Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

There is another bombshell report coming:

Sources close to the SCOTUS suggest that the landmark case known as Dred Scott v. John F.A. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857) might not have precedential value either.

Hey. Sometimes shit-ass decisions just need to get scuttled.
Here's the thing A$$hat. If you believe that abortion is wrong, you don't have to get an abortion. That's what CHOICE means.

It's a really simple concept whereby you act in accordance with your personal beliefs, religion and morality. If you believe abortion is a sin, then don't commit the sin. But you don't get to tell me, or anyone else what we can do based on YOUR beliefs.

I live in a country where abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. There are no abortion laws at all. Furthermore, the government pays for your abortion, so it's free. Free abortions for any woman who wants one. And we have half the number of abortions in Canada, than American have, on a per capita basis.

You're not preventing abortions by banning them. You're harming women, and you're harming their children.

The babies don’t get a choice, stupid.
The name itself is drawn from a tribe of Native American Indians

IE The Lakota Sioux and etc.
I was under the impression that Tribe is some kind
of legal eagle nutbag.Like listening to Lawrence Tribe today
is like undertaking a course monitored by Karl Popper.
Who said ... " It is impossible to speak in such a way that
you cannot be misunderstood. "
I guess that Explains the introduction of Bidens new
and Improved Ministry of Truth.
So as Not to confuse todays high school freshman
when undertaking George Orwell's ... - Animal Farm -.
That it ain't no Zoo.
It will hurt the GOP. If you’re going to do this wait til Dec 22. Yankees will choke like they did in 2004. Biggest choke in baseball history.
It might help the GOP. BUT, I would assume that the leaker is a libtard who assumes it will hurt the GOP. SO, of course they didn’t wait.

And the Yankees (if they stay healthy) will do just fine as they have so many times in the past. Suck on it.
It might help the GOP. BUT, I would assume that the leaker is a libtard who assumes it will hurt the GOP. SO, of course they didn’t wait.

And the Yankees (if they stay healthy) will do just fine as they have so many times in the past. Suck on it.
Why not wait til Dec 22?! Of course idiot Biden will go over the top and forgive college debt. The idiocy in the WH is unprecedented. Almost as dumb was giving all that money to ARod and Ellsbury.
It might help the GOP. BUT, I would assume that the leaker is a libtard who assumes it will hurt the GOP. SO, of course they didn’t wait.

And the Yankees (if they stay healthy) will do just fine as they have so many times in the past. Suck on it.
You think? I figure it was somebody working for the conservative side, knowing conservatives would be tickled sh#tless to hear it, like Christmas in May.
What does that have to do with me?
Did I say something to offend?
What I said are just facts. I didn't know it even happened until I logged into the board. I was happily watching 911 and 911 Lonestar. They were good tonight.
Surely you are aware, I am a 67 year old retired guy, that never had, one and undoubtably never will.
Why would you be surprised or offended?
Been a surprising night.
Both the shows I watch were better than usual.
The decision coming out was unexpected and leaked, at that, which my happen all the time, but I can't remember ever hearing of it.
To top it off, I just saw my Brother in law and Sister in law on TV at the ballpark, both the Colonel and the Chief were looking good.
Let me take a wild stab here.
Yer buckin' for some kind of promotion.
Pay raise.New cubicle and coffee maker.
Maybe by fall yer own junior executive washroom key.
Why not wait til Dec 22?! Of course idiot Biden will go over the top and forgive college debt. The idiocy in the WH is unprecedented. Almost as dumb was giving all that money to ARod and Ellsbury.
How weak is your weak sauce? It’s like diluted buttermilk. Brandon is an idiot. The Yankees are terrific.
You think? I figure it was somebody working for the conservative side, knowing conservatives would be tickled sh#tless to hear it, like Christmas in May.
Doubtful. The decision is expected in June. Christmas in June is good enough. So, no. I think some liberal released it to generate liberal cacophony ahead of the official decision. Maybe persuade a conservative to get all weak in the knees.

It’s bad enough that CJ Roberts is such a total wussy. .
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Let me take a wild stab here.
Yer buckin' for some kind of promotion.
Pay raise.New cubicle and coffee maker.
Maybe by fall yer own junior executive washroom key.
Been retired for 7 years, I just aged well from living right. Mostly been bucking to get the pool open and lawnmower repaired. Pool's good, only needed 10 lb of Alkalinity Increaser and some more stabilizer for the sock in the skimmer, temp up to 72 and climbing. The friggin USPS lost the pulleys and drive belt, I ordered for the mower, but I'm dealing with it and thinking of getting the kayak wet next weekend as expecting rain this week. Just look at that smiling face and guess how much this is actually effecting.:D
How weak is your weak sauce? It’s like diluted buttermilk. Brandon is an idiot. The Yankees are terrific.

Doubtful. The decision is expected in June. Christmas in June is good enough. So, no. I think some library releases it to generate liberal cacophony ahead of the official decision. Maybe persuade a conservative to get all weak in the knees.

It’s bad enough that CJ Roberts is such a total wussy. .
That's a good point, about early release before official to exert pressure before it become official. That's the Supremes problem as it came out of their chambers. Politically speaking, the primaries around here are tomorrow morning, so it won't effect that. I don't think it will affect the general here in August, but of course, I am in TN.

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