they'll think there's logic in that!
hillury should lead by example and conduct a very late term abortion on herself using a chainsaw.... send a powerful message that this isn't political theater.... this shit's real.

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